- # For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
- # rs_machine_input_chirho
- A command-line application designed to synchronize computer resource information with a remote database.
- ## Features
- - Collects system information from Linux, Windows, and macOS machines
- - Sends data to a remote server using a REST API
- - Stores information in a SQLite database
- ## Installation
- To install `rs_machine_input_chirho`, you need to have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. Then, you can install it using:
- ```bash
- cargo install rs_machine_input_chirho
- ```
- ## Usage
- 1. Set up the server-side database:
- ```bash
- sql_chirho/createdb_chirho.sh
- ```
- 2. Configure environment variables:
- - Copy `dot.env_chirho.sample_chirho` to `.env_chirho` on both client and server
- - Edit the `.env_chirho` file to set the appropriate values
- 3. if desired to change from the default 8870 set the server port:
- ```bash
- export ROCKET_PORT=<your_desired_port>
- ```
- 4. Run the application as a server:
- ```bash
- rs_machine_input_chirho
- ```
- or run as a client providing the destination server url
- ```bash
- rs_machine_input_chirho --cli-url-chirho <server_url>
- ```
- ## Development
- To contribute to this project:
- 1. Clone the repository
- 2. Install dependencies: `cargo build`
- 3. Run tests: `cargo test`
- 4. Submit a pull request with your changes
- ## Development Configuration
- The application uses a `rocket.toml` file for server configuration. You can modify this file to change server settings like address, port, and database URL.
- ## License
- This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
- ## Contact
- For any questions or issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
- ## A Message of Hope, The Gospel
- At the heart of the Christian faith lies a message of hope and love: God, in His infinite love,
- sent His Son Jesus Christ to bridge the gap between humanity and Himself.
- Through Jesus' life, death on the cross, and resurrection, He offers forgiveness of
- sins and eternal life to all who believe in Him. This gift of salvation is freely available
- to everyone who puts their trust in Jesus, regardless of their past or present circumstances.
- As John 3:16 beautifully states, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
- that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." He is alive and still does
- miracles and hasn't changed. If you seek Him, you will find Him. He is a prayer away.