For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
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  1. <?php
  2. /** PHPExcel root directory */
  3. if (!defined('PHPEXCEL_ROOT')) {
  4. /**
  5. * @ignore
  6. */
  7. define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../');
  8. require(PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Autoloader.php');
  9. }
  10. /**
  11. * PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
  12. *
  13. * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015 PHPExcel
  14. *
  15. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  16. * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  17. * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  18. * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  19. *
  20. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  21. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  23. * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  24. *
  25. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  26. * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  27. * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
  28. *
  29. * @category PHPExcel
  30. * @package PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
  31. * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2015 PHPExcel (
  32. * @license LGPL
  33. * @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE##
  34. */
  35. // Original file header of ParseXL (used as the base for this class):
  36. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. // Adapted from Excel_Spreadsheet_Reader developed by users bizon153,
  38. // trex005, and mmp11 (
  39. //
  40. // Primary changes made by canyoncasa (dvc) for ParseXL 1.00 ...
  41. // Modelled moreso after Perl Excel Parse/Write modules
  42. // Added Parse_Excel_Spreadsheet object
  43. // Reads a whole worksheet or tab as row,column array or as
  44. // associated hash of indexed rows and named column fields
  45. // Added variables for worksheet (tab) indexes and names
  46. // Added an object call for loading individual woorksheets
  47. // Changed default indexing defaults to 0 based arrays
  48. // Fixed date/time and percent formats
  49. // Includes patches found at SourceForge...
  50. // unicode patch by nobody
  51. // unpack("d") machine depedency patch by matchy
  52. // boundsheet utf16 patch by bjaenichen
  53. // Renamed functions for shorter names
  54. // General code cleanup and rigor, including <80 column width
  55. // Included a testcase Excel file and PHP example calls
  56. // Code works for PHP 5.x
  57. // Primary changes made by canyoncasa (dvc) for ParseXL 1.10 ...
  58. //
  59. // Decoding of formula conditions, results, and tokens.
  60. // Support for user-defined named cells added as an array "namedcells"
  61. // Patch code for user-defined named cells supports single cells only.
  62. // NOTE: this patch only works for BIFF8 as BIFF5-7 use a different
  63. // external sheet reference structure
  64. class PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5 extends PHPExcel_Reader_Abstract implements PHPExcel_Reader_IReader
  65. {
  66. // ParseXL definitions
  67. const XLS_BIFF8 = 0x0600;
  68. const XLS_BIFF7 = 0x0500;
  69. const XLS_WorkbookGlobals = 0x0005;
  70. const XLS_Worksheet = 0x0010;
  71. // record identifiers
  72. const XLS_TYPE_FORMULA = 0x0006;
  73. const XLS_TYPE_EOF = 0x000a;
  74. const XLS_TYPE_PROTECT = 0x0012;
  75. const XLS_TYPE_OBJECTPROTECT = 0x0063;
  76. const XLS_TYPE_SCENPROTECT = 0x00dd;
  77. const XLS_TYPE_PASSWORD = 0x0013;
  78. const XLS_TYPE_HEADER = 0x0014;
  79. const XLS_TYPE_FOOTER = 0x0015;
  80. const XLS_TYPE_EXTERNSHEET = 0x0017;
  81. const XLS_TYPE_DEFINEDNAME = 0x0018;
  84. const XLS_TYPE_NOTE = 0x001c;
  85. const XLS_TYPE_SELECTION = 0x001d;
  86. const XLS_TYPE_DATEMODE = 0x0022;
  87. const XLS_TYPE_EXTERNNAME = 0x0023;
  88. const XLS_TYPE_LEFTMARGIN = 0x0026;
  89. const XLS_TYPE_RIGHTMARGIN = 0x0027;
  90. const XLS_TYPE_TOPMARGIN = 0x0028;
  91. const XLS_TYPE_BOTTOMMARGIN = 0x0029;
  92. const XLS_TYPE_PRINTGRIDLINES = 0x002b;
  93. const XLS_TYPE_FILEPASS = 0x002f;
  94. const XLS_TYPE_FONT = 0x0031;
  95. const XLS_TYPE_CONTINUE = 0x003c;
  96. const XLS_TYPE_PANE = 0x0041;
  97. const XLS_TYPE_CODEPAGE = 0x0042;
  98. const XLS_TYPE_DEFCOLWIDTH = 0x0055;
  99. const XLS_TYPE_OBJ = 0x005d;
  100. const XLS_TYPE_COLINFO = 0x007d;
  101. const XLS_TYPE_IMDATA = 0x007f;
  102. const XLS_TYPE_SHEETPR = 0x0081;
  103. const XLS_TYPE_HCENTER = 0x0083;
  104. const XLS_TYPE_VCENTER = 0x0084;
  105. const XLS_TYPE_SHEET = 0x0085;
  106. const XLS_TYPE_PALETTE = 0x0092;
  107. const XLS_TYPE_SCL = 0x00a0;
  108. const XLS_TYPE_PAGESETUP = 0x00a1;
  109. const XLS_TYPE_MULRK = 0x00bd;
  110. const XLS_TYPE_MULBLANK = 0x00be;
  111. const XLS_TYPE_DBCELL = 0x00d7;
  112. const XLS_TYPE_XF = 0x00e0;
  113. const XLS_TYPE_MERGEDCELLS = 0x00e5;
  114. const XLS_TYPE_MSODRAWINGGROUP = 0x00eb;
  115. const XLS_TYPE_MSODRAWING = 0x00ec;
  116. const XLS_TYPE_SST = 0x00fc;
  117. const XLS_TYPE_LABELSST = 0x00fd;
  118. const XLS_TYPE_EXTSST = 0x00ff;
  119. const XLS_TYPE_EXTERNALBOOK = 0x01ae;
  120. const XLS_TYPE_DATAVALIDATIONS = 0x01b2;
  121. const XLS_TYPE_TXO = 0x01b6;
  122. const XLS_TYPE_HYPERLINK = 0x01b8;
  123. const XLS_TYPE_DATAVALIDATION = 0x01be;
  124. const XLS_TYPE_DIMENSION = 0x0200;
  125. const XLS_TYPE_BLANK = 0x0201;
  126. const XLS_TYPE_NUMBER = 0x0203;
  127. const XLS_TYPE_LABEL = 0x0204;
  128. const XLS_TYPE_BOOLERR = 0x0205;
  129. const XLS_TYPE_STRING = 0x0207;
  130. const XLS_TYPE_ROW = 0x0208;
  131. const XLS_TYPE_INDEX = 0x020b;
  132. const XLS_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x0221;
  133. const XLS_TYPE_DEFAULTROWHEIGHT = 0x0225;
  134. const XLS_TYPE_WINDOW2 = 0x023e;
  135. const XLS_TYPE_RK = 0x027e;
  136. const XLS_TYPE_STYLE = 0x0293;
  137. const XLS_TYPE_FORMAT = 0x041e;
  138. const XLS_TYPE_SHAREDFMLA = 0x04bc;
  139. const XLS_TYPE_BOF = 0x0809;
  140. const XLS_TYPE_SHEETPROTECTION = 0x0867;
  141. const XLS_TYPE_RANGEPROTECTION = 0x0868;
  142. const XLS_TYPE_SHEETLAYOUT = 0x0862;
  143. const XLS_TYPE_XFEXT = 0x087d;
  144. const XLS_TYPE_PAGELAYOUTVIEW = 0x088b;
  145. const XLS_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0xffff;
  146. // Encryption type
  147. const MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_NONE = 0;
  148. const MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_XOR = 1;
  149. const MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_RC4 = 2;
  150. // Size of stream blocks when using RC4 encryption
  151. const REKEY_BLOCK = 0x400;
  152. /**
  153. * Summary Information stream data.
  154. *
  155. * @var string
  156. */
  157. private $summaryInformation;
  158. /**
  159. * Extended Summary Information stream data.
  160. *
  161. * @var string
  162. */
  163. private $documentSummaryInformation;
  164. /**
  165. * User-Defined Properties stream data.
  166. *
  167. * @var string
  168. */
  169. private $userDefinedProperties;
  170. /**
  171. * Workbook stream data. (Includes workbook globals substream as well as sheet substreams)
  172. *
  173. * @var string
  174. */
  175. private $data;
  176. /**
  177. * Size in bytes of $this->data
  178. *
  179. * @var int
  180. */
  181. private $dataSize;
  182. /**
  183. * Current position in stream
  184. *
  185. * @var integer
  186. */
  187. private $pos;
  188. /**
  189. * Workbook to be returned by the reader.
  190. *
  191. * @var PHPExcel
  192. */
  193. private $phpExcel;
  194. /**
  195. * Worksheet that is currently being built by the reader.
  196. *
  197. * @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
  198. */
  199. private $phpSheet;
  200. /**
  201. * BIFF version
  202. *
  203. * @var int
  204. */
  205. private $version;
  206. /**
  207. * Codepage set in the Excel file being read. Only important for BIFF5 (Excel 5.0 - Excel 95)
  208. * For BIFF8 (Excel 97 - Excel 2003) this will always have the value 'UTF-16LE'
  209. *
  210. * @var string
  211. */
  212. private $codepage;
  213. /**
  214. * Shared formats
  215. *
  216. * @var array
  217. */
  218. private $formats;
  219. /**
  220. * Shared fonts
  221. *
  222. * @var array
  223. */
  224. private $objFonts;
  225. /**
  226. * Color palette
  227. *
  228. * @var array
  229. */
  230. private $palette;
  231. /**
  232. * Worksheets
  233. *
  234. * @var array
  235. */
  236. private $sheets;
  237. /**
  238. * External books
  239. *
  240. * @var array
  241. */
  242. private $externalBooks;
  243. /**
  244. * REF structures. Only applies to BIFF8.
  245. *
  246. * @var array
  247. */
  248. private $ref;
  249. /**
  250. * External names
  251. *
  252. * @var array
  253. */
  254. private $externalNames;
  255. /**
  256. * Defined names
  257. *
  258. * @var array
  259. */
  260. private $definedname;
  261. /**
  262. * Shared strings. Only applies to BIFF8.
  263. *
  264. * @var array
  265. */
  266. private $sst;
  267. /**
  268. * Panes are frozen? (in sheet currently being read). See WINDOW2 record.
  269. *
  270. * @var boolean
  271. */
  272. private $frozen;
  273. /**
  274. * Fit printout to number of pages? (in sheet currently being read). See SHEETPR record.
  275. *
  276. * @var boolean
  277. */
  278. private $isFitToPages;
  279. /**
  280. * Objects. One OBJ record contributes with one entry.
  281. *
  282. * @var array
  283. */
  284. private $objs;
  285. /**
  286. * Text Objects. One TXO record corresponds with one entry.
  287. *
  288. * @var array
  289. */
  290. private $textObjects;
  291. /**
  292. * Cell Annotations (BIFF8)
  293. *
  294. * @var array
  295. */
  296. private $cellNotes;
  297. /**
  298. * The combined MSODRAWINGGROUP data
  299. *
  300. * @var string
  301. */
  302. private $drawingGroupData;
  303. /**
  304. * The combined MSODRAWING data (per sheet)
  305. *
  306. * @var string
  307. */
  308. private $drawingData;
  309. /**
  310. * Keep track of XF index
  311. *
  312. * @var int
  313. */
  314. private $xfIndex;
  315. /**
  316. * Mapping of XF index (that is a cell XF) to final index in cellXf collection
  317. *
  318. * @var array
  319. */
  320. private $mapCellXfIndex;
  321. /**
  322. * Mapping of XF index (that is a style XF) to final index in cellStyleXf collection
  323. *
  324. * @var array
  325. */
  326. private $mapCellStyleXfIndex;
  327. /**
  328. * The shared formulas in a sheet. One SHAREDFMLA record contributes with one value.
  329. *
  330. * @var array
  331. */
  332. private $sharedFormulas;
  333. /**
  334. * The shared formula parts in a sheet. One FORMULA record contributes with one value if it
  335. * refers to a shared formula.
  336. *
  337. * @var array
  338. */
  339. private $sharedFormulaParts;
  340. /**
  341. * The type of encryption in use
  342. *
  343. * @var int
  344. */
  345. private $encryption = 0;
  346. /**
  347. * The position in the stream after which contents are encrypted
  348. *
  349. * @var int
  350. */
  351. private $encryptionStartPos = false;
  352. /**
  353. * The current RC4 decryption object
  354. *
  355. * @var PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_RC4
  356. */
  357. private $rc4Key = null;
  358. /**
  359. * The position in the stream that the RC4 decryption object was left at
  360. *
  361. * @var int
  362. */
  363. private $rc4Pos = 0;
  364. /**
  365. * The current MD5 context state
  366. *
  367. * @var string
  368. */
  369. private $md5Ctxt = null;
  370. /**
  371. * Create a new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5 instance
  372. */
  373. public function __construct()
  374. {
  375. $this->readFilter = new PHPExcel_Reader_DefaultReadFilter();
  376. }
  377. /**
  378. * Can the current PHPExcel_Reader_IReader read the file?
  379. *
  380. * @param string $pFilename
  381. * @return boolean
  382. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  383. */
  384. public function canRead($pFilename)
  385. {
  386. // Check if file exists
  387. if (!file_exists($pFilename)) {
  388. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! File does not exist.");
  389. }
  390. try {
  391. // Use ParseXL for the hard work.
  392. $ole = new PHPExcel_Shared_OLERead();
  393. // get excel data
  394. $res = $ole->read($pFilename);
  395. return true;
  396. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  397. return false;
  398. }
  399. }
  400. /**
  401. * Reads names of the worksheets from a file, without parsing the whole file to a PHPExcel object
  402. *
  403. * @param string $pFilename
  404. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  405. */
  406. public function listWorksheetNames($pFilename)
  407. {
  408. // Check if file exists
  409. if (!file_exists($pFilename)) {
  410. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! File does not exist.");
  411. }
  412. $worksheetNames = array();
  413. // Read the OLE file
  414. $this->loadOLE($pFilename);
  415. // total byte size of Excel data (workbook global substream + sheet substreams)
  416. $this->dataSize = strlen($this->data);
  417. $this->pos = 0;
  418. $this->sheets = array();
  419. // Parse Workbook Global Substream
  420. while ($this->pos < $this->dataSize) {
  421. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  422. switch ($code) {
  423. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOF:
  424. $this->readBof();
  425. break;
  426. case self::XLS_TYPE_SHEET:
  427. $this->readSheet();
  428. break;
  429. case self::XLS_TYPE_EOF:
  430. $this->readDefault();
  431. break 2;
  432. default:
  433. $this->readDefault();
  434. break;
  435. }
  436. }
  437. foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet) {
  438. if ($sheet['sheetType'] != 0x00) {
  439. // 0x00: Worksheet, 0x02: Chart, 0x06: Visual Basic module
  440. continue;
  441. }
  442. $worksheetNames[] = $sheet['name'];
  443. }
  444. return $worksheetNames;
  445. }
  446. /**
  447. * Return worksheet info (Name, Last Column Letter, Last Column Index, Total Rows, Total Columns)
  448. *
  449. * @param string $pFilename
  450. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  451. */
  452. public function listWorksheetInfo($pFilename)
  453. {
  454. // Check if file exists
  455. if (!file_exists($pFilename)) {
  456. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception("Could not open " . $pFilename . " for reading! File does not exist.");
  457. }
  458. $worksheetInfo = array();
  459. // Read the OLE file
  460. $this->loadOLE($pFilename);
  461. // total byte size of Excel data (workbook global substream + sheet substreams)
  462. $this->dataSize = strlen($this->data);
  463. // initialize
  464. $this->pos = 0;
  465. $this->sheets = array();
  466. // Parse Workbook Global Substream
  467. while ($this->pos < $this->dataSize) {
  468. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  469. switch ($code) {
  470. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOF:
  471. $this->readBof();
  472. break;
  473. case self::XLS_TYPE_SHEET:
  474. $this->readSheet();
  475. break;
  476. case self::XLS_TYPE_EOF:
  477. $this->readDefault();
  478. break 2;
  479. default:
  480. $this->readDefault();
  481. break;
  482. }
  483. }
  484. // Parse the individual sheets
  485. foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet) {
  486. if ($sheet['sheetType'] != 0x00) {
  487. // 0x00: Worksheet
  488. // 0x02: Chart
  489. // 0x06: Visual Basic module
  490. continue;
  491. }
  492. $tmpInfo = array();
  493. $tmpInfo['worksheetName'] = $sheet['name'];
  494. $tmpInfo['lastColumnLetter'] = 'A';
  495. $tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] = 0;
  496. $tmpInfo['totalRows'] = 0;
  497. $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = 0;
  498. $this->pos = $sheet['offset'];
  499. while ($this->pos <= $this->dataSize - 4) {
  500. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  501. switch ($code) {
  502. case self::XLS_TYPE_RK:
  503. case self::XLS_TYPE_LABELSST:
  504. case self::XLS_TYPE_NUMBER:
  505. case self::XLS_TYPE_FORMULA:
  506. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOOLERR:
  507. case self::XLS_TYPE_LABEL:
  508. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  509. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  510. // move stream pointer to next record
  511. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  512. $rowIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0) + 1;
  513. $columnIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  514. $tmpInfo['totalRows'] = max($tmpInfo['totalRows'], $rowIndex);
  515. $tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] = max($tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'], $columnIndex);
  516. break;
  517. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOF:
  518. $this->readBof();
  519. break;
  520. case self::XLS_TYPE_EOF:
  521. $this->readDefault();
  522. break 2;
  523. default:
  524. $this->readDefault();
  525. break;
  526. }
  527. }
  528. $tmpInfo['lastColumnLetter'] = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex']);
  529. $tmpInfo['totalColumns'] = $tmpInfo['lastColumnIndex'] + 1;
  530. $worksheetInfo[] = $tmpInfo;
  531. }
  532. return $worksheetInfo;
  533. }
  534. /**
  535. * Loads PHPExcel from file
  536. *
  537. * @param string $pFilename
  538. * @return PHPExcel
  539. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  540. */
  541. public function load($pFilename)
  542. {
  543. // Read the OLE file
  544. $this->loadOLE($pFilename);
  545. // Initialisations
  546. $this->phpExcel = new PHPExcel;
  547. $this->phpExcel->removeSheetByIndex(0); // remove 1st sheet
  548. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  549. $this->phpExcel->removeCellStyleXfByIndex(0); // remove the default style
  550. $this->phpExcel->removeCellXfByIndex(0); // remove the default style
  551. }
  552. // Read the summary information stream (containing meta data)
  553. $this->readSummaryInformation();
  554. // Read the Additional document summary information stream (containing application-specific meta data)
  555. $this->readDocumentSummaryInformation();
  556. // total byte size of Excel data (workbook global substream + sheet substreams)
  557. $this->dataSize = strlen($this->data);
  558. // initialize
  559. $this->pos = 0;
  560. $this->codepage = 'CP1252';
  561. $this->formats = array();
  562. $this->objFonts = array();
  563. $this->palette = array();
  564. $this->sheets = array();
  565. $this->externalBooks = array();
  566. $this->ref = array();
  567. $this->definedname = array();
  568. $this->sst = array();
  569. $this->drawingGroupData = '';
  570. $this->xfIndex = '';
  571. $this->mapCellXfIndex = array();
  572. $this->mapCellStyleXfIndex = array();
  573. // Parse Workbook Global Substream
  574. while ($this->pos < $this->dataSize) {
  575. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  576. switch ($code) {
  577. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOF:
  578. $this->readBof();
  579. break;
  580. case self::XLS_TYPE_FILEPASS:
  581. $this->readFilepass();
  582. break;
  583. case self::XLS_TYPE_CODEPAGE:
  584. $this->readCodepage();
  585. break;
  586. case self::XLS_TYPE_DATEMODE:
  587. $this->readDateMode();
  588. break;
  589. case self::XLS_TYPE_FONT:
  590. $this->readFont();
  591. break;
  592. case self::XLS_TYPE_FORMAT:
  593. $this->readFormat();
  594. break;
  595. case self::XLS_TYPE_XF:
  596. $this->readXf();
  597. break;
  598. case self::XLS_TYPE_XFEXT:
  599. $this->readXfExt();
  600. break;
  601. case self::XLS_TYPE_STYLE:
  602. $this->readStyle();
  603. break;
  604. case self::XLS_TYPE_PALETTE:
  605. $this->readPalette();
  606. break;
  607. case self::XLS_TYPE_SHEET:
  608. $this->readSheet();
  609. break;
  610. case self::XLS_TYPE_EXTERNALBOOK:
  611. $this->readExternalBook();
  612. break;
  613. case self::XLS_TYPE_EXTERNNAME:
  614. $this->readExternName();
  615. break;
  616. case self::XLS_TYPE_EXTERNSHEET:
  617. $this->readExternSheet();
  618. break;
  619. case self::XLS_TYPE_DEFINEDNAME:
  620. $this->readDefinedName();
  621. break;
  623. $this->readMsoDrawingGroup();
  624. break;
  625. case self::XLS_TYPE_SST:
  626. $this->readSst();
  627. break;
  628. case self::XLS_TYPE_EOF:
  629. $this->readDefault();
  630. break 2;
  631. default:
  632. $this->readDefault();
  633. break;
  634. }
  635. }
  636. // Resolve indexed colors for font, fill, and border colors
  637. // Cannot be resolved already in XF record, because PALETTE record comes afterwards
  638. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  639. foreach ($this->objFonts as $objFont) {
  640. if (isset($objFont->colorIndex)) {
  641. $color = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($objFont->colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  642. $objFont->getColor()->setRGB($color['rgb']);
  643. }
  644. }
  645. foreach ($this->phpExcel->getCellXfCollection() as $objStyle) {
  646. // fill start and end color
  647. $fill = $objStyle->getFill();
  648. if (isset($fill->startcolorIndex)) {
  649. $startColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($fill->startcolorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  650. $fill->getStartColor()->setRGB($startColor['rgb']);
  651. }
  652. if (isset($fill->endcolorIndex)) {
  653. $endColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($fill->endcolorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  654. $fill->getEndColor()->setRGB($endColor['rgb']);
  655. }
  656. // border colors
  657. $top = $objStyle->getBorders()->getTop();
  658. $right = $objStyle->getBorders()->getRight();
  659. $bottom = $objStyle->getBorders()->getBottom();
  660. $left = $objStyle->getBorders()->getLeft();
  661. $diagonal = $objStyle->getBorders()->getDiagonal();
  662. if (isset($top->colorIndex)) {
  663. $borderTopColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($top->colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  664. $top->getColor()->setRGB($borderTopColor['rgb']);
  665. }
  666. if (isset($right->colorIndex)) {
  667. $borderRightColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($right->colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  668. $right->getColor()->setRGB($borderRightColor['rgb']);
  669. }
  670. if (isset($bottom->colorIndex)) {
  671. $borderBottomColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($bottom->colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  672. $bottom->getColor()->setRGB($borderBottomColor['rgb']);
  673. }
  674. if (isset($left->colorIndex)) {
  675. $borderLeftColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($left->colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  676. $left->getColor()->setRGB($borderLeftColor['rgb']);
  677. }
  678. if (isset($diagonal->colorIndex)) {
  679. $borderDiagonalColor = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($diagonal->colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  680. $diagonal->getColor()->setRGB($borderDiagonalColor['rgb']);
  681. }
  682. }
  683. }
  684. // treat MSODRAWINGGROUP records, workbook-level Escher
  685. if (!$this->readDataOnly && $this->drawingGroupData) {
  686. $escherWorkbook = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher();
  687. $reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Escher($escherWorkbook);
  688. $escherWorkbook = $reader->load($this->drawingGroupData);
  689. // debug Escher stream
  690. //$debug = new Debug_Escher(new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher());
  691. //$debug->load($this->drawingGroupData);
  692. }
  693. // Parse the individual sheets
  694. foreach ($this->sheets as $sheet) {
  695. if ($sheet['sheetType'] != 0x00) {
  696. // 0x00: Worksheet, 0x02: Chart, 0x06: Visual Basic module
  697. continue;
  698. }
  699. // check if sheet should be skipped
  700. if (isset($this->loadSheetsOnly) && !in_array($sheet['name'], $this->loadSheetsOnly)) {
  701. continue;
  702. }
  703. // add sheet to PHPExcel object
  704. $this->phpSheet = $this->phpExcel->createSheet();
  705. // Use false for $updateFormulaCellReferences to prevent adjustment of worksheet references in formula
  706. // cells... during the load, all formulae should be correct, and we're simply bringing the worksheet
  707. // name in line with the formula, not the reverse
  708. $this->phpSheet->setTitle($sheet['name'], false);
  709. $this->phpSheet->setSheetState($sheet['sheetState']);
  710. $this->pos = $sheet['offset'];
  711. // Initialize isFitToPages. May change after reading SHEETPR record.
  712. $this->isFitToPages = false;
  713. // Initialize drawingData
  714. $this->drawingData = '';
  715. // Initialize objs
  716. $this->objs = array();
  717. // Initialize shared formula parts
  718. $this->sharedFormulaParts = array();
  719. // Initialize shared formulas
  720. $this->sharedFormulas = array();
  721. // Initialize text objs
  722. $this->textObjects = array();
  723. // Initialize cell annotations
  724. $this->cellNotes = array();
  725. $this->textObjRef = -1;
  726. while ($this->pos <= $this->dataSize - 4) {
  727. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  728. switch ($code) {
  729. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOF:
  730. $this->readBof();
  731. break;
  732. case self::XLS_TYPE_PRINTGRIDLINES:
  733. $this->readPrintGridlines();
  734. break;
  736. $this->readDefaultRowHeight();
  737. break;
  738. case self::XLS_TYPE_SHEETPR:
  739. $this->readSheetPr();
  740. break;
  742. $this->readHorizontalPageBreaks();
  743. break;
  745. $this->readVerticalPageBreaks();
  746. break;
  747. case self::XLS_TYPE_HEADER:
  748. $this->readHeader();
  749. break;
  750. case self::XLS_TYPE_FOOTER:
  751. $this->readFooter();
  752. break;
  753. case self::XLS_TYPE_HCENTER:
  754. $this->readHcenter();
  755. break;
  756. case self::XLS_TYPE_VCENTER:
  757. $this->readVcenter();
  758. break;
  759. case self::XLS_TYPE_LEFTMARGIN:
  760. $this->readLeftMargin();
  761. break;
  762. case self::XLS_TYPE_RIGHTMARGIN:
  763. $this->readRightMargin();
  764. break;
  765. case self::XLS_TYPE_TOPMARGIN:
  766. $this->readTopMargin();
  767. break;
  768. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOTTOMMARGIN:
  769. $this->readBottomMargin();
  770. break;
  771. case self::XLS_TYPE_PAGESETUP:
  772. $this->readPageSetup();
  773. break;
  774. case self::XLS_TYPE_PROTECT:
  775. $this->readProtect();
  776. break;
  777. case self::XLS_TYPE_SCENPROTECT:
  778. $this->readScenProtect();
  779. break;
  780. case self::XLS_TYPE_OBJECTPROTECT:
  781. $this->readObjectProtect();
  782. break;
  783. case self::XLS_TYPE_PASSWORD:
  784. $this->readPassword();
  785. break;
  786. case self::XLS_TYPE_DEFCOLWIDTH:
  787. $this->readDefColWidth();
  788. break;
  789. case self::XLS_TYPE_COLINFO:
  790. $this->readColInfo();
  791. break;
  792. case self::XLS_TYPE_DIMENSION:
  793. $this->readDefault();
  794. break;
  795. case self::XLS_TYPE_ROW:
  796. $this->readRow();
  797. break;
  798. case self::XLS_TYPE_DBCELL:
  799. $this->readDefault();
  800. break;
  801. case self::XLS_TYPE_RK:
  802. $this->readRk();
  803. break;
  804. case self::XLS_TYPE_LABELSST:
  805. $this->readLabelSst();
  806. break;
  807. case self::XLS_TYPE_MULRK:
  808. $this->readMulRk();
  809. break;
  810. case self::XLS_TYPE_NUMBER:
  811. $this->readNumber();
  812. break;
  813. case self::XLS_TYPE_FORMULA:
  814. $this->readFormula();
  815. break;
  816. case self::XLS_TYPE_SHAREDFMLA:
  817. $this->readSharedFmla();
  818. break;
  819. case self::XLS_TYPE_BOOLERR:
  820. $this->readBoolErr();
  821. break;
  822. case self::XLS_TYPE_MULBLANK:
  823. $this->readMulBlank();
  824. break;
  825. case self::XLS_TYPE_LABEL:
  826. $this->readLabel();
  827. break;
  828. case self::XLS_TYPE_BLANK:
  829. $this->readBlank();
  830. break;
  831. case self::XLS_TYPE_MSODRAWING:
  832. $this->readMsoDrawing();
  833. break;
  834. case self::XLS_TYPE_OBJ:
  835. $this->readObj();
  836. break;
  837. case self::XLS_TYPE_WINDOW2:
  838. $this->readWindow2();
  839. break;
  840. case self::XLS_TYPE_PAGELAYOUTVIEW:
  841. $this->readPageLayoutView();
  842. break;
  843. case self::XLS_TYPE_SCL:
  844. $this->readScl();
  845. break;
  846. case self::XLS_TYPE_PANE:
  847. $this->readPane();
  848. break;
  849. case self::XLS_TYPE_SELECTION:
  850. $this->readSelection();
  851. break;
  852. case self::XLS_TYPE_MERGEDCELLS:
  853. $this->readMergedCells();
  854. break;
  855. case self::XLS_TYPE_HYPERLINK:
  856. $this->readHyperLink();
  857. break;
  859. $this->readDataValidations();
  860. break;
  861. case self::XLS_TYPE_DATAVALIDATION:
  862. $this->readDataValidation();
  863. break;
  864. case self::XLS_TYPE_SHEETLAYOUT:
  865. $this->readSheetLayout();
  866. break;
  868. $this->readSheetProtection();
  869. break;
  871. $this->readRangeProtection();
  872. break;
  873. case self::XLS_TYPE_NOTE:
  874. $this->readNote();
  875. break;
  876. //case self::XLS_TYPE_IMDATA: $this->readImData(); break;
  877. case self::XLS_TYPE_TXO:
  878. $this->readTextObject();
  879. break;
  880. case self::XLS_TYPE_CONTINUE:
  881. $this->readContinue();
  882. break;
  883. case self::XLS_TYPE_EOF:
  884. $this->readDefault();
  885. break 2;
  886. default:
  887. $this->readDefault();
  888. break;
  889. }
  890. }
  891. // treat MSODRAWING records, sheet-level Escher
  892. if (!$this->readDataOnly && $this->drawingData) {
  893. $escherWorksheet = new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher();
  894. $reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Escher($escherWorksheet);
  895. $escherWorksheet = $reader->load($this->drawingData);
  896. // debug Escher stream
  897. //$debug = new Debug_Escher(new PHPExcel_Shared_Escher());
  898. //$debug->load($this->drawingData);
  899. // get all spContainers in one long array, so they can be mapped to OBJ records
  900. $allSpContainers = $escherWorksheet->getDgContainer()->getSpgrContainer()->getAllSpContainers();
  901. }
  902. // treat OBJ records
  903. foreach ($this->objs as $n => $obj) {
  904. // echo '<hr /><b>Object</b> reference is ', $n,'<br />';
  905. // var_dump($obj);
  906. // echo '<br />';
  907. // the first shape container never has a corresponding OBJ record, hence $n + 1
  908. if (isset($allSpContainers[$n + 1]) && is_object($allSpContainers[$n + 1])) {
  909. $spContainer = $allSpContainers[$n + 1];
  910. // we skip all spContainers that are a part of a group shape since we cannot yet handle those
  911. if ($spContainer->getNestingLevel() > 1) {
  912. continue;
  913. }
  914. // calculate the width and height of the shape
  915. list($startColumn, $startRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($spContainer->getStartCoordinates());
  916. list($endColumn, $endRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($spContainer->getEndCoordinates());
  917. $startOffsetX = $spContainer->getStartOffsetX();
  918. $startOffsetY = $spContainer->getStartOffsetY();
  919. $endOffsetX = $spContainer->getEndOffsetX();
  920. $endOffsetY = $spContainer->getEndOffsetY();
  921. $width = PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::getDistanceX($this->phpSheet, $startColumn, $startOffsetX, $endColumn, $endOffsetX);
  922. $height = PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::getDistanceY($this->phpSheet, $startRow, $startOffsetY, $endRow, $endOffsetY);
  923. // calculate offsetX and offsetY of the shape
  924. $offsetX = $startOffsetX * PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeCol($this->phpSheet, $startColumn) / 1024;
  925. $offsetY = $startOffsetY * PHPExcel_Shared_Excel5::sizeRow($this->phpSheet, $startRow) / 256;
  926. switch ($obj['otObjType']) {
  927. case 0x19:
  928. // Note
  929. // echo 'Cell Annotation Object<br />';
  930. // echo 'Object ID is ', $obj['idObjID'],'<br />';
  931. if (isset($this->cellNotes[$obj['idObjID']])) {
  932. $cellNote = $this->cellNotes[$obj['idObjID']];
  933. if (isset($this->textObjects[$obj['idObjID']])) {
  934. $textObject = $this->textObjects[$obj['idObjID']];
  935. $this->cellNotes[$obj['idObjID']]['objTextData'] = $textObject;
  936. }
  937. }
  938. break;
  939. case 0x08:
  940. // echo 'Picture Object<br />';
  941. // picture
  942. // get index to BSE entry (1-based)
  943. $BSEindex = $spContainer->getOPT(0x0104);
  944. $BSECollection = $escherWorkbook->getDggContainer()->getBstoreContainer()->getBSECollection();
  945. $BSE = $BSECollection[$BSEindex - 1];
  946. $blipType = $BSE->getBlipType();
  947. // need check because some blip types are not supported by Escher reader such as EMF
  948. if ($blip = $BSE->getBlip()) {
  949. $ih = imagecreatefromstring($blip->getData());
  950. $drawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing();
  951. $drawing->setImageResource($ih);
  952. // width, height, offsetX, offsetY
  953. $drawing->setResizeProportional(false);
  954. $drawing->setWidth($width);
  955. $drawing->setHeight($height);
  956. $drawing->setOffsetX($offsetX);
  957. $drawing->setOffsetY($offsetY);
  958. switch ($blipType) {
  959. case PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DggContainer_BstoreContainer_BSE::BLIPTYPE_JPEG:
  960. $drawing->setRenderingFunction(PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_JPEG);
  961. $drawing->setMimeType(PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing::MIMETYPE_JPEG);
  962. break;
  963. case PHPExcel_Shared_Escher_DggContainer_BstoreContainer_BSE::BLIPTYPE_PNG:
  964. $drawing->setRenderingFunction(PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing::RENDERING_PNG);
  965. $drawing->setMimeType(PHPExcel_Worksheet_MemoryDrawing::MIMETYPE_PNG);
  966. break;
  967. }
  968. $drawing->setWorksheet($this->phpSheet);
  969. $drawing->setCoordinates($spContainer->getStartCoordinates());
  970. }
  971. break;
  972. default:
  973. // other object type
  974. break;
  975. }
  976. }
  977. }
  978. // treat SHAREDFMLA records
  979. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  980. foreach ($this->sharedFormulaParts as $cell => $baseCell) {
  981. list($column, $row) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($cell);
  982. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($column, $row, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  983. $formula = $this->getFormulaFromStructure($this->sharedFormulas[$baseCell], $cell);
  984. $this->phpSheet->getCell($cell)->setValueExplicit('=' . $formula, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA);
  985. }
  986. }
  987. }
  988. if (!empty($this->cellNotes)) {
  989. foreach ($this->cellNotes as $note => $noteDetails) {
  990. if (!isset($noteDetails['objTextData'])) {
  991. if (isset($this->textObjects[$note])) {
  992. $textObject = $this->textObjects[$note];
  993. $noteDetails['objTextData'] = $textObject;
  994. } else {
  995. $noteDetails['objTextData']['text'] = '';
  996. }
  997. }
  998. // echo '<b>Cell annotation ', $note,'</b><br />';
  999. // var_dump($noteDetails);
  1000. // echo '<br />';
  1001. $cellAddress = str_replace('$', '', $noteDetails['cellRef']);
  1002. $this->phpSheet->getComment($cellAddress)->setAuthor($noteDetails['author'])->setText($this->parseRichText($noteDetails['objTextData']['text']));
  1003. }
  1004. }
  1005. }
  1006. // add the named ranges (defined names)
  1007. foreach ($this->definedname as $definedName) {
  1008. if ($definedName['isBuiltInName']) {
  1009. switch ($definedName['name']) {
  1010. case pack('C', 0x06):
  1011. // print area
  1012. // in general, formula looks like this: Foo!$C$7:$J$66,Bar!$A$1:$IV$2
  1013. $ranges = explode(',', $definedName['formula']); // FIXME: what if sheetname contains comma?
  1014. $extractedRanges = array();
  1015. foreach ($ranges as $range) {
  1016. // $range should look like one of these
  1017. // Foo!$C$7:$J$66
  1018. // Bar!$A$1:$IV$2
  1019. $explodes = explode('!', $range); // FIXME: what if sheetname contains exclamation mark?
  1020. $sheetName = trim($explodes[0], "'");
  1021. if (count($explodes) == 2) {
  1022. if (strpos($explodes[1], ':') === false) {
  1023. $explodes[1] = $explodes[1] . ':' . $explodes[1];
  1024. }
  1025. $extractedRanges[] = str_replace('$', '', $explodes[1]); // C7:J66
  1026. }
  1027. }
  1028. if ($docSheet = $this->phpExcel->getSheetByName($sheetName)) {
  1029. $docSheet->getPageSetup()->setPrintArea(implode(',', $extractedRanges)); // C7:J66,A1:IV2
  1030. }
  1031. break;
  1032. case pack('C', 0x07):
  1033. // print titles (repeating rows)
  1034. // Assuming BIFF8, there are 3 cases
  1035. // 1. repeating rows
  1036. // formula looks like this: Sheet!$A$1:$IV$2
  1037. // rows 1-2 repeat
  1038. // 2. repeating columns
  1039. // formula looks like this: Sheet!$A$1:$B$65536
  1040. // columns A-B repeat
  1041. // 3. both repeating rows and repeating columns
  1042. // formula looks like this: Sheet!$A$1:$B$65536,Sheet!$A$1:$IV$2
  1043. $ranges = explode(',', $definedName['formula']); // FIXME: what if sheetname contains comma?
  1044. foreach ($ranges as $range) {
  1045. // $range should look like this one of these
  1046. // Sheet!$A$1:$B$65536
  1047. // Sheet!$A$1:$IV$2
  1048. $explodes = explode('!', $range);
  1049. if (count($explodes) == 2) {
  1050. if ($docSheet = $this->phpExcel->getSheetByName($explodes[0])) {
  1051. $extractedRange = $explodes[1];
  1052. $extractedRange = str_replace('$', '', $extractedRange);
  1053. $coordinateStrings = explode(':', $extractedRange);
  1054. if (count($coordinateStrings) == 2) {
  1055. list($firstColumn, $firstRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($coordinateStrings[0]);
  1056. list($lastColumn, $lastRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($coordinateStrings[1]);
  1057. if ($firstColumn == 'A' and $lastColumn == 'IV') {
  1058. // then we have repeating rows
  1059. $docSheet->getPageSetup()->setRowsToRepeatAtTop(array($firstRow, $lastRow));
  1060. } elseif ($firstRow == 1 and $lastRow == 65536) {
  1061. // then we have repeating columns
  1062. $docSheet->getPageSetup()->setColumnsToRepeatAtLeft(array($firstColumn, $lastColumn));
  1063. }
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. }
  1067. }
  1068. break;
  1069. }
  1070. } else {
  1071. // Extract range
  1072. $explodes = explode('!', $definedName['formula']);
  1073. if (count($explodes) == 2) {
  1074. if (($docSheet = $this->phpExcel->getSheetByName($explodes[0])) ||
  1075. ($docSheet = $this->phpExcel->getSheetByName(trim($explodes[0], "'")))) {
  1076. $extractedRange = $explodes[1];
  1077. $extractedRange = str_replace('$', '', $extractedRange);
  1078. $localOnly = ($definedName['scope'] == 0) ? false : true;
  1079. $scope = ($definedName['scope'] == 0) ? null : $this->phpExcel->getSheetByName($this->sheets[$definedName['scope'] - 1]['name']);
  1080. $this->phpExcel->addNamedRange(new PHPExcel_NamedRange((string)$definedName['name'], $docSheet, $extractedRange, $localOnly, $scope));
  1081. }
  1082. } else {
  1083. // Named Value
  1084. // TODO Provide support for named values
  1085. }
  1086. }
  1087. }
  1088. $this->data = null;
  1089. return $this->phpExcel;
  1090. }
  1091. /**
  1092. * Read record data from stream, decrypting as required
  1093. *
  1094. * @param string $data Data stream to read from
  1095. * @param int $pos Position to start reading from
  1096. * @param int $length Record data length
  1097. *
  1098. * @return string Record data
  1099. */
  1100. private function readRecordData($data, $pos, $len)
  1101. {
  1102. $data = substr($data, $pos, $len);
  1103. // File not encrypted, or record before encryption start point
  1104. if ($this->encryption == self::MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_NONE || $pos < $this->encryptionStartPos) {
  1105. return $data;
  1106. }
  1107. $recordData = '';
  1108. if ($this->encryption == self::MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_RC4) {
  1109. $oldBlock = floor($this->rc4Pos / self::REKEY_BLOCK);
  1110. $block = floor($pos / self::REKEY_BLOCK);
  1111. $endBlock = floor(($pos + $len) / self::REKEY_BLOCK);
  1112. // Spin an RC4 decryptor to the right spot. If we have a decryptor sitting
  1113. // at a point earlier in the current block, re-use it as we can save some time.
  1114. if ($block != $oldBlock || $pos < $this->rc4Pos || !$this->rc4Key) {
  1115. $this->rc4Key = $this->makeKey($block, $this->md5Ctxt);
  1116. $step = $pos % self::REKEY_BLOCK;
  1117. } else {
  1118. $step = $pos - $this->rc4Pos;
  1119. }
  1120. $this->rc4Key->RC4(str_repeat("\0", $step));
  1121. // Decrypt record data (re-keying at the end of every block)
  1122. while ($block != $endBlock) {
  1123. $step = self::REKEY_BLOCK - ($pos % self::REKEY_BLOCK);
  1124. $recordData .= $this->rc4Key->RC4(substr($data, 0, $step));
  1125. $data = substr($data, $step);
  1126. $pos += $step;
  1127. $len -= $step;
  1128. $block++;
  1129. $this->rc4Key = $this->makeKey($block, $this->md5Ctxt);
  1130. }
  1131. $recordData .= $this->rc4Key->RC4(substr($data, 0, $len));
  1132. // Keep track of the position of this decryptor.
  1133. // We'll try and re-use it later if we can to speed things up
  1134. $this->rc4Pos = $pos + $len;
  1135. } elseif ($this->encryption == self::MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_XOR) {
  1136. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('XOr encryption not supported');
  1137. }
  1138. return $recordData;
  1139. }
  1140. /**
  1141. * Use OLE reader to extract the relevant data streams from the OLE file
  1142. *
  1143. * @param string $pFilename
  1144. */
  1145. private function loadOLE($pFilename)
  1146. {
  1147. // OLE reader
  1148. $ole = new PHPExcel_Shared_OLERead();
  1149. // get excel data,
  1150. $res = $ole->read($pFilename);
  1151. // Get workbook data: workbook stream + sheet streams
  1152. $this->data = $ole->getStream($ole->wrkbook);
  1153. // Get summary information data
  1154. $this->summaryInformation = $ole->getStream($ole->summaryInformation);
  1155. // Get additional document summary information data
  1156. $this->documentSummaryInformation = $ole->getStream($ole->documentSummaryInformation);
  1157. // Get user-defined property data
  1158. // $this->userDefinedProperties = $ole->getUserDefinedProperties();
  1159. }
  1160. /**
  1161. * Read summary information
  1162. */
  1163. private function readSummaryInformation()
  1164. {
  1165. if (!isset($this->summaryInformation)) {
  1166. return;
  1167. }
  1168. // offset: 0; size: 2; must be 0xFE 0xFF (UTF-16 LE byte order mark)
  1169. // offset: 2; size: 2;
  1170. // offset: 4; size: 2; OS version
  1171. // offset: 6; size: 2; OS indicator
  1172. // offset: 8; size: 16
  1173. // offset: 24; size: 4; section count
  1174. $secCount = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, 24);
  1175. // offset: 28; size: 16; first section's class id: e0 85 9f f2 f9 4f 68 10 ab 91 08 00 2b 27 b3 d9
  1176. // offset: 44; size: 4
  1177. $secOffset = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, 44);
  1178. // section header
  1179. // offset: $secOffset; size: 4; section length
  1180. $secLength = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset);
  1181. // offset: $secOffset+4; size: 4; property count
  1182. $countProperties = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset+4);
  1183. // initialize code page (used to resolve string values)
  1184. $codePage = 'CP1252';
  1185. // offset: ($secOffset+8); size: var
  1186. // loop through property decarations and properties
  1187. for ($i = 0; $i < $countProperties; ++$i) {
  1188. // offset: ($secOffset+8) + (8 * $i); size: 4; property ID
  1189. $id = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, ($secOffset+8) + (8 * $i));
  1190. // Use value of property id as appropriate
  1191. // offset: ($secOffset+12) + (8 * $i); size: 4; offset from beginning of section (48)
  1192. $offset = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, ($secOffset+12) + (8 * $i));
  1193. $type = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset + $offset);
  1194. // initialize property value
  1195. $value = null;
  1196. // extract property value based on property type
  1197. switch ($type) {
  1198. case 0x02: // 2 byte signed integer
  1199. $value = self::getInt2d($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1200. break;
  1201. case 0x03: // 4 byte signed integer
  1202. $value = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1203. break;
  1204. case 0x13: // 4 byte unsigned integer
  1205. // not needed yet, fix later if necessary
  1206. break;
  1207. case 0x1E: // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
  1208. $byteLength = self::getInt4d($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1209. $value = substr($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset + 8 + $offset, $byteLength);
  1210. $value = PHPExcel_Shared_String::ConvertEncoding($value, 'UTF-8', $codePage);
  1211. $value = rtrim($value);
  1212. break;
  1213. case 0x40: // Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
  1214. // PHP-time
  1215. $value = PHPExcel_Shared_OLE::OLE2LocalDate(substr($this->summaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset, 8));
  1216. break;
  1217. case 0x47: // Clipboard format
  1218. // not needed yet, fix later if necessary
  1219. break;
  1220. }
  1221. switch ($id) {
  1222. case 0x01: // Code Page
  1223. $codePage = PHPExcel_Shared_CodePage::NumberToName($value);
  1224. break;
  1225. case 0x02: // Title
  1226. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setTitle($value);
  1227. break;
  1228. case 0x03: // Subject
  1229. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setSubject($value);
  1230. break;
  1231. case 0x04: // Author (Creator)
  1232. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setCreator($value);
  1233. break;
  1234. case 0x05: // Keywords
  1235. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setKeywords($value);
  1236. break;
  1237. case 0x06: // Comments (Description)
  1238. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setDescription($value);
  1239. break;
  1240. case 0x07: // Template
  1241. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1242. break;
  1243. case 0x08: // Last Saved By (LastModifiedBy)
  1244. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setLastModifiedBy($value);
  1245. break;
  1246. case 0x09: // Revision
  1247. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1248. break;
  1249. case 0x0A: // Total Editing Time
  1250. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1251. break;
  1252. case 0x0B: // Last Printed
  1253. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1254. break;
  1255. case 0x0C: // Created Date/Time
  1256. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setCreated($value);
  1257. break;
  1258. case 0x0D: // Modified Date/Time
  1259. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setModified($value);
  1260. break;
  1261. case 0x0E: // Number of Pages
  1262. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1263. break;
  1264. case 0x0F: // Number of Words
  1265. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1266. break;
  1267. case 0x10: // Number of Characters
  1268. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1269. break;
  1270. case 0x11: // Thumbnail
  1271. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1272. break;
  1273. case 0x12: // Name of creating application
  1274. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1275. break;
  1276. case 0x13: // Security
  1277. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1278. break;
  1279. }
  1280. }
  1281. }
  1282. /**
  1283. * Read additional document summary information
  1284. */
  1285. private function readDocumentSummaryInformation()
  1286. {
  1287. if (!isset($this->documentSummaryInformation)) {
  1288. return;
  1289. }
  1290. // offset: 0; size: 2; must be 0xFE 0xFF (UTF-16 LE byte order mark)
  1291. // offset: 2; size: 2;
  1292. // offset: 4; size: 2; OS version
  1293. // offset: 6; size: 2; OS indicator
  1294. // offset: 8; size: 16
  1295. // offset: 24; size: 4; section count
  1296. $secCount = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, 24);
  1297. // echo '$secCount = ', $secCount,'<br />';
  1298. // offset: 28; size: 16; first section's class id: 02 d5 cd d5 9c 2e 1b 10 93 97 08 00 2b 2c f9 ae
  1299. // offset: 44; size: 4; first section offset
  1300. $secOffset = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, 44);
  1301. // echo '$secOffset = ', $secOffset,'<br />';
  1302. // section header
  1303. // offset: $secOffset; size: 4; section length
  1304. $secLength = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset);
  1305. // echo '$secLength = ', $secLength,'<br />';
  1306. // offset: $secOffset+4; size: 4; property count
  1307. $countProperties = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset+4);
  1308. // echo '$countProperties = ', $countProperties,'<br />';
  1309. // initialize code page (used to resolve string values)
  1310. $codePage = 'CP1252';
  1311. // offset: ($secOffset+8); size: var
  1312. // loop through property decarations and properties
  1313. for ($i = 0; $i < $countProperties; ++$i) {
  1314. // echo 'Property ', $i,'<br />';
  1315. // offset: ($secOffset+8) + (8 * $i); size: 4; property ID
  1316. $id = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, ($secOffset+8) + (8 * $i));
  1317. // echo 'ID is ', $id,'<br />';
  1318. // Use value of property id as appropriate
  1319. // offset: 60 + 8 * $i; size: 4; offset from beginning of section (48)
  1320. $offset = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, ($secOffset+12) + (8 * $i));
  1321. $type = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + $offset);
  1322. // echo 'Type is ', $type,', ';
  1323. // initialize property value
  1324. $value = null;
  1325. // extract property value based on property type
  1326. switch ($type) {
  1327. case 0x02: // 2 byte signed integer
  1328. $value = self::getInt2d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1329. break;
  1330. case 0x03: // 4 byte signed integer
  1331. $value = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1332. break;
  1333. case 0x0B: // Boolean
  1334. $value = self::getInt2d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1335. $value = ($value == 0 ? false : true);
  1336. break;
  1337. case 0x13: // 4 byte unsigned integer
  1338. // not needed yet, fix later if necessary
  1339. break;
  1340. case 0x1E: // null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
  1341. $byteLength = self::getInt4d($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
  1342. $value = substr($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 8 + $offset, $byteLength);
  1343. $value = PHPExcel_Shared_String::ConvertEncoding($value, 'UTF-8', $codePage);
  1344. $value = rtrim($value);
  1345. break;
  1346. case 0x40: // Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
  1347. // PHP-Time
  1348. $value = PHPExcel_Shared_OLE::OLE2LocalDate(substr($this->documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset, 8));
  1349. break;
  1350. case 0x47: // Clipboard format
  1351. // not needed yet, fix later if necessary
  1352. break;
  1353. }
  1354. switch ($id) {
  1355. case 0x01: // Code Page
  1356. $codePage = PHPExcel_Shared_CodePage::NumberToName($value);
  1357. break;
  1358. case 0x02: // Category
  1359. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setCategory($value);
  1360. break;
  1361. case 0x03: // Presentation Target
  1362. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1363. break;
  1364. case 0x04: // Bytes
  1365. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1366. break;
  1367. case 0x05: // Lines
  1368. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1369. break;
  1370. case 0x06: // Paragraphs
  1371. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1372. break;
  1373. case 0x07: // Slides
  1374. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1375. break;
  1376. case 0x08: // Notes
  1377. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1378. break;
  1379. case 0x09: // Hidden Slides
  1380. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1381. break;
  1382. case 0x0A: // MM Clips
  1383. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1384. break;
  1385. case 0x0B: // Scale Crop
  1386. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1387. break;
  1388. case 0x0C: // Heading Pairs
  1389. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1390. break;
  1391. case 0x0D: // Titles of Parts
  1392. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1393. break;
  1394. case 0x0E: // Manager
  1395. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setManager($value);
  1396. break;
  1397. case 0x0F: // Company
  1398. $this->phpExcel->getProperties()->setCompany($value);
  1399. break;
  1400. case 0x10: // Links up-to-date
  1401. // Not supported by PHPExcel
  1402. break;
  1403. }
  1404. }
  1405. }
  1406. /**
  1407. * Reads a general type of BIFF record. Does nothing except for moving stream pointer forward to next record.
  1408. */
  1409. private function readDefault()
  1410. {
  1411. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1412. // $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1413. // move stream pointer to next record
  1414. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1415. }
  1416. /**
  1417. * The NOTE record specifies a comment associated with a particular cell. In Excel 95 (BIFF7) and earlier versions,
  1418. * this record stores a note (cell note). This feature was significantly enhanced in Excel 97.
  1419. */
  1420. private function readNote()
  1421. {
  1422. // echo '<b>Read Cell Annotation</b><br />';
  1423. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1424. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1425. // move stream pointer to next record
  1426. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1427. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  1428. return;
  1429. }
  1430. $cellAddress = $this->readBIFF8CellAddress(substr($recordData, 0, 4));
  1431. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  1432. $noteObjID = self::getInt2d($recordData, 6);
  1433. $noteAuthor = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, 8));
  1434. $noteAuthor = $noteAuthor['value'];
  1435. // echo 'Note Address=', $cellAddress,'<br />';
  1436. // echo 'Note Object ID=', $noteObjID,'<br />';
  1437. // echo 'Note Author=', $noteAuthor,'<hr />';
  1438. //
  1439. $this->cellNotes[$noteObjID] = array(
  1440. 'cellRef' => $cellAddress,
  1441. 'objectID' => $noteObjID,
  1442. 'author' => $noteAuthor
  1443. );
  1444. } else {
  1445. $extension = false;
  1446. if ($cellAddress == '$B$65536') {
  1447. // If the address row is -1 and the column is 0, (which translates as $B$65536) then this is a continuation
  1448. // note from the previous cell annotation. We're not yet handling this, so annotations longer than the
  1449. // max 2048 bytes will probably throw a wobbly.
  1450. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1451. $extension = true;
  1452. $cellAddress = array_pop(array_keys($this->phpSheet->getComments()));
  1453. }
  1454. // echo 'Note Address=', $cellAddress,'<br />';
  1455. $cellAddress = str_replace('$', '', $cellAddress);
  1456. $noteLength = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  1457. $noteText = trim(substr($recordData, 6));
  1458. // echo 'Note Length=', $noteLength,'<br />';
  1459. // echo 'Note Text=', $noteText,'<br />';
  1460. if ($extension) {
  1461. // Concatenate this extension with the currently set comment for the cell
  1462. $comment = $this->phpSheet->getComment($cellAddress);
  1463. $commentText = $comment->getText()->getPlainText();
  1464. $comment->setText($this->parseRichText($commentText.$noteText));
  1465. } else {
  1466. // Set comment for the cell
  1467. $this->phpSheet->getComment($cellAddress)->setText($this->parseRichText($noteText));
  1468. // ->setAuthor($author)
  1469. }
  1470. }
  1471. }
  1472. /**
  1473. * The TEXT Object record contains the text associated with a cell annotation.
  1474. */
  1475. private function readTextObject()
  1476. {
  1477. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1478. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1479. // move stream pointer to next record
  1480. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1481. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  1482. return;
  1483. }
  1484. // recordData consists of an array of subrecords looking like this:
  1485. // grbit: 2 bytes; Option Flags
  1486. // rot: 2 bytes; rotation
  1487. // cchText: 2 bytes; length of the text (in the first continue record)
  1488. // cbRuns: 2 bytes; length of the formatting (in the second continue record)
  1489. // followed by the continuation records containing the actual text and formatting
  1490. $grbitOpts = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1491. $rot = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  1492. $cchText = self::getInt2d($recordData, 10);
  1493. $cbRuns = self::getInt2d($recordData, 12);
  1494. $text = $this->getSplicedRecordData();
  1495. $this->textObjects[$this->textObjRef] = array(
  1496. 'text' => substr($text["recordData"], $text["spliceOffsets"][0]+1, $cchText),
  1497. 'format' => substr($text["recordData"], $text["spliceOffsets"][1], $cbRuns),
  1498. 'alignment' => $grbitOpts,
  1499. 'rotation' => $rot
  1500. );
  1501. // echo '<b>_readTextObject()</b><br />';
  1502. // var_dump($this->textObjects[$this->textObjRef]);
  1503. // echo '<br />';
  1504. }
  1505. /**
  1506. * Read BOF
  1507. */
  1508. private function readBof()
  1509. {
  1510. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1511. $recordData = substr($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1512. // move stream pointer to next record
  1513. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1514. // offset: 2; size: 2; type of the following data
  1515. $substreamType = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  1516. switch ($substreamType) {
  1517. case self::XLS_WorkbookGlobals:
  1518. $version = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1519. if (($version != self::XLS_BIFF8) && ($version != self::XLS_BIFF7)) {
  1520. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Cannot read this Excel file. Version is too old.');
  1521. }
  1522. $this->version = $version;
  1523. break;
  1524. case self::XLS_Worksheet:
  1525. // do not use this version information for anything
  1526. // it is unreliable (OpenOffice doc, 5.8), use only version information from the global stream
  1527. break;
  1528. default:
  1529. // substream, e.g. chart
  1530. // just skip the entire substream
  1531. do {
  1532. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  1533. $this->readDefault();
  1534. } while ($code != self::XLS_TYPE_EOF && $this->pos < $this->dataSize);
  1535. break;
  1536. }
  1537. }
  1538. /**
  1539. * FILEPASS
  1540. *
  1541. * This record is part of the File Protection Block. It
  1542. * contains information about the read/write password of the
  1543. * file. All record contents following this record will be
  1544. * encrypted.
  1545. *
  1546. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  1547. * Excel File Format"
  1548. *
  1549. * The decryption functions and objects used from here on in
  1550. * are based on the source of Spreadsheet-ParseExcel:
  1551. *
  1552. */
  1553. private function readFilepass()
  1554. {
  1555. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1556. if ($length != 54) {
  1557. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Unexpected file pass record length');
  1558. }
  1559. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1560. // move stream pointer to next record
  1561. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1562. if (!$this->verifyPassword('VelvetSweatshop', substr($recordData, 6, 16), substr($recordData, 22, 16), substr($recordData, 38, 16), $this->md5Ctxt)) {
  1563. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Decryption password incorrect');
  1564. }
  1565. $this->encryption = self::MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_RC4;
  1566. // Decryption required from the record after next onwards
  1567. $this->encryptionStartPos = $this->pos + self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1568. }
  1569. /**
  1570. * Make an RC4 decryptor for the given block
  1571. *
  1572. * @var int $block Block for which to create decrypto
  1573. * @var string $valContext MD5 context state
  1574. *
  1575. * @return PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_RC4
  1576. */
  1577. private function makeKey($block, $valContext)
  1578. {
  1579. $pwarray = str_repeat("\0", 64);
  1580. for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
  1581. $pwarray[$i] = $valContext[$i];
  1582. }
  1583. $pwarray[5] = chr($block & 0xff);
  1584. $pwarray[6] = chr(($block >> 8) & 0xff);
  1585. $pwarray[7] = chr(($block >> 16) & 0xff);
  1586. $pwarray[8] = chr(($block >> 24) & 0xff);
  1587. $pwarray[9] = "\x80";
  1588. $pwarray[56] = "\x48";
  1589. $md5 = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_MD5();
  1590. $md5->add($pwarray);
  1591. $s = $md5->getContext();
  1592. return new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_RC4($s);
  1593. }
  1594. /**
  1595. * Verify RC4 file password
  1596. *
  1597. * @var string $password Password to check
  1598. * @var string $docid Document id
  1599. * @var string $salt_data Salt data
  1600. * @var string $hashedsalt_data Hashed salt data
  1601. * @var string &$valContext Set to the MD5 context of the value
  1602. *
  1603. * @return bool Success
  1604. */
  1605. private function verifyPassword($password, $docid, $salt_data, $hashedsalt_data, &$valContext)
  1606. {
  1607. $pwarray = str_repeat("\0", 64);
  1608. for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($password); $i++) {
  1609. $o = ord(substr($password, $i, 1));
  1610. $pwarray[2 * $i] = chr($o & 0xff);
  1611. $pwarray[2 * $i + 1] = chr(($o >> 8) & 0xff);
  1612. }
  1613. $pwarray[2 * $i] = chr(0x80);
  1614. $pwarray[56] = chr(($i << 4) & 0xff);
  1615. $md5 = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_MD5();
  1616. $md5->add($pwarray);
  1617. $mdContext1 = $md5->getContext();
  1618. $offset = 0;
  1619. $keyoffset = 0;
  1620. $tocopy = 5;
  1621. $md5->reset();
  1622. while ($offset != 16) {
  1623. if ((64 - $offset) < 5) {
  1624. $tocopy = 64 - $offset;
  1625. }
  1626. for ($i = 0; $i <= $tocopy; $i++) {
  1627. $pwarray[$offset + $i] = $mdContext1[$keyoffset + $i];
  1628. }
  1629. $offset += $tocopy;
  1630. if ($offset == 64) {
  1631. $md5->add($pwarray);
  1632. $keyoffset = $tocopy;
  1633. $tocopy = 5 - $tocopy;
  1634. $offset = 0;
  1635. continue;
  1636. }
  1637. $keyoffset = 0;
  1638. $tocopy = 5;
  1639. for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
  1640. $pwarray[$offset + $i] = $docid[$i];
  1641. }
  1642. $offset += 16;
  1643. }
  1644. $pwarray[16] = "\x80";
  1645. for ($i = 0; $i < 47; $i++) {
  1646. $pwarray[17 + $i] = "\0";
  1647. }
  1648. $pwarray[56] = "\x80";
  1649. $pwarray[57] = "\x0a";
  1650. $md5->add($pwarray);
  1651. $valContext = $md5->getContext();
  1652. $key = $this->makeKey(0, $valContext);
  1653. $salt = $key->RC4($salt_data);
  1654. $hashedsalt = $key->RC4($hashedsalt_data);
  1655. $salt .= "\x80" . str_repeat("\0", 47);
  1656. $salt[56] = "\x80";
  1657. $md5->reset();
  1658. $md5->add($salt);
  1659. $mdContext2 = $md5->getContext();
  1660. return $mdContext2 == $hashedsalt;
  1661. }
  1662. /**
  1663. * CODEPAGE
  1664. *
  1665. * This record stores the text encoding used to write byte
  1666. * strings, stored as MS Windows code page identifier.
  1667. *
  1668. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  1669. * Excel File Format"
  1670. */
  1671. private function readCodepage()
  1672. {
  1673. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1674. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1675. // move stream pointer to next record
  1676. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1677. // offset: 0; size: 2; code page identifier
  1678. $codepage = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1679. $this->codepage = PHPExcel_Shared_CodePage::NumberToName($codepage);
  1680. }
  1681. /**
  1682. * DATEMODE
  1683. *
  1684. * This record specifies the base date for displaying date
  1685. * values. All dates are stored as count of days past this
  1686. * base date. In BIFF2-BIFF4 this record is part of the
  1687. * Calculation Settings Block. In BIFF5-BIFF8 it is
  1688. * stored in the Workbook Globals Substream.
  1689. *
  1690. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  1691. * Excel File Format"
  1692. */
  1693. private function readDateMode()
  1694. {
  1695. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1696. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1697. // move stream pointer to next record
  1698. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1699. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0 = base 1900, 1 = base 1904
  1700. PHPExcel_Shared_Date::setExcelCalendar(PHPExcel_Shared_Date::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900);
  1701. if (ord($recordData{0}) == 1) {
  1702. PHPExcel_Shared_Date::setExcelCalendar(PHPExcel_Shared_Date::CALENDAR_MAC_1904);
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1705. /**
  1706. * Read a FONT record
  1707. */
  1708. private function readFont()
  1709. {
  1710. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1711. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1712. // move stream pointer to next record
  1713. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1714. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  1715. $objFont = new PHPExcel_Style_Font();
  1716. // offset: 0; size: 2; height of the font (in twips = 1/20 of a point)
  1717. $size = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1718. $objFont->setSize($size / 20);
  1719. // offset: 2; size: 2; option flags
  1720. // bit: 0; mask 0x0001; bold (redundant in BIFF5-BIFF8)
  1721. // bit: 1; mask 0x0002; italic
  1722. $isItalic = (0x0002 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 2)) >> 1;
  1723. if ($isItalic) {
  1724. $objFont->setItalic(true);
  1725. }
  1726. // bit: 2; mask 0x0004; underlined (redundant in BIFF5-BIFF8)
  1727. // bit: 3; mask 0x0008; strike
  1728. $isStrike = (0x0008 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 2)) >> 3;
  1729. if ($isStrike) {
  1730. $objFont->setStrikethrough(true);
  1731. }
  1732. // offset: 4; size: 2; colour index
  1733. $colorIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  1734. $objFont->colorIndex = $colorIndex;
  1735. // offset: 6; size: 2; font weight
  1736. $weight = self::getInt2d($recordData, 6);
  1737. switch ($weight) {
  1738. case 0x02BC:
  1739. $objFont->setBold(true);
  1740. break;
  1741. }
  1742. // offset: 8; size: 2; escapement type
  1743. $escapement = self::getInt2d($recordData, 8);
  1744. switch ($escapement) {
  1745. case 0x0001:
  1746. $objFont->setSuperScript(true);
  1747. break;
  1748. case 0x0002:
  1749. $objFont->setSubScript(true);
  1750. break;
  1751. }
  1752. // offset: 10; size: 1; underline type
  1753. $underlineType = ord($recordData{10});
  1754. switch ($underlineType) {
  1755. case 0x00:
  1756. break; // no underline
  1757. case 0x01:
  1758. $objFont->setUnderline(PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLE);
  1759. break;
  1760. case 0x02:
  1761. $objFont->setUnderline(PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLE);
  1762. break;
  1763. case 0x21:
  1764. $objFont->setUnderline(PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLEACCOUNTING);
  1765. break;
  1766. case 0x22:
  1767. $objFont->setUnderline(PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLEACCOUNTING);
  1768. break;
  1769. }
  1770. // offset: 11; size: 1; font family
  1771. // offset: 12; size: 1; character set
  1772. // offset: 13; size: 1; not used
  1773. // offset: 14; size: var; font name
  1774. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  1775. $string = self::readUnicodeStringShort(substr($recordData, 14));
  1776. } else {
  1777. $string = $this->readByteStringShort(substr($recordData, 14));
  1778. }
  1779. $objFont->setName($string['value']);
  1780. $this->objFonts[] = $objFont;
  1781. }
  1782. }
  1783. /**
  1784. * FORMAT
  1785. *
  1786. * This record contains information about a number format.
  1787. * All FORMAT records occur together in a sequential list.
  1788. *
  1789. * In BIFF2-BIFF4 other records referencing a FORMAT record
  1790. * contain a zero-based index into this list. From BIFF5 on
  1791. * the FORMAT record contains the index itself that will be
  1792. * used by other records.
  1793. *
  1794. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  1795. * Excel File Format"
  1796. */
  1797. private function readFormat()
  1798. {
  1799. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1800. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1801. // move stream pointer to next record
  1802. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1803. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  1804. $indexCode = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1805. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  1806. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, 2));
  1807. } else {
  1808. // BIFF7
  1809. $string = $this->readByteStringShort(substr($recordData, 2));
  1810. }
  1811. $formatString = $string['value'];
  1812. $this->formats[$indexCode] = $formatString;
  1813. }
  1814. }
  1815. /**
  1816. * XF - Extended Format
  1817. *
  1818. * This record contains formatting information for cells, rows, columns or styles.
  1819. * According to there are always at least 15 cell style XF
  1820. * and 1 cell XF.
  1821. * Inspection of Excel files generated by MS Office Excel shows that XF records 0-14 are cell style XF
  1822. * and XF record 15 is a cell XF
  1823. * We only read the first cell style XF and skip the remaining cell style XF records
  1824. * We read all cell XF records.
  1825. *
  1826. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  1827. * Excel File Format"
  1828. */
  1829. private function readXf()
  1830. {
  1831. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  1832. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  1833. // move stream pointer to next record
  1834. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  1835. $objStyle = new PHPExcel_Style();
  1836. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  1837. // offset: 0; size: 2; Index to FONT record
  1838. if (self::getInt2d($recordData, 0) < 4) {
  1839. $fontIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  1840. } else {
  1841. // this has to do with that index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions for some strange reason
  1842. // check the OpenOffice documentation of the FONT record
  1843. $fontIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0) - 1;
  1844. }
  1845. $objStyle->setFont($this->objFonts[$fontIndex]);
  1846. // offset: 2; size: 2; Index to FORMAT record
  1847. $numberFormatIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  1848. if (isset($this->formats[$numberFormatIndex])) {
  1849. // then we have user-defined format code
  1850. $numberformat = array('code' => $this->formats[$numberFormatIndex]);
  1851. } elseif (($code = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::builtInFormatCode($numberFormatIndex)) !== '') {
  1852. // then we have built-in format code
  1853. $numberformat = array('code' => $code);
  1854. } else {
  1855. // we set the general format code
  1856. $numberformat = array('code' => 'General');
  1857. }
  1858. $objStyle->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode($numberformat['code']);
  1859. // offset: 4; size: 2; XF type, cell protection, and parent style XF
  1860. // bit 2-0; mask 0x0007; XF_TYPE_PROT
  1861. $xfTypeProt = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  1862. // bit 0; mask 0x01; 1 = cell is locked
  1863. $isLocked = (0x01 & $xfTypeProt) >> 0;
  1864. $objStyle->getProtection()->setLocked($isLocked ? PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_INHERIT : PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_UNPROTECTED);
  1865. // bit 1; mask 0x02; 1 = Formula is hidden
  1866. $isHidden = (0x02 & $xfTypeProt) >> 1;
  1867. $objStyle->getProtection()->setHidden($isHidden ? PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_PROTECTED : PHPExcel_Style_Protection::PROTECTION_UNPROTECTED);
  1868. // bit 2; mask 0x04; 0 = Cell XF, 1 = Cell Style XF
  1869. $isCellStyleXf = (0x04 & $xfTypeProt) >> 2;
  1870. // offset: 6; size: 1; Alignment and text break
  1871. // bit 2-0, mask 0x07; horizontal alignment
  1872. $horAlign = (0x07 & ord($recordData{6})) >> 0;
  1873. switch ($horAlign) {
  1874. case 0:
  1875. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL);
  1876. break;
  1877. case 1:
  1878. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_LEFT);
  1879. break;
  1880. case 2:
  1881. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
  1882. break;
  1883. case 3:
  1884. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT);
  1885. break;
  1886. case 4:
  1887. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_FILL);
  1888. break;
  1889. case 5:
  1890. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY);
  1891. break;
  1892. case 6:
  1893. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER_CONTINUOUS);
  1894. break;
  1895. }
  1896. // bit 3, mask 0x08; wrap text
  1897. $wrapText = (0x08 & ord($recordData{6})) >> 3;
  1898. switch ($wrapText) {
  1899. case 0:
  1900. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setWrapText(false);
  1901. break;
  1902. case 1:
  1903. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setWrapText(true);
  1904. break;
  1905. }
  1906. // bit 6-4, mask 0x70; vertical alignment
  1907. $vertAlign = (0x70 & ord($recordData{6})) >> 4;
  1908. switch ($vertAlign) {
  1909. case 0:
  1910. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP);
  1911. break;
  1912. case 1:
  1913. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER);
  1914. break;
  1915. case 2:
  1916. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_BOTTOM);
  1917. break;
  1918. case 3:
  1919. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_JUSTIFY);
  1920. break;
  1921. }
  1922. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  1923. // offset: 7; size: 1; XF_ROTATION: Text rotation angle
  1924. $angle = ord($recordData{7});
  1925. $rotation = 0;
  1926. if ($angle <= 90) {
  1927. $rotation = $angle;
  1928. } elseif ($angle <= 180) {
  1929. $rotation = 90 - $angle;
  1930. } elseif ($angle == 255) {
  1931. $rotation = -165;
  1932. }
  1933. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setTextRotation($rotation);
  1934. // offset: 8; size: 1; Indentation, shrink to cell size, and text direction
  1935. // bit: 3-0; mask: 0x0F; indent level
  1936. $indent = (0x0F & ord($recordData{8})) >> 0;
  1937. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setIndent($indent);
  1938. // bit: 4; mask: 0x10; 1 = shrink content to fit into cell
  1939. $shrinkToFit = (0x10 & ord($recordData{8})) >> 4;
  1940. switch ($shrinkToFit) {
  1941. case 0:
  1942. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setShrinkToFit(false);
  1943. break;
  1944. case 1:
  1945. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setShrinkToFit(true);
  1946. break;
  1947. }
  1948. // offset: 9; size: 1; Flags used for attribute groups
  1949. // offset: 10; size: 4; Cell border lines and background area
  1950. // bit: 3-0; mask: 0x0000000F; left style
  1951. if ($bordersLeftStyle = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x0000000F & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 0)) {
  1952. $objStyle->getBorders()->getLeft()->setBorderStyle($bordersLeftStyle);
  1953. }
  1954. // bit: 7-4; mask: 0x000000F0; right style
  1955. if ($bordersRightStyle = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x000000F0 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 4)) {
  1956. $objStyle->getBorders()->getRight()->setBorderStyle($bordersRightStyle);
  1957. }
  1958. // bit: 11-8; mask: 0x00000F00; top style
  1959. if ($bordersTopStyle = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x00000F00 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 8)) {
  1960. $objStyle->getBorders()->getTop()->setBorderStyle($bordersTopStyle);
  1961. }
  1962. // bit: 15-12; mask: 0x0000F000; bottom style
  1963. if ($bordersBottomStyle = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x0000F000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 12)) {
  1964. $objStyle->getBorders()->getBottom()->setBorderStyle($bordersBottomStyle);
  1965. }
  1966. // bit: 22-16; mask: 0x007F0000; left color
  1967. $objStyle->getBorders()->getLeft()->colorIndex = (0x007F0000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 16;
  1968. // bit: 29-23; mask: 0x3F800000; right color
  1969. $objStyle->getBorders()->getRight()->colorIndex = (0x3F800000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 23;
  1970. // bit: 30; mask: 0x40000000; 1 = diagonal line from top left to right bottom
  1971. $diagonalDown = (0x40000000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 30 ? true : false;
  1972. // bit: 31; mask: 0x80000000; 1 = diagonal line from bottom left to top right
  1973. $diagonalUp = (0x80000000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 10)) >> 31 ? true : false;
  1974. if ($diagonalUp == false && $diagonalDown == false) {
  1975. $objStyle->getBorders()->setDiagonalDirection(PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_NONE);
  1976. } elseif ($diagonalUp == true && $diagonalDown == false) {
  1977. $objStyle->getBorders()->setDiagonalDirection(PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_UP);
  1978. } elseif ($diagonalUp == false && $diagonalDown == true) {
  1979. $objStyle->getBorders()->setDiagonalDirection(PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_DOWN);
  1980. } elseif ($diagonalUp == true && $diagonalDown == true) {
  1981. $objStyle->getBorders()->setDiagonalDirection(PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_BOTH);
  1982. }
  1983. // offset: 14; size: 4;
  1984. // bit: 6-0; mask: 0x0000007F; top color
  1985. $objStyle->getBorders()->getTop()->colorIndex = (0x0000007F & self::getInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 0;
  1986. // bit: 13-7; mask: 0x00003F80; bottom color
  1987. $objStyle->getBorders()->getBottom()->colorIndex = (0x00003F80 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 7;
  1988. // bit: 20-14; mask: 0x001FC000; diagonal color
  1989. $objStyle->getBorders()->getDiagonal()->colorIndex = (0x001FC000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 14;
  1990. // bit: 24-21; mask: 0x01E00000; diagonal style
  1991. if ($bordersDiagonalStyle = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x01E00000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 21)) {
  1992. $objStyle->getBorders()->getDiagonal()->setBorderStyle($bordersDiagonalStyle);
  1993. }
  1994. // bit: 31-26; mask: 0xFC000000 fill pattern
  1995. if ($fillType = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_FillPattern::lookup((0xFC000000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 14)) >> 26)) {
  1996. $objStyle->getFill()->setFillType($fillType);
  1997. }
  1998. // offset: 18; size: 2; pattern and background colour
  1999. // bit: 6-0; mask: 0x007F; color index for pattern color
  2000. $objStyle->getFill()->startcolorIndex = (0x007F & self::getInt2d($recordData, 18)) >> 0;
  2001. // bit: 13-7; mask: 0x3F80; color index for pattern background
  2002. $objStyle->getFill()->endcolorIndex = (0x3F80 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 18)) >> 7;
  2003. } else {
  2004. // BIFF5
  2005. // offset: 7; size: 1; Text orientation and flags
  2006. $orientationAndFlags = ord($recordData{7});
  2007. // bit: 1-0; mask: 0x03; XF_ORIENTATION: Text orientation
  2008. $xfOrientation = (0x03 & $orientationAndFlags) >> 0;
  2009. switch ($xfOrientation) {
  2010. case 0:
  2011. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setTextRotation(0);
  2012. break;
  2013. case 1:
  2014. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setTextRotation(-165);
  2015. break;
  2016. case 2:
  2017. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setTextRotation(90);
  2018. break;
  2019. case 3:
  2020. $objStyle->getAlignment()->setTextRotation(-90);
  2021. break;
  2022. }
  2023. // offset: 8; size: 4; cell border lines and background area
  2024. $borderAndBackground = self::getInt4d($recordData, 8);
  2025. // bit: 6-0; mask: 0x0000007F; color index for pattern color
  2026. $objStyle->getFill()->startcolorIndex = (0x0000007F & $borderAndBackground) >> 0;
  2027. // bit: 13-7; mask: 0x00003F80; color index for pattern background
  2028. $objStyle->getFill()->endcolorIndex = (0x00003F80 & $borderAndBackground) >> 7;
  2029. // bit: 21-16; mask: 0x003F0000; fill pattern
  2030. $objStyle->getFill()->setFillType(PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_FillPattern::lookup((0x003F0000 & $borderAndBackground) >> 16));
  2031. // bit: 24-22; mask: 0x01C00000; bottom line style
  2032. $objStyle->getBorders()->getBottom()->setBorderStyle(PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x01C00000 & $borderAndBackground) >> 22));
  2033. // bit: 31-25; mask: 0xFE000000; bottom line color
  2034. $objStyle->getBorders()->getBottom()->colorIndex = (0xFE000000 & $borderAndBackground) >> 25;
  2035. // offset: 12; size: 4; cell border lines
  2036. $borderLines = self::getInt4d($recordData, 12);
  2037. // bit: 2-0; mask: 0x00000007; top line style
  2038. $objStyle->getBorders()->getTop()->setBorderStyle(PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x00000007 & $borderLines) >> 0));
  2039. // bit: 5-3; mask: 0x00000038; left line style
  2040. $objStyle->getBorders()->getLeft()->setBorderStyle(PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x00000038 & $borderLines) >> 3));
  2041. // bit: 8-6; mask: 0x000001C0; right line style
  2042. $objStyle->getBorders()->getRight()->setBorderStyle(PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Style_Border::lookup((0x000001C0 & $borderLines) >> 6));
  2043. // bit: 15-9; mask: 0x0000FE00; top line color index
  2044. $objStyle->getBorders()->getTop()->colorIndex = (0x0000FE00 & $borderLines) >> 9;
  2045. // bit: 22-16; mask: 0x007F0000; left line color index
  2046. $objStyle->getBorders()->getLeft()->colorIndex = (0x007F0000 & $borderLines) >> 16;
  2047. // bit: 29-23; mask: 0x3F800000; right line color index
  2048. $objStyle->getBorders()->getRight()->colorIndex = (0x3F800000 & $borderLines) >> 23;
  2049. }
  2050. // add cellStyleXf or cellXf and update mapping
  2051. if ($isCellStyleXf) {
  2052. // we only read one style XF record which is always the first
  2053. if ($this->xfIndex == 0) {
  2054. $this->phpExcel->addCellStyleXf($objStyle);
  2055. $this->mapCellStyleXfIndex[$this->xfIndex] = 0;
  2056. }
  2057. } else {
  2058. // we read all cell XF records
  2059. $this->phpExcel->addCellXf($objStyle);
  2060. $this->mapCellXfIndex[$this->xfIndex] = count($this->phpExcel->getCellXfCollection()) - 1;
  2061. }
  2062. // update XF index for when we read next record
  2063. ++$this->xfIndex;
  2064. }
  2065. }
  2066. /**
  2067. *
  2068. */
  2069. private function readXfExt()
  2070. {
  2071. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2072. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2073. // move stream pointer to next record
  2074. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2075. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2076. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0x087D = repeated header
  2077. // offset: 2; size: 2
  2078. // offset: 4; size: 8; not used
  2079. // offset: 12; size: 2; record version
  2080. // offset: 14; size: 2; index to XF record which this record modifies
  2081. $ixfe = self::getInt2d($recordData, 14);
  2082. // offset: 16; size: 2; not used
  2083. // offset: 18; size: 2; number of extension properties that follow
  2084. $cexts = self::getInt2d($recordData, 18);
  2085. // start reading the actual extension data
  2086. $offset = 20;
  2087. while ($offset < $length) {
  2088. // extension type
  2089. $extType = self::getInt2d($recordData, $offset);
  2090. // extension length
  2091. $cb = self::getInt2d($recordData, $offset + 2);
  2092. // extension data
  2093. $extData = substr($recordData, $offset + 4, $cb);
  2094. switch ($extType) {
  2095. case 4: // fill start color
  2096. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2097. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2098. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2099. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2100. // modify the relevant style property
  2101. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2102. $fill = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getFill();
  2103. $fill->getStartColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2104. unset($fill->startcolorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2105. }
  2106. }
  2107. break;
  2108. case 5: // fill end color
  2109. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2110. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2111. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2112. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2113. // modify the relevant style property
  2114. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2115. $fill = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getFill();
  2116. $fill->getEndColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2117. unset($fill->endcolorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2118. }
  2119. }
  2120. break;
  2121. case 7: // border color top
  2122. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2123. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2124. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2125. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2126. // modify the relevant style property
  2127. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2128. $top = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getBorders()->getTop();
  2129. $top->getColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2130. unset($top->colorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2131. }
  2132. }
  2133. break;
  2134. case 8: // border color bottom
  2135. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2136. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2137. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2138. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2139. // modify the relevant style property
  2140. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2141. $bottom = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getBorders()->getBottom();
  2142. $bottom->getColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2143. unset($bottom->colorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2144. }
  2145. }
  2146. break;
  2147. case 9: // border color left
  2148. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2149. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2150. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2151. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2152. // modify the relevant style property
  2153. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2154. $left = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getBorders()->getLeft();
  2155. $left->getColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2156. unset($left->colorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2157. }
  2158. }
  2159. break;
  2160. case 10: // border color right
  2161. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2162. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2163. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2164. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2165. // modify the relevant style property
  2166. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2167. $right = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getBorders()->getRight();
  2168. $right->getColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2169. unset($right->colorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2170. }
  2171. }
  2172. break;
  2173. case 11: // border color diagonal
  2174. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2175. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2176. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2177. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2178. // modify the relevant style property
  2179. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2180. $diagonal = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getBorders()->getDiagonal();
  2181. $diagonal->getColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2182. unset($diagonal->colorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2183. }
  2184. }
  2185. break;
  2186. case 13: // font color
  2187. $xclfType = self::getInt2d($extData, 0); // color type
  2188. $xclrValue = substr($extData, 4, 4); // color value (value based on color type)
  2189. if ($xclfType == 2) {
  2190. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', ord($xclrValue{0}), ord($xclrValue{1}), ord($xclrValue{2}));
  2191. // modify the relevant style property
  2192. if (isset($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])) {
  2193. $font = $this->phpExcel->getCellXfByIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$ixfe])->getFont();
  2194. $font->getColor()->setRGB($rgb);
  2195. unset($font->colorIndex); // normal color index does not apply, discard
  2196. }
  2197. }
  2198. break;
  2199. }
  2200. $offset += $cb;
  2201. }
  2202. }
  2203. }
  2204. /**
  2205. * Read STYLE record
  2206. */
  2207. private function readStyle()
  2208. {
  2209. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2210. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2211. // move stream pointer to next record
  2212. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2213. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2214. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to XF record and flag for built-in style
  2215. $ixfe = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2216. // bit: 11-0; mask 0x0FFF; index to XF record
  2217. $xfIndex = (0x0FFF & $ixfe) >> 0;
  2218. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; 0 = user-defined style, 1 = built-in style
  2219. $isBuiltIn = (bool) ((0x8000 & $ixfe) >> 15);
  2220. if ($isBuiltIn) {
  2221. // offset: 2; size: 1; identifier for built-in style
  2222. $builtInId = ord($recordData{2});
  2223. switch ($builtInId) {
  2224. case 0x00:
  2225. // currently, we are not using this for anything
  2226. break;
  2227. default:
  2228. break;
  2229. }
  2230. } else {
  2231. // user-defined; not supported by PHPExcel
  2232. }
  2233. }
  2234. }
  2235. /**
  2236. * Read PALETTE record
  2237. */
  2238. private function readPalette()
  2239. {
  2240. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2241. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2242. // move stream pointer to next record
  2243. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2244. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2245. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of following colors
  2246. $nm = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2247. // list of RGB colors
  2248. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  2249. $rgb = substr($recordData, 2 + 4 * $i, 4);
  2250. $this->palette[] = self::readRGB($rgb);
  2251. }
  2252. }
  2253. }
  2254. /**
  2255. * SHEET
  2256. *
  2257. * This record is located in the Workbook Globals
  2258. * Substream and represents a sheet inside the workbook.
  2259. * One SHEET record is written for each sheet. It stores the
  2260. * sheet name and a stream offset to the BOF record of the
  2261. * respective Sheet Substream within the Workbook Stream.
  2262. *
  2263. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  2264. * Excel File Format"
  2265. */
  2266. private function readSheet()
  2267. {
  2268. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2269. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2270. // offset: 0; size: 4; absolute stream position of the BOF record of the sheet
  2271. // NOTE: not encrypted
  2272. $rec_offset = self::getInt4d($this->data, $this->pos + 4);
  2273. // move stream pointer to next record
  2274. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2275. // offset: 4; size: 1; sheet state
  2276. switch (ord($recordData{4})) {
  2277. case 0x00:
  2278. $sheetState = PHPExcel_Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE;
  2279. break;
  2280. case 0x01:
  2281. $sheetState = PHPExcel_Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_HIDDEN;
  2282. break;
  2283. case 0x02:
  2284. $sheetState = PHPExcel_Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_VERYHIDDEN;
  2285. break;
  2286. default:
  2287. $sheetState = PHPExcel_Worksheet::SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE;
  2288. break;
  2289. }
  2290. // offset: 5; size: 1; sheet type
  2291. $sheetType = ord($recordData{5});
  2292. // offset: 6; size: var; sheet name
  2293. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  2294. $string = self::readUnicodeStringShort(substr($recordData, 6));
  2295. $rec_name = $string['value'];
  2296. } elseif ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF7) {
  2297. $string = $this->readByteStringShort(substr($recordData, 6));
  2298. $rec_name = $string['value'];
  2299. }
  2300. $this->sheets[] = array(
  2301. 'name' => $rec_name,
  2302. 'offset' => $rec_offset,
  2303. 'sheetState' => $sheetState,
  2304. 'sheetType' => $sheetType,
  2305. );
  2306. }
  2307. /**
  2308. * Read EXTERNALBOOK record
  2309. */
  2310. private function readExternalBook()
  2311. {
  2312. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2313. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2314. // move stream pointer to next record
  2315. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2316. // offset within record data
  2317. $offset = 0;
  2318. // there are 4 types of records
  2319. if (strlen($recordData) > 4) {
  2320. // external reference
  2321. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of sheet names ($nm)
  2322. $nm = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2323. $offset += 2;
  2324. // offset: 2; size: var; encoded URL without sheet name (Unicode string, 16-bit length)
  2325. $encodedUrlString = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, 2));
  2326. $offset += $encodedUrlString['size'];
  2327. // offset: var; size: var; list of $nm sheet names (Unicode strings, 16-bit length)
  2328. $externalSheetNames = array();
  2329. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  2330. $externalSheetNameString = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, $offset));
  2331. $externalSheetNames[] = $externalSheetNameString['value'];
  2332. $offset += $externalSheetNameString['size'];
  2333. }
  2334. // store the record data
  2335. $this->externalBooks[] = array(
  2336. 'type' => 'external',
  2337. 'encodedUrl' => $encodedUrlString['value'],
  2338. 'externalSheetNames' => $externalSheetNames,
  2339. );
  2340. } elseif (substr($recordData, 2, 2) == pack('CC', 0x01, 0x04)) {
  2341. // internal reference
  2342. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of sheet in this document
  2343. // offset: 2; size: 2; 0x01 0x04
  2344. $this->externalBooks[] = array(
  2345. 'type' => 'internal',
  2346. );
  2347. } elseif (substr($recordData, 0, 4) == pack('vCC', 0x0001, 0x01, 0x3A)) {
  2348. // add-in function
  2349. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0x0001
  2350. $this->externalBooks[] = array(
  2351. 'type' => 'addInFunction',
  2352. );
  2353. } elseif (substr($recordData, 0, 2) == pack('v', 0x0000)) {
  2354. // DDE links, OLE links
  2355. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0x0000
  2356. // offset: 2; size: var; encoded source document name
  2357. $this->externalBooks[] = array(
  2358. 'type' => 'DDEorOLE',
  2359. );
  2360. }
  2361. }
  2362. /**
  2363. * Read EXTERNNAME record.
  2364. */
  2365. private function readExternName()
  2366. {
  2367. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2368. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2369. // move stream pointer to next record
  2370. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2371. // external sheet references provided for named cells
  2372. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  2373. // offset: 0; size: 2; options
  2374. $options = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2375. // offset: 2; size: 2;
  2376. // offset: 4; size: 2; not used
  2377. // offset: 6; size: var
  2378. $nameString = self::readUnicodeStringShort(substr($recordData, 6));
  2379. // offset: var; size: var; formula data
  2380. $offset = 6 + $nameString['size'];
  2381. $formula = $this->getFormulaFromStructure(substr($recordData, $offset));
  2382. $this->externalNames[] = array(
  2383. 'name' => $nameString['value'],
  2384. 'formula' => $formula,
  2385. );
  2386. }
  2387. }
  2388. /**
  2389. * Read EXTERNSHEET record
  2390. */
  2391. private function readExternSheet()
  2392. {
  2393. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2394. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2395. // move stream pointer to next record
  2396. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2397. // external sheet references provided for named cells
  2398. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  2399. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of following ref structures
  2400. $nm = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2401. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  2402. $this->ref[] = array(
  2403. // offset: 2 + 6 * $i; index to EXTERNALBOOK record
  2404. 'externalBookIndex' => self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i),
  2405. // offset: 4 + 6 * $i; index to first sheet in EXTERNALBOOK record
  2406. 'firstSheetIndex' => self::getInt2d($recordData, 4 + 6 * $i),
  2407. // offset: 6 + 6 * $i; index to last sheet in EXTERNALBOOK record
  2408. 'lastSheetIndex' => self::getInt2d($recordData, 6 + 6 * $i),
  2409. );
  2410. }
  2411. }
  2412. }
  2413. /**
  2415. *
  2416. * This record is part of a Link Table. It contains the name
  2417. * and the token array of an internal defined name. Token
  2418. * arrays of defined names contain tokens with aberrant
  2419. * token classes.
  2420. *
  2421. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  2422. * Excel File Format"
  2423. */
  2424. private function readDefinedName()
  2425. {
  2426. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2427. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2428. // move stream pointer to next record
  2429. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2430. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  2431. // retrieves named cells
  2432. // offset: 0; size: 2; option flags
  2433. $opts = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2434. // bit: 5; mask: 0x0020; 0 = user-defined name, 1 = built-in-name
  2435. $isBuiltInName = (0x0020 & $opts) >> 5;
  2436. // offset: 2; size: 1; keyboard shortcut
  2437. // offset: 3; size: 1; length of the name (character count)
  2438. $nlen = ord($recordData{3});
  2439. // offset: 4; size: 2; size of the formula data (it can happen that this is zero)
  2440. // note: there can also be additional data, this is not included in $flen
  2441. $flen = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  2442. // offset: 8; size: 2; 0=Global name, otherwise index to sheet (1-based)
  2443. $scope = self::getInt2d($recordData, 8);
  2444. // offset: 14; size: var; Name (Unicode string without length field)
  2445. $string = self::readUnicodeString(substr($recordData, 14), $nlen);
  2446. // offset: var; size: $flen; formula data
  2447. $offset = 14 + $string['size'];
  2448. $formulaStructure = pack('v', $flen) . substr($recordData, $offset);
  2449. try {
  2450. $formula = $this->getFormulaFromStructure($formulaStructure);
  2451. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  2452. $formula = '';
  2453. }
  2454. $this->definedname[] = array(
  2455. 'isBuiltInName' => $isBuiltInName,
  2456. 'name' => $string['value'],
  2457. 'formula' => $formula,
  2458. 'scope' => $scope,
  2459. );
  2460. }
  2461. }
  2462. /**
  2463. * Read MSODRAWINGGROUP record
  2464. */
  2465. private function readMsoDrawingGroup()
  2466. {
  2467. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2468. // get spliced record data
  2469. $splicedRecordData = $this->getSplicedRecordData();
  2470. $recordData = $splicedRecordData['recordData'];
  2471. $this->drawingGroupData .= $recordData;
  2472. }
  2473. /**
  2474. * SST - Shared String Table
  2475. *
  2476. * This record contains a list of all strings used anywhere
  2477. * in the workbook. Each string occurs only once. The
  2478. * workbook uses indexes into the list to reference the
  2479. * strings.
  2480. *
  2481. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  2482. * Excel File Format"
  2483. **/
  2484. private function readSst()
  2485. {
  2486. // offset within (spliced) record data
  2487. $pos = 0;
  2488. // get spliced record data
  2489. $splicedRecordData = $this->getSplicedRecordData();
  2490. $recordData = $splicedRecordData['recordData'];
  2491. $spliceOffsets = $splicedRecordData['spliceOffsets'];
  2492. // offset: 0; size: 4; total number of strings in the workbook
  2493. $pos += 4;
  2494. // offset: 4; size: 4; number of following strings ($nm)
  2495. $nm = self::getInt4d($recordData, 4);
  2496. $pos += 4;
  2497. // loop through the Unicode strings (16-bit length)
  2498. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  2499. // number of characters in the Unicode string
  2500. $numChars = self::getInt2d($recordData, $pos);
  2501. $pos += 2;
  2502. // option flags
  2503. $optionFlags = ord($recordData{$pos});
  2504. ++$pos;
  2505. // bit: 0; mask: 0x01; 0 = compressed; 1 = uncompressed
  2506. $isCompressed = (($optionFlags & 0x01) == 0) ;
  2507. // bit: 2; mask: 0x02; 0 = ordinary; 1 = Asian phonetic
  2508. $hasAsian = (($optionFlags & 0x04) != 0);
  2509. // bit: 3; mask: 0x03; 0 = ordinary; 1 = Rich-Text
  2510. $hasRichText = (($optionFlags & 0x08) != 0);
  2511. if ($hasRichText) {
  2512. // number of Rich-Text formatting runs
  2513. $formattingRuns = self::getInt2d($recordData, $pos);
  2514. $pos += 2;
  2515. }
  2516. if ($hasAsian) {
  2517. // size of Asian phonetic setting
  2518. $extendedRunLength = self::getInt4d($recordData, $pos);
  2519. $pos += 4;
  2520. }
  2521. // expected byte length of character array if not split
  2522. $len = ($isCompressed) ? $numChars : $numChars * 2;
  2523. // look up limit position
  2524. foreach ($spliceOffsets as $spliceOffset) {
  2525. // it can happen that the string is empty, therefore we need
  2526. // <= and not just <
  2527. if ($pos <= $spliceOffset) {
  2528. $limitpos = $spliceOffset;
  2529. break;
  2530. }
  2531. }
  2532. if ($pos + $len <= $limitpos) {
  2533. // character array is not split between records
  2534. $retstr = substr($recordData, $pos, $len);
  2535. $pos += $len;
  2536. } else {
  2537. // character array is split between records
  2538. // first part of character array
  2539. $retstr = substr($recordData, $pos, $limitpos - $pos);
  2540. $bytesRead = $limitpos - $pos;
  2541. // remaining characters in Unicode string
  2542. $charsLeft = $numChars - (($isCompressed) ? $bytesRead : ($bytesRead / 2));
  2543. $pos = $limitpos;
  2544. // keep reading the characters
  2545. while ($charsLeft > 0) {
  2546. // look up next limit position, in case the string span more than one continue record
  2547. foreach ($spliceOffsets as $spliceOffset) {
  2548. if ($pos < $spliceOffset) {
  2549. $limitpos = $spliceOffset;
  2550. break;
  2551. }
  2552. }
  2553. // repeated option flags
  2554. // documentation 5.21
  2555. $option = ord($recordData{$pos});
  2556. ++$pos;
  2557. if ($isCompressed && ($option == 0)) {
  2558. // 1st fragment compressed
  2559. // this fragment compressed
  2560. $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $pos);
  2561. $retstr .= substr($recordData, $pos, $len);
  2562. $charsLeft -= $len;
  2563. $isCompressed = true;
  2564. } elseif (!$isCompressed && ($option != 0)) {
  2565. // 1st fragment uncompressed
  2566. // this fragment uncompressed
  2567. $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $pos);
  2568. $retstr .= substr($recordData, $pos, $len);
  2569. $charsLeft -= $len / 2;
  2570. $isCompressed = false;
  2571. } elseif (!$isCompressed && ($option == 0)) {
  2572. // 1st fragment uncompressed
  2573. // this fragment compressed
  2574. $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $pos);
  2575. for ($j = 0; $j < $len; ++$j) {
  2576. $retstr .= $recordData{$pos + $j} . chr(0);
  2577. }
  2578. $charsLeft -= $len;
  2579. $isCompressed = false;
  2580. } else {
  2581. // 1st fragment compressed
  2582. // this fragment uncompressed
  2583. $newstr = '';
  2584. for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($retstr); ++$j) {
  2585. $newstr .= $retstr[$j] . chr(0);
  2586. }
  2587. $retstr = $newstr;
  2588. $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $pos);
  2589. $retstr .= substr($recordData, $pos, $len);
  2590. $charsLeft -= $len / 2;
  2591. $isCompressed = false;
  2592. }
  2593. $pos += $len;
  2594. }
  2595. }
  2596. // convert to UTF-8
  2597. $retstr = self::encodeUTF16($retstr, $isCompressed);
  2598. // read additional Rich-Text information, if any
  2599. $fmtRuns = array();
  2600. if ($hasRichText) {
  2601. // list of formatting runs
  2602. for ($j = 0; $j < $formattingRuns; ++$j) {
  2603. // first formatted character; zero-based
  2604. $charPos = self::getInt2d($recordData, $pos + $j * 4);
  2605. // index to font record
  2606. $fontIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, $pos + 2 + $j * 4);
  2607. $fmtRuns[] = array(
  2608. 'charPos' => $charPos,
  2609. 'fontIndex' => $fontIndex,
  2610. );
  2611. }
  2612. $pos += 4 * $formattingRuns;
  2613. }
  2614. // read additional Asian phonetics information, if any
  2615. if ($hasAsian) {
  2616. // For Asian phonetic settings, we skip the extended string data
  2617. $pos += $extendedRunLength;
  2618. }
  2619. // store the shared sting
  2620. $this->sst[] = array(
  2621. 'value' => $retstr,
  2622. 'fmtRuns' => $fmtRuns,
  2623. );
  2624. }
  2625. // getSplicedRecordData() takes care of moving current position in data stream
  2626. }
  2627. /**
  2628. * Read PRINTGRIDLINES record
  2629. */
  2630. private function readPrintGridlines()
  2631. {
  2632. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2633. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2634. // move stream pointer to next record
  2635. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2636. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->readDataOnly) {
  2637. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0 = do not print sheet grid lines; 1 = print sheet gridlines
  2638. $printGridlines = (bool) self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2639. $this->phpSheet->setPrintGridlines($printGridlines);
  2640. }
  2641. }
  2642. /**
  2643. * Read DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record
  2644. */
  2645. private function readDefaultRowHeight()
  2646. {
  2647. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2648. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2649. // move stream pointer to next record
  2650. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2651. // offset: 0; size: 2; option flags
  2652. // offset: 2; size: 2; default height for unused rows, (twips 1/20 point)
  2653. $height = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  2654. $this->phpSheet->getDefaultRowDimension()->setRowHeight($height / 20);
  2655. }
  2656. /**
  2657. * Read SHEETPR record
  2658. */
  2659. private function readSheetPr()
  2660. {
  2661. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2662. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2663. // move stream pointer to next record
  2664. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2665. // offset: 0; size: 2
  2666. // bit: 6; mask: 0x0040; 0 = outline buttons above outline group
  2667. $isSummaryBelow = (0x0040 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 6;
  2668. $this->phpSheet->setShowSummaryBelow($isSummaryBelow);
  2669. // bit: 7; mask: 0x0080; 0 = outline buttons left of outline group
  2670. $isSummaryRight = (0x0080 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 7;
  2671. $this->phpSheet->setShowSummaryRight($isSummaryRight);
  2672. // bit: 8; mask: 0x100; 0 = scale printout in percent, 1 = fit printout to number of pages
  2673. // this corresponds to radio button setting in page setup dialog in Excel
  2674. $this->isFitToPages = (bool) ((0x0100 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 8);
  2675. }
  2676. /**
  2677. * Read HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS record
  2678. */
  2679. private function readHorizontalPageBreaks()
  2680. {
  2681. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2682. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2683. // move stream pointer to next record
  2684. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2685. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->readDataOnly) {
  2686. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of the following row index structures
  2687. $nm = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2688. // offset: 2; size: 6 * $nm; list of $nm row index structures
  2689. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  2690. $r = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i);
  2691. $cf = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i + 2);
  2692. $cl = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i + 4);
  2693. // not sure why two column indexes are necessary?
  2694. $this->phpSheet->setBreakByColumnAndRow($cf, $r, PHPExcel_Worksheet::BREAK_ROW);
  2695. }
  2696. }
  2697. }
  2698. /**
  2699. * Read VERTICALPAGEBREAKS record
  2700. */
  2701. private function readVerticalPageBreaks()
  2702. {
  2703. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2704. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2705. // move stream pointer to next record
  2706. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2707. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->readDataOnly) {
  2708. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of the following column index structures
  2709. $nm = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2710. // offset: 2; size: 6 * $nm; list of $nm row index structures
  2711. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  2712. $c = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i);
  2713. $rf = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i + 2);
  2714. $rl = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2 + 6 * $i + 4);
  2715. // not sure why two row indexes are necessary?
  2716. $this->phpSheet->setBreakByColumnAndRow($c, $rf, PHPExcel_Worksheet::BREAK_COLUMN);
  2717. }
  2718. }
  2719. }
  2720. /**
  2721. * Read HEADER record
  2722. */
  2723. private function readHeader()
  2724. {
  2725. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2726. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2727. // move stream pointer to next record
  2728. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2729. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2730. // offset: 0; size: var
  2731. // realized that $recordData can be empty even when record exists
  2732. if ($recordData) {
  2733. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  2734. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong($recordData);
  2735. } else {
  2736. $string = $this->readByteStringShort($recordData);
  2737. }
  2738. $this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->setOddHeader($string['value']);
  2739. $this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->setEvenHeader($string['value']);
  2740. }
  2741. }
  2742. }
  2743. /**
  2744. * Read FOOTER record
  2745. */
  2746. private function readFooter()
  2747. {
  2748. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2749. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2750. // move stream pointer to next record
  2751. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2752. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2753. // offset: 0; size: var
  2754. // realized that $recordData can be empty even when record exists
  2755. if ($recordData) {
  2756. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  2757. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong($recordData);
  2758. } else {
  2759. $string = $this->readByteStringShort($recordData);
  2760. }
  2761. $this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->setOddFooter($string['value']);
  2762. $this->phpSheet->getHeaderFooter()->setEvenFooter($string['value']);
  2763. }
  2764. }
  2765. }
  2766. /**
  2767. * Read HCENTER record
  2768. */
  2769. private function readHcenter()
  2770. {
  2771. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2772. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2773. // move stream pointer to next record
  2774. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2775. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2776. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0 = print sheet left aligned, 1 = print sheet centered horizontally
  2777. $isHorizontalCentered = (bool) self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2778. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setHorizontalCentered($isHorizontalCentered);
  2779. }
  2780. }
  2781. /**
  2782. * Read VCENTER record
  2783. */
  2784. private function readVcenter()
  2785. {
  2786. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2787. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2788. // move stream pointer to next record
  2789. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2790. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2791. // offset: 0; size: 2; 0 = print sheet aligned at top page border, 1 = print sheet vertically centered
  2792. $isVerticalCentered = (bool) self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2793. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setVerticalCentered($isVerticalCentered);
  2794. }
  2795. }
  2796. /**
  2797. * Read LEFTMARGIN record
  2798. */
  2799. private function readLeftMargin()
  2800. {
  2801. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2802. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2803. // move stream pointer to next record
  2804. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2805. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2806. // offset: 0; size: 8
  2807. $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->setLeft(self::extractNumber($recordData));
  2808. }
  2809. }
  2810. /**
  2811. * Read RIGHTMARGIN record
  2812. */
  2813. private function readRightMargin()
  2814. {
  2815. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2816. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2817. // move stream pointer to next record
  2818. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2819. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2820. // offset: 0; size: 8
  2821. $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->setRight(self::extractNumber($recordData));
  2822. }
  2823. }
  2824. /**
  2825. * Read TOPMARGIN record
  2826. */
  2827. private function readTopMargin()
  2828. {
  2829. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2830. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2831. // move stream pointer to next record
  2832. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2833. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2834. // offset: 0; size: 8
  2835. $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->setTop(self::extractNumber($recordData));
  2836. }
  2837. }
  2838. /**
  2839. * Read BOTTOMMARGIN record
  2840. */
  2841. private function readBottomMargin()
  2842. {
  2843. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2844. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2845. // move stream pointer to next record
  2846. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2847. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2848. // offset: 0; size: 8
  2849. $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->setBottom(self::extractNumber($recordData));
  2850. }
  2851. }
  2852. /**
  2853. * Read PAGESETUP record
  2854. */
  2855. private function readPageSetup()
  2856. {
  2857. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2858. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2859. // move stream pointer to next record
  2860. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2861. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2862. // offset: 0; size: 2; paper size
  2863. $paperSize = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2864. // offset: 2; size: 2; scaling factor
  2865. $scale = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  2866. // offset: 6; size: 2; fit worksheet width to this number of pages, 0 = use as many as needed
  2867. $fitToWidth = self::getInt2d($recordData, 6);
  2868. // offset: 8; size: 2; fit worksheet height to this number of pages, 0 = use as many as needed
  2869. $fitToHeight = self::getInt2d($recordData, 8);
  2870. // offset: 10; size: 2; option flags
  2871. // bit: 1; mask: 0x0002; 0=landscape, 1=portrait
  2872. $isPortrait = (0x0002 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 10)) >> 1;
  2873. // bit: 2; mask: 0x0004; 1= paper size, scaling factor, paper orient. not init
  2874. // when this bit is set, do not use flags for those properties
  2875. $isNotInit = (0x0004 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 10)) >> 2;
  2876. if (!$isNotInit) {
  2877. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setPaperSize($paperSize);
  2878. switch ($isPortrait) {
  2879. case 0:
  2880. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setOrientation(PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);
  2881. break;
  2882. case 1:
  2883. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setOrientation(PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
  2884. break;
  2885. }
  2886. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setScale($scale, false);
  2887. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setFitToPage((bool) $this->isFitToPages);
  2888. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setFitToWidth($fitToWidth, false);
  2889. $this->phpSheet->getPageSetup()->setFitToHeight($fitToHeight, false);
  2890. }
  2891. // offset: 16; size: 8; header margin (IEEE 754 floating-point value)
  2892. $marginHeader = self::extractNumber(substr($recordData, 16, 8));
  2893. $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->setHeader($marginHeader);
  2894. // offset: 24; size: 8; footer margin (IEEE 754 floating-point value)
  2895. $marginFooter = self::extractNumber(substr($recordData, 24, 8));
  2896. $this->phpSheet->getPageMargins()->setFooter($marginFooter);
  2897. }
  2898. }
  2899. /**
  2900. * PROTECT - Sheet protection (BIFF2 through BIFF8)
  2901. * if this record is omitted, then it also means no sheet protection
  2902. */
  2903. private function readProtect()
  2904. {
  2905. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2906. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2907. // move stream pointer to next record
  2908. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2909. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  2910. return;
  2911. }
  2912. // offset: 0; size: 2;
  2913. // bit 0, mask 0x01; 1 = sheet is protected
  2914. $bool = (0x01 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 0;
  2915. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setSheet((bool)$bool);
  2916. }
  2917. /**
  2919. */
  2920. private function readScenProtect()
  2921. {
  2922. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2923. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2924. // move stream pointer to next record
  2925. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2926. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  2927. return;
  2928. }
  2929. // offset: 0; size: 2;
  2930. // bit: 0, mask 0x01; 1 = scenarios are protected
  2931. $bool = (0x01 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 0;
  2932. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setScenarios((bool)$bool);
  2933. }
  2934. /**
  2936. */
  2937. private function readObjectProtect()
  2938. {
  2939. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2940. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2941. // move stream pointer to next record
  2942. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2943. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  2944. return;
  2945. }
  2946. // offset: 0; size: 2;
  2947. // bit: 0, mask 0x01; 1 = objects are protected
  2948. $bool = (0x01 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 0)) >> 0;
  2949. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setObjects((bool)$bool);
  2950. }
  2951. /**
  2952. * PASSWORD - Sheet protection (hashed) password (BIFF2 through BIFF8)
  2953. */
  2954. private function readPassword()
  2955. {
  2956. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2957. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2958. // move stream pointer to next record
  2959. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2960. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2961. // offset: 0; size: 2; 16-bit hash value of password
  2962. $password = strtoupper(dechex(self::getInt2d($recordData, 0))); // the hashed password
  2963. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setPassword($password, true);
  2964. }
  2965. }
  2966. /**
  2967. * Read DEFCOLWIDTH record
  2968. */
  2969. private function readDefColWidth()
  2970. {
  2971. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2972. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2973. // move stream pointer to next record
  2974. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2975. // offset: 0; size: 2; default column width
  2976. $width = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  2977. if ($width != 8) {
  2978. $this->phpSheet->getDefaultColumnDimension()->setWidth($width);
  2979. }
  2980. }
  2981. /**
  2982. * Read COLINFO record
  2983. */
  2984. private function readColInfo()
  2985. {
  2986. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  2987. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  2988. // move stream pointer to next record
  2989. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  2990. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  2991. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to first column in range
  2992. $fc = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0); // first column index
  2993. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to last column in range
  2994. $lc = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2); // first column index
  2995. // offset: 4; size: 2; width of the column in 1/256 of the width of the zero character
  2996. $width = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  2997. // offset: 6; size: 2; index to XF record for default column formatting
  2998. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 6);
  2999. // offset: 8; size: 2; option flags
  3000. // bit: 0; mask: 0x0001; 1= columns are hidden
  3001. $isHidden = (0x0001 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 8)) >> 0;
  3002. // bit: 10-8; mask: 0x0700; outline level of the columns (0 = no outline)
  3003. $level = (0x0700 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 8)) >> 8;
  3004. // bit: 12; mask: 0x1000; 1 = collapsed
  3005. $isCollapsed = (0x1000 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 8)) >> 12;
  3006. // offset: 10; size: 2; not used
  3007. for ($i = $fc; $i <= $lc; ++$i) {
  3008. if ($lc == 255 || $lc == 256) {
  3009. $this->phpSheet->getDefaultColumnDimension()->setWidth($width / 256);
  3010. break;
  3011. }
  3012. $this->phpSheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setWidth($width / 256);
  3013. $this->phpSheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setVisible(!$isHidden);
  3014. $this->phpSheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setOutlineLevel($level);
  3015. $this->phpSheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setCollapsed($isCollapsed);
  3016. $this->phpSheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3017. }
  3018. }
  3019. }
  3020. /**
  3021. * ROW
  3022. *
  3023. * This record contains the properties of a single row in a
  3024. * sheet. Rows and cells in a sheet are divided into blocks
  3025. * of 32 rows.
  3026. *
  3027. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3028. * Excel File Format"
  3029. */
  3030. private function readRow()
  3031. {
  3032. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3033. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3034. // move stream pointer to next record
  3035. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3036. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3037. // offset: 0; size: 2; index of this row
  3038. $r = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3039. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column of the first cell which is described by a cell record
  3040. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to column of the last cell which is described by a cell record, increased by 1
  3041. // offset: 6; size: 2;
  3042. // bit: 14-0; mask: 0x7FFF; height of the row, in twips = 1/20 of a point
  3043. $height = (0x7FFF & self::getInt2d($recordData, 6)) >> 0;
  3044. // bit: 15: mask: 0x8000; 0 = row has custom height; 1= row has default height
  3045. $useDefaultHeight = (0x8000 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 6)) >> 15;
  3046. if (!$useDefaultHeight) {
  3047. $this->phpSheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setRowHeight($height / 20);
  3048. }
  3049. // offset: 8; size: 2; not used
  3050. // offset: 10; size: 2; not used in BIFF5-BIFF8
  3051. // offset: 12; size: 4; option flags and default row formatting
  3052. // bit: 2-0: mask: 0x00000007; outline level of the row
  3053. $level = (0x00000007 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 0;
  3054. $this->phpSheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setOutlineLevel($level);
  3055. // bit: 4; mask: 0x00000010; 1 = outline group start or ends here... and is collapsed
  3056. $isCollapsed = (0x00000010 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 4;
  3057. $this->phpSheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setCollapsed($isCollapsed);
  3058. // bit: 5; mask: 0x00000020; 1 = row is hidden
  3059. $isHidden = (0x00000020 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 5;
  3060. $this->phpSheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setVisible(!$isHidden);
  3061. // bit: 7; mask: 0x00000080; 1 = row has explicit format
  3062. $hasExplicitFormat = (0x00000080 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 7;
  3063. // bit: 27-16; mask: 0x0FFF0000; only applies when hasExplicitFormat = 1; index to XF record
  3064. $xfIndex = (0x0FFF0000 & self::getInt4d($recordData, 12)) >> 16;
  3065. if ($hasExplicitFormat) {
  3066. $this->phpSheet->getRowDimension($r + 1)->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3067. }
  3068. }
  3069. }
  3070. /**
  3071. * Read RK record
  3072. * This record represents a cell that contains an RK value
  3073. * (encoded integer or floating-point value). If a
  3074. * floating-point value cannot be encoded to an RK value,
  3075. * a NUMBER record will be written. This record replaces the
  3076. * record INTEGER written in BIFF2.
  3077. *
  3078. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3079. * Excel File Format"
  3080. */
  3081. private function readRk()
  3082. {
  3083. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3084. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3085. // move stream pointer to next record
  3086. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3087. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
  3088. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3089. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column
  3090. $column = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3091. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
  3092. // Read cell?
  3093. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3094. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to XF record
  3095. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3096. // offset: 6; size: 4; RK value
  3097. $rknum = self::getInt4d($recordData, 6);
  3098. $numValue = self::getIEEE754($rknum);
  3099. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3100. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3101. // add style information
  3102. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3103. }
  3104. // add cell
  3105. $cell->setValueExplicit($numValue, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC);
  3106. }
  3107. }
  3108. /**
  3109. * Read LABELSST record
  3110. * This record represents a cell that contains a string. It
  3111. * replaces the LABEL record and RSTRING record used in
  3112. * BIFF2-BIFF5.
  3113. *
  3114. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3115. * Excel File Format"
  3116. */
  3117. private function readLabelSst()
  3118. {
  3119. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3120. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3121. // move stream pointer to next record
  3122. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3123. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
  3124. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3125. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column
  3126. $column = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3127. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
  3128. $emptyCell = true;
  3129. // Read cell?
  3130. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3131. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to XF record
  3132. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3133. // offset: 6; size: 4; index to SST record
  3134. $index = self::getInt4d($recordData, 6);
  3135. // add cell
  3136. if (($fmtRuns = $this->sst[$index]['fmtRuns']) && !$this->readDataOnly) {
  3137. // then we should treat as rich text
  3138. $richText = new PHPExcel_RichText();
  3139. $charPos = 0;
  3140. $sstCount = count($this->sst[$index]['fmtRuns']);
  3141. for ($i = 0; $i <= $sstCount; ++$i) {
  3142. if (isset($fmtRuns[$i])) {
  3143. $text = PHPExcel_Shared_String::Substring($this->sst[$index]['value'], $charPos, $fmtRuns[$i]['charPos'] - $charPos);
  3144. $charPos = $fmtRuns[$i]['charPos'];
  3145. } else {
  3146. $text = PHPExcel_Shared_String::Substring($this->sst[$index]['value'], $charPos, PHPExcel_Shared_String::CountCharacters($this->sst[$index]['value']));
  3147. }
  3148. if (PHPExcel_Shared_String::CountCharacters($text) > 0) {
  3149. if ($i == 0) { // first text run, no style
  3150. $richText->createText($text);
  3151. } else {
  3152. $textRun = $richText->createTextRun($text);
  3153. if (isset($fmtRuns[$i - 1])) {
  3154. if ($fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'] < 4) {
  3155. $fontIndex = $fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'];
  3156. } else {
  3157. // this has to do with that index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions for some strange reason
  3158. // check the OpenOffice documentation of the FONT record
  3159. $fontIndex = $fmtRuns[$i - 1]['fontIndex'] - 1;
  3160. }
  3161. $textRun->setFont(clone $this->objFonts[$fontIndex]);
  3162. }
  3163. }
  3164. }
  3165. }
  3166. if ($this->readEmptyCells || trim($richText->getPlainText()) !== '') {
  3167. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3168. $cell->setValueExplicit($richText, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING);
  3169. $emptyCell = false;
  3170. }
  3171. } else {
  3172. if ($this->readEmptyCells || trim($this->sst[$index]['value']) !== '') {
  3173. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3174. $cell->setValueExplicit($this->sst[$index]['value'], PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING);
  3175. $emptyCell = false;
  3176. }
  3177. }
  3178. if (!$this->readDataOnly && !$emptyCell) {
  3179. // add style information
  3180. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3181. }
  3182. }
  3183. }
  3184. /**
  3185. * Read MULRK record
  3186. * This record represents a cell range containing RK value
  3187. * cells. All cells are located in the same row.
  3188. *
  3189. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3190. * Excel File Format"
  3191. */
  3192. private function readMulRk()
  3193. {
  3194. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3195. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3196. // move stream pointer to next record
  3197. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3198. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
  3199. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3200. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to first column
  3201. $colFirst = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3202. // offset: var; size: 2; index to last column
  3203. $colLast = self::getInt2d($recordData, $length - 2);
  3204. $columns = $colLast - $colFirst + 1;
  3205. // offset within record data
  3206. $offset = 4;
  3207. for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; ++$i) {
  3208. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($colFirst + $i);
  3209. // Read cell?
  3210. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3211. // offset: var; size: 2; index to XF record
  3212. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, $offset);
  3213. // offset: var; size: 4; RK value
  3214. $numValue = self::getIEEE754(self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset + 2));
  3215. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3216. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3217. // add style
  3218. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3219. }
  3220. // add cell value
  3221. $cell->setValueExplicit($numValue, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC);
  3222. }
  3223. $offset += 6;
  3224. }
  3225. }
  3226. /**
  3227. * Read NUMBER record
  3228. * This record represents a cell that contains a
  3229. * floating-point value.
  3230. *
  3231. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3232. * Excel File Format"
  3233. */
  3234. private function readNumber()
  3235. {
  3236. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3237. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3238. // move stream pointer to next record
  3239. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3240. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
  3241. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3242. // offset: 2; size 2; index to column
  3243. $column = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3244. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
  3245. // Read cell?
  3246. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3247. // offset 4; size: 2; index to XF record
  3248. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3249. $numValue = self::extractNumber(substr($recordData, 6, 8));
  3250. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3251. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3252. // add cell style
  3253. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3254. }
  3255. // add cell value
  3256. $cell->setValueExplicit($numValue, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC);
  3257. }
  3258. }
  3259. /**
  3260. * Read FORMULA record + perhaps a following STRING record if formula result is a string
  3261. * This record contains the token array and the result of a
  3262. * formula cell.
  3263. *
  3264. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3265. * Excel File Format"
  3266. */
  3267. private function readFormula()
  3268. {
  3269. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3270. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3271. // move stream pointer to next record
  3272. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3273. // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
  3274. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3275. // offset: 2; size: 2; col index
  3276. $column = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3277. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
  3278. // offset: 20: size: variable; formula structure
  3279. $formulaStructure = substr($recordData, 20);
  3280. // offset: 14: size: 2; option flags, recalculate always, recalculate on open etc.
  3281. $options = self::getInt2d($recordData, 14);
  3282. // bit: 0; mask: 0x0001; 1 = recalculate always
  3283. // bit: 1; mask: 0x0002; 1 = calculate on open
  3284. // bit: 2; mask: 0x0008; 1 = part of a shared formula
  3285. $isPartOfSharedFormula = (bool) (0x0008 & $options);
  3286. // WARNING:
  3287. // We can apparently not rely on $isPartOfSharedFormula. Even when $isPartOfSharedFormula = true
  3288. // the formula data may be ordinary formula data, therefore we need to check
  3289. // explicitly for the tExp token (0x01)
  3290. $isPartOfSharedFormula = $isPartOfSharedFormula && ord($formulaStructure{2}) == 0x01;
  3291. if ($isPartOfSharedFormula) {
  3292. // part of shared formula which means there will be a formula with a tExp token and nothing else
  3293. // get the base cell, grab tExp token
  3294. $baseRow = self::getInt2d($formulaStructure, 3);
  3295. $baseCol = self::getInt2d($formulaStructure, 5);
  3296. $this->_baseCell = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($baseCol). ($baseRow + 1);
  3297. }
  3298. // Read cell?
  3299. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3300. if ($isPartOfSharedFormula) {
  3301. // formula is added to this cell after the sheet has been read
  3302. $this->sharedFormulaParts[$columnString . ($row + 1)] = $this->_baseCell;
  3303. }
  3304. // offset: 16: size: 4; not used
  3305. // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
  3306. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3307. // offset: 6; size: 8; result of the formula
  3308. if ((ord($recordData{6}) == 0) && (ord($recordData{12}) == 255) && (ord($recordData{13}) == 255)) {
  3309. // String formula. Result follows in appended STRING record
  3310. $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING;
  3311. // read possible SHAREDFMLA record
  3312. $code = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  3313. if ($code == self::XLS_TYPE_SHAREDFMLA) {
  3314. $this->readSharedFmla();
  3315. }
  3316. // read STRING record
  3317. $value = $this->readString();
  3318. } elseif ((ord($recordData{6}) == 1)
  3319. && (ord($recordData{12}) == 255)
  3320. && (ord($recordData{13}) == 255)) {
  3321. // Boolean formula. Result is in +2; 0=false, 1=true
  3322. $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL;
  3323. $value = (bool) ord($recordData{8});
  3324. } elseif ((ord($recordData{6}) == 2)
  3325. && (ord($recordData{12}) == 255)
  3326. && (ord($recordData{13}) == 255)) {
  3327. // Error formula. Error code is in +2
  3328. $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR;
  3329. $value = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_ErrorCode::lookup(ord($recordData{8}));
  3330. } elseif ((ord($recordData{6}) == 3)
  3331. && (ord($recordData{12}) == 255)
  3332. && (ord($recordData{13}) == 255)) {
  3333. // Formula result is a null string
  3334. $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NULL;
  3335. $value = '';
  3336. } else {
  3337. // forumla result is a number, first 14 bytes like _NUMBER record
  3338. $dataType = PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC;
  3339. $value = self::extractNumber(substr($recordData, 6, 8));
  3340. }
  3341. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3342. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3343. // add cell style
  3344. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3345. }
  3346. // store the formula
  3347. if (!$isPartOfSharedFormula) {
  3348. // not part of shared formula
  3349. // add cell value. If we can read formula, populate with formula, otherwise just used cached value
  3350. try {
  3351. if ($this->version != self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3352. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Not BIFF8. Can only read BIFF8 formulas');
  3353. }
  3354. $formula = $this->getFormulaFromStructure($formulaStructure); // get formula in human language
  3355. $cell->setValueExplicit('=' . $formula, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA);
  3356. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  3357. $cell->setValueExplicit($value, $dataType);
  3358. }
  3359. } else {
  3360. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3361. // do nothing at this point, formula id added later in the code
  3362. } else {
  3363. $cell->setValueExplicit($value, $dataType);
  3364. }
  3365. }
  3366. // store the cached calculated value
  3367. $cell->setCalculatedValue($value);
  3368. }
  3369. }
  3370. /**
  3371. * Read a SHAREDFMLA record. This function just stores the binary shared formula in the reader,
  3372. * which usually contains relative references.
  3373. * These will be used to construct the formula in each shared formula part after the sheet is read.
  3374. */
  3375. private function readSharedFmla()
  3376. {
  3377. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3378. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3379. // move stream pointer to next record
  3380. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3381. // offset: 0, size: 6; cell range address of the area used by the shared formula, not used for anything
  3382. $cellRange = substr($recordData, 0, 6);
  3383. $cellRange = $this->readBIFF5CellRangeAddressFixed($cellRange); // note: even BIFF8 uses BIFF5 syntax
  3384. // offset: 6, size: 1; not used
  3385. // offset: 7, size: 1; number of existing FORMULA records for this shared formula
  3386. $no = ord($recordData{7});
  3387. // offset: 8, size: var; Binary token array of the shared formula
  3388. $formula = substr($recordData, 8);
  3389. // at this point we only store the shared formula for later use
  3390. $this->sharedFormulas[$this->_baseCell] = $formula;
  3391. }
  3392. /**
  3393. * Read a STRING record from current stream position and advance the stream pointer to next record
  3394. * This record is used for storing result from FORMULA record when it is a string, and
  3395. * it occurs directly after the FORMULA record
  3396. *
  3397. * @return string The string contents as UTF-8
  3398. */
  3399. private function readString()
  3400. {
  3401. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3402. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3403. // move stream pointer to next record
  3404. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3405. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3406. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong($recordData);
  3407. $value = $string['value'];
  3408. } else {
  3409. $string = $this->readByteStringLong($recordData);
  3410. $value = $string['value'];
  3411. }
  3412. return $value;
  3413. }
  3414. /**
  3415. * Read BOOLERR record
  3416. * This record represents a Boolean value or error value
  3417. * cell.
  3418. *
  3419. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3420. * Excel File Format"
  3421. */
  3422. private function readBoolErr()
  3423. {
  3424. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3425. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3426. // move stream pointer to next record
  3427. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3428. // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
  3429. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3430. // offset: 2; size: 2; column index
  3431. $column = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3432. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
  3433. // Read cell?
  3434. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3435. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to XF record
  3436. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3437. // offset: 6; size: 1; the boolean value or error value
  3438. $boolErr = ord($recordData{6});
  3439. // offset: 7; size: 1; 0=boolean; 1=error
  3440. $isError = ord($recordData{7});
  3441. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3442. switch ($isError) {
  3443. case 0: // boolean
  3444. $value = (bool) $boolErr;
  3445. // add cell value
  3446. $cell->setValueExplicit($value, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_BOOL);
  3447. break;
  3448. case 1: // error type
  3449. $value = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_ErrorCode::lookup($boolErr);
  3450. // add cell value
  3451. $cell->setValueExplicit($value, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_ERROR);
  3452. break;
  3453. }
  3454. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3455. // add cell style
  3456. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3457. }
  3458. }
  3459. }
  3460. /**
  3461. * Read MULBLANK record
  3462. * This record represents a cell range of empty cells. All
  3463. * cells are located in the same row
  3464. *
  3465. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3466. * Excel File Format"
  3467. */
  3468. private function readMulBlank()
  3469. {
  3470. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3471. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3472. // move stream pointer to next record
  3473. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3474. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
  3475. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3476. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to first column
  3477. $fc = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3478. // offset: 4; size: 2 x nc; list of indexes to XF records
  3479. // add style information
  3480. if (!$this->readDataOnly && $this->readEmptyCells) {
  3481. for ($i = 0; $i < $length / 2 - 3; ++$i) {
  3482. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($fc + $i);
  3483. // Read cell?
  3484. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3485. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4 + 2 * $i);
  3486. $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1))->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3487. }
  3488. }
  3489. }
  3490. // offset: 6; size 2; index to last column (not needed)
  3491. }
  3492. /**
  3493. * Read LABEL record
  3494. * This record represents a cell that contains a string. In
  3495. * BIFF8 it is usually replaced by the LABELSST record.
  3496. * Excel still uses this record, if it copies unformatted
  3497. * text cells to the clipboard.
  3498. *
  3499. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3500. * Excel File Format"
  3501. */
  3502. private function readLabel()
  3503. {
  3504. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3505. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3506. // move stream pointer to next record
  3507. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3508. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row
  3509. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3510. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column
  3511. $column = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3512. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column);
  3513. // Read cell?
  3514. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3515. // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
  3516. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3517. // add cell value
  3518. // todo: what if string is very long? continue record
  3519. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3520. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, 6));
  3521. $value = $string['value'];
  3522. } else {
  3523. $string = $this->readByteStringLong(substr($recordData, 6));
  3524. $value = $string['value'];
  3525. }
  3526. if ($this->readEmptyCells || trim($value) !== '') {
  3527. $cell = $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1));
  3528. $cell->setValueExplicit($value, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING);
  3529. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3530. // add cell style
  3531. $cell->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3532. }
  3533. }
  3534. }
  3535. }
  3536. /**
  3537. * Read BLANK record
  3538. */
  3539. private function readBlank()
  3540. {
  3541. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3542. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3543. // move stream pointer to next record
  3544. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3545. // offset: 0; size: 2; row index
  3546. $row = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3547. // offset: 2; size: 2; col index
  3548. $col = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3549. $columnString = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col);
  3550. // Read cell?
  3551. if (($this->getReadFilter() !== null) && $this->getReadFilter()->readCell($columnString, $row + 1, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3552. // offset: 4; size: 2; XF index
  3553. $xfIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3554. // add style information
  3555. if (!$this->readDataOnly && $this->readEmptyCells) {
  3556. $this->phpSheet->getCell($columnString . ($row + 1))->setXfIndex($this->mapCellXfIndex[$xfIndex]);
  3557. }
  3558. }
  3559. }
  3560. /**
  3561. * Read MSODRAWING record
  3562. */
  3563. private function readMsoDrawing()
  3564. {
  3565. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3566. // get spliced record data
  3567. $splicedRecordData = $this->getSplicedRecordData();
  3568. $recordData = $splicedRecordData['recordData'];
  3569. $this->drawingData .= $recordData;
  3570. }
  3571. /**
  3572. * Read OBJ record
  3573. */
  3574. private function readObj()
  3575. {
  3576. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3577. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3578. // move stream pointer to next record
  3579. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3580. if ($this->readDataOnly || $this->version != self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3581. return;
  3582. }
  3583. // recordData consists of an array of subrecords looking like this:
  3584. // ft: 2 bytes; ftCmo type (0x15)
  3585. // cb: 2 bytes; size in bytes of ftCmo data
  3586. // ot: 2 bytes; Object Type
  3587. // id: 2 bytes; Object id number
  3588. // grbit: 2 bytes; Option Flags
  3589. // data: var; subrecord data
  3590. // for now, we are just interested in the second subrecord containing the object type
  3591. $ftCmoType = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3592. $cbCmoSize = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3593. $otObjType = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3594. $idObjID = self::getInt2d($recordData, 6);
  3595. $grbitOpts = self::getInt2d($recordData, 6);
  3596. $this->objs[] = array(
  3597. 'ftCmoType' => $ftCmoType,
  3598. 'cbCmoSize' => $cbCmoSize,
  3599. 'otObjType' => $otObjType,
  3600. 'idObjID' => $idObjID,
  3601. 'grbitOpts' => $grbitOpts
  3602. );
  3603. $this->textObjRef = $idObjID;
  3604. // echo '<b>_readObj()</b><br />';
  3605. // var_dump(end($this->objs));
  3606. // echo '<br />';
  3607. }
  3608. /**
  3609. * Read WINDOW2 record
  3610. */
  3611. private function readWindow2()
  3612. {
  3613. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3614. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3615. // move stream pointer to next record
  3616. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3617. // offset: 0; size: 2; option flags
  3618. $options = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3619. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to first visible row
  3620. $firstVisibleRow = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3621. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to first visible colum
  3622. $firstVisibleColumn = self::getInt2d($recordData, 4);
  3623. if ($this->version === self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3624. // offset: 8; size: 2; not used
  3625. // offset: 10; size: 2; cached magnification factor in page break preview (in percent); 0 = Default (60%)
  3626. // offset: 12; size: 2; cached magnification factor in normal view (in percent); 0 = Default (100%)
  3627. // offset: 14; size: 4; not used
  3628. $zoomscaleInPageBreakPreview = self::getInt2d($recordData, 10);
  3629. if ($zoomscaleInPageBreakPreview === 0) {
  3630. $zoomscaleInPageBreakPreview = 60;
  3631. }
  3632. $zoomscaleInNormalView = self::getInt2d($recordData, 12);
  3633. if ($zoomscaleInNormalView === 0) {
  3634. $zoomscaleInNormalView = 100;
  3635. }
  3636. }
  3637. // bit: 1; mask: 0x0002; 0 = do not show gridlines, 1 = show gridlines
  3638. $showGridlines = (bool) ((0x0002 & $options) >> 1);
  3639. $this->phpSheet->setShowGridlines($showGridlines);
  3640. // bit: 2; mask: 0x0004; 0 = do not show headers, 1 = show headers
  3641. $showRowColHeaders = (bool) ((0x0004 & $options) >> 2);
  3642. $this->phpSheet->setShowRowColHeaders($showRowColHeaders);
  3643. // bit: 3; mask: 0x0008; 0 = panes are not frozen, 1 = panes are frozen
  3644. $this->frozen = (bool) ((0x0008 & $options) >> 3);
  3645. // bit: 6; mask: 0x0040; 0 = columns from left to right, 1 = columns from right to left
  3646. $this->phpSheet->setRightToLeft((bool)((0x0040 & $options) >> 6));
  3647. // bit: 10; mask: 0x0400; 0 = sheet not active, 1 = sheet active
  3648. $isActive = (bool) ((0x0400 & $options) >> 10);
  3649. if ($isActive) {
  3650. $this->phpExcel->setActiveSheetIndex($this->phpExcel->getIndex($this->phpSheet));
  3651. }
  3652. // bit: 11; mask: 0x0800; 0 = normal view, 1 = page break view
  3653. $isPageBreakPreview = (bool) ((0x0800 & $options) >> 11);
  3654. //FIXME: set $firstVisibleRow and $firstVisibleColumn
  3655. if ($this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->getView() !== PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT) {
  3656. //NOTE: this setting is inferior to page layout view(Excel2007-)
  3657. $view = $isPageBreakPreview ? PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_BREAK_PREVIEW : PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView::SHEETVIEW_NORMAL;
  3658. $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->setView($view);
  3659. if ($this->version === self::XLS_BIFF8) {
  3660. $zoomScale = $isPageBreakPreview ? $zoomscaleInPageBreakPreview : $zoomscaleInNormalView;
  3661. $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->setZoomScale($zoomScale);
  3662. $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->setZoomScaleNormal($zoomscaleInNormalView);
  3663. }
  3664. }
  3665. }
  3666. /**
  3667. * Read PLV Record(Created by Excel2007 or upper)
  3668. */
  3669. private function readPageLayoutView()
  3670. {
  3671. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3672. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3673. // move stream pointer to next record
  3674. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3675. //var_dump(unpack("vrt/vgrbitFrt/V2reserved/vwScalePLV/vgrbit", $recordData));
  3676. // offset: 0; size: 2; rt
  3677. //->ignore
  3678. $rt = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3679. // offset: 2; size: 2; grbitfr
  3680. //->ignore
  3681. $grbitFrt = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3682. // offset: 4; size: 8; reserved
  3683. //->ignore
  3684. // offset: 12; size 2; zoom scale
  3685. $wScalePLV = self::getInt2d($recordData, 12);
  3686. // offset: 14; size 2; grbit
  3687. $grbit = self::getInt2d($recordData, 14);
  3688. // decomprise grbit
  3689. $fPageLayoutView = $grbit & 0x01;
  3690. $fRulerVisible = ($grbit >> 1) & 0x01; //no support
  3691. $fWhitespaceHidden = ($grbit >> 3) & 0x01; //no support
  3692. if ($fPageLayoutView === 1) {
  3693. $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->setView(PHPExcel_Worksheet_SheetView::SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT);
  3694. $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->setZoomScale($wScalePLV); //set by Excel2007 only if SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT
  3695. }
  3696. //otherwise, we cannot know whether SHEETVIEW_PAGE_LAYOUT or SHEETVIEW_PAGE_BREAK_PREVIEW.
  3697. }
  3698. /**
  3699. * Read SCL record
  3700. */
  3701. private function readScl()
  3702. {
  3703. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3704. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3705. // move stream pointer to next record
  3706. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3707. // offset: 0; size: 2; numerator of the view magnification
  3708. $numerator = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3709. // offset: 2; size: 2; numerator of the view magnification
  3710. $denumerator = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3711. // set the zoom scale (in percent)
  3712. $this->phpSheet->getSheetView()->setZoomScale($numerator * 100 / $denumerator);
  3713. }
  3714. /**
  3715. * Read PANE record
  3716. */
  3717. private function readPane()
  3718. {
  3719. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3720. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3721. // move stream pointer to next record
  3722. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3723. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3724. // offset: 0; size: 2; position of vertical split
  3725. $px = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  3726. // offset: 2; size: 2; position of horizontal split
  3727. $py = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  3728. if ($this->frozen) {
  3729. // frozen panes
  3730. $this->phpSheet->freezePane(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($px) . ($py + 1));
  3731. } else {
  3732. // unfrozen panes; split windows; not supported by PHPExcel core
  3733. }
  3734. }
  3735. }
  3736. /**
  3737. * Read SELECTION record. There is one such record for each pane in the sheet.
  3738. */
  3739. private function readSelection()
  3740. {
  3741. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3742. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3743. // move stream pointer to next record
  3744. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3745. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3746. // offset: 0; size: 1; pane identifier
  3747. $paneId = ord($recordData{0});
  3748. // offset: 1; size: 2; index to row of the active cell
  3749. $r = self::getInt2d($recordData, 1);
  3750. // offset: 3; size: 2; index to column of the active cell
  3751. $c = self::getInt2d($recordData, 3);
  3752. // offset: 5; size: 2; index into the following cell range list to the
  3753. // entry that contains the active cell
  3754. $index = self::getInt2d($recordData, 5);
  3755. // offset: 7; size: var; cell range address list containing all selected cell ranges
  3756. $data = substr($recordData, 7);
  3757. $cellRangeAddressList = $this->readBIFF5CellRangeAddressList($data); // note: also BIFF8 uses BIFF5 syntax
  3758. $selectedCells = $cellRangeAddressList['cellRangeAddresses'][0];
  3759. // first row '1' + last row '16384' indicates that full column is selected (apparently also in BIFF8!)
  3760. if (preg_match('/^([A-Z]+1\:[A-Z]+)16384$/', $selectedCells)) {
  3761. $selectedCells = preg_replace('/^([A-Z]+1\:[A-Z]+)16384$/', '${1}1048576', $selectedCells);
  3762. }
  3763. // first row '1' + last row '65536' indicates that full column is selected
  3764. if (preg_match('/^([A-Z]+1\:[A-Z]+)65536$/', $selectedCells)) {
  3765. $selectedCells = preg_replace('/^([A-Z]+1\:[A-Z]+)65536$/', '${1}1048576', $selectedCells);
  3766. }
  3767. // first column 'A' + last column 'IV' indicates that full row is selected
  3768. if (preg_match('/^(A[0-9]+\:)IV([0-9]+)$/', $selectedCells)) {
  3769. $selectedCells = preg_replace('/^(A[0-9]+\:)IV([0-9]+)$/', '${1}XFD${2}', $selectedCells);
  3770. }
  3771. $this->phpSheet->setSelectedCells($selectedCells);
  3772. }
  3773. }
  3774. private function includeCellRangeFiltered($cellRangeAddress)
  3775. {
  3776. $includeCellRange = true;
  3777. if ($this->getReadFilter() !== null) {
  3778. $includeCellRange = false;
  3779. $rangeBoundaries = PHPExcel_Cell::getRangeBoundaries($cellRangeAddress);
  3780. $rangeBoundaries[1][0]++;
  3781. for ($row = $rangeBoundaries[0][1]; $row <= $rangeBoundaries[1][1]; $row++) {
  3782. for ($column = $rangeBoundaries[0][0]; $column != $rangeBoundaries[1][0]; $column++) {
  3783. if ($this->getReadFilter()->readCell($column, $row, $this->phpSheet->getTitle())) {
  3784. $includeCellRange = true;
  3785. break 2;
  3786. }
  3787. }
  3788. }
  3789. }
  3790. return $includeCellRange;
  3791. }
  3792. /**
  3794. *
  3795. * This record contains the addresses of merged cell ranges
  3796. * in the current sheet.
  3797. *
  3798. * -- "'s Documentation of the Microsoft
  3799. * Excel File Format"
  3800. */
  3801. private function readMergedCells()
  3802. {
  3803. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3804. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3805. // move stream pointer to next record
  3806. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3807. if ($this->version == self::XLS_BIFF8 && !$this->readDataOnly) {
  3808. $cellRangeAddressList = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressList($recordData);
  3809. foreach ($cellRangeAddressList['cellRangeAddresses'] as $cellRangeAddress) {
  3810. if ((strpos($cellRangeAddress, ':') !== false) &&
  3811. ($this->includeCellRangeFiltered($cellRangeAddress))) {
  3812. $this->phpSheet->mergeCells($cellRangeAddress);
  3813. }
  3814. }
  3815. }
  3816. }
  3817. /**
  3818. * Read HYPERLINK record
  3819. */
  3820. private function readHyperLink()
  3821. {
  3822. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3823. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3824. // move stream pointer forward to next record
  3825. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3826. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  3827. // offset: 0; size: 8; cell range address of all cells containing this hyperlink
  3828. try {
  3829. $cellRange = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed($recordData, 0, 8);
  3830. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  3831. return;
  3832. }
  3833. // offset: 8, size: 16; GUID of StdLink
  3834. // offset: 24, size: 4; unknown value
  3835. // offset: 28, size: 4; option flags
  3836. // bit: 0; mask: 0x00000001; 0 = no link or extant, 1 = file link or URL
  3837. $isFileLinkOrUrl = (0x00000001 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 28)) >> 0;
  3838. // bit: 1; mask: 0x00000002; 0 = relative path, 1 = absolute path or URL
  3839. $isAbsPathOrUrl = (0x00000001 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 28)) >> 1;
  3840. // bit: 2 (and 4); mask: 0x00000014; 0 = no description
  3841. $hasDesc = (0x00000014 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 28)) >> 2;
  3842. // bit: 3; mask: 0x00000008; 0 = no text, 1 = has text
  3843. $hasText = (0x00000008 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 28)) >> 3;
  3844. // bit: 7; mask: 0x00000080; 0 = no target frame, 1 = has target frame
  3845. $hasFrame = (0x00000080 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 28)) >> 7;
  3846. // bit: 8; mask: 0x00000100; 0 = file link or URL, 1 = UNC path (inc. server name)
  3847. $isUNC = (0x00000100 & self::getInt2d($recordData, 28)) >> 8;
  3848. // offset within record data
  3849. $offset = 32;
  3850. if ($hasDesc) {
  3851. // offset: 32; size: var; character count of description text
  3852. $dl = self::getInt4d($recordData, 32);
  3853. // offset: 36; size: var; character array of description text, no Unicode string header, always 16-bit characters, zero terminated
  3854. $desc = self::encodeUTF16(substr($recordData, 36, 2 * ($dl - 1)), false);
  3855. $offset += 4 + 2 * $dl;
  3856. }
  3857. if ($hasFrame) {
  3858. $fl = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  3859. $offset += 4 + 2 * $fl;
  3860. }
  3861. // detect type of hyperlink (there are 4 types)
  3862. $hyperlinkType = null;
  3863. if ($isUNC) {
  3864. $hyperlinkType = 'UNC';
  3865. } elseif (!$isFileLinkOrUrl) {
  3866. $hyperlinkType = 'workbook';
  3867. } elseif (ord($recordData{$offset}) == 0x03) {
  3868. $hyperlinkType = 'local';
  3869. } elseif (ord($recordData{$offset}) == 0xE0) {
  3870. $hyperlinkType = 'URL';
  3871. }
  3872. switch ($hyperlinkType) {
  3873. case 'URL':
  3874. // section 5.58.2: Hyperlink containing a URL
  3875. // e.g.
  3876. // offset: var; size: 16; GUID of URL Moniker
  3877. $offset += 16;
  3878. // offset: var; size: 4; size (in bytes) of character array of the URL including trailing zero word
  3879. $us = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  3880. $offset += 4;
  3881. // offset: var; size: $us; character array of the URL, no Unicode string header, always 16-bit characters, zero-terminated
  3882. $url = self::encodeUTF16(substr($recordData, $offset, $us - 2), false);
  3883. $nullOffset = strpos($url, 0x00);
  3884. if ($nullOffset) {
  3885. $url = substr($url, 0, $nullOffset);
  3886. }
  3887. $url .= $hasText ? '#' : '';
  3888. $offset += $us;
  3889. break;
  3890. case 'local':
  3891. // section 5.58.3: Hyperlink to local file
  3892. // examples:
  3893. // mydoc.txt
  3894. // ../../somedoc.xls#Sheet!A1
  3895. // offset: var; size: 16; GUI of File Moniker
  3896. $offset += 16;
  3897. // offset: var; size: 2; directory up-level count.
  3898. $upLevelCount = self::getInt2d($recordData, $offset);
  3899. $offset += 2;
  3900. // offset: var; size: 4; character count of the shortened file path and name, including trailing zero word
  3901. $sl = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  3902. $offset += 4;
  3903. // offset: var; size: sl; character array of the shortened file path and name in 8.3-DOS-format (compressed Unicode string)
  3904. $shortenedFilePath = substr($recordData, $offset, $sl);
  3905. $shortenedFilePath = self::encodeUTF16($shortenedFilePath, true);
  3906. $shortenedFilePath = substr($shortenedFilePath, 0, -1); // remove trailing zero
  3907. $offset += $sl;
  3908. // offset: var; size: 24; unknown sequence
  3909. $offset += 24;
  3910. // extended file path
  3911. // offset: var; size: 4; size of the following file link field including string lenth mark
  3912. $sz = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  3913. $offset += 4;
  3914. // only present if $sz > 0
  3915. if ($sz > 0) {
  3916. // offset: var; size: 4; size of the character array of the extended file path and name
  3917. $xl = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  3918. $offset += 4;
  3919. // offset: var; size 2; unknown
  3920. $offset += 2;
  3921. // offset: var; size $xl; character array of the extended file path and name.
  3922. $extendedFilePath = substr($recordData, $offset, $xl);
  3923. $extendedFilePath = self::encodeUTF16($extendedFilePath, false);
  3924. $offset += $xl;
  3925. }
  3926. // construct the path
  3927. $url = str_repeat('..\\', $upLevelCount);
  3928. $url .= ($sz > 0) ? $extendedFilePath : $shortenedFilePath; // use extended path if available
  3929. $url .= $hasText ? '#' : '';
  3930. break;
  3931. case 'UNC':
  3932. // section 5.58.4: Hyperlink to a File with UNC (Universal Naming Convention) Path
  3933. // todo: implement
  3934. return;
  3935. case 'workbook':
  3936. // section 5.58.5: Hyperlink to the Current Workbook
  3937. // e.g. Sheet2!B1:C2, stored in text mark field
  3938. $url = 'sheet://';
  3939. break;
  3940. default:
  3941. return;
  3942. }
  3943. if ($hasText) {
  3944. // offset: var; size: 4; character count of text mark including trailing zero word
  3945. $tl = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  3946. $offset += 4;
  3947. // offset: var; size: var; character array of the text mark without the # sign, no Unicode header, always 16-bit characters, zero-terminated
  3948. $text = self::encodeUTF16(substr($recordData, $offset, 2 * ($tl - 1)), false);
  3949. $url .= $text;
  3950. }
  3951. // apply the hyperlink to all the relevant cells
  3952. foreach (PHPExcel_Cell::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($cellRange) as $coordinate) {
  3953. $this->phpSheet->getCell($coordinate)->getHyperLink()->setUrl($url);
  3954. }
  3955. }
  3956. }
  3957. /**
  3958. * Read DATAVALIDATIONS record
  3959. */
  3960. private function readDataValidations()
  3961. {
  3962. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3963. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3964. // move stream pointer forward to next record
  3965. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3966. }
  3967. /**
  3968. * Read DATAVALIDATION record
  3969. */
  3970. private function readDataValidation()
  3971. {
  3972. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  3973. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  3974. // move stream pointer forward to next record
  3975. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  3976. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  3977. return;
  3978. }
  3979. // offset: 0; size: 4; Options
  3980. $options = self::getInt4d($recordData, 0);
  3981. // bit: 0-3; mask: 0x0000000F; type
  3982. $type = (0x0000000F & $options) >> 0;
  3983. switch ($type) {
  3984. case 0x00:
  3985. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_NONE;
  3986. break;
  3987. case 0x01:
  3988. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_WHOLE;
  3989. break;
  3990. case 0x02:
  3991. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_DECIMAL;
  3992. break;
  3993. case 0x03:
  3994. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_LIST;
  3995. break;
  3996. case 0x04:
  3997. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_DATE;
  3998. break;
  3999. case 0x05:
  4000. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_TIME;
  4001. break;
  4002. case 0x06:
  4003. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_TEXTLENGTH;
  4004. break;
  4005. case 0x07:
  4006. $type = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_CUSTOM;
  4007. break;
  4008. }
  4009. // bit: 4-6; mask: 0x00000070; error type
  4010. $errorStyle = (0x00000070 & $options) >> 4;
  4011. switch ($errorStyle) {
  4012. case 0x00:
  4013. $errorStyle = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::STYLE_STOP;
  4014. break;
  4015. case 0x01:
  4016. $errorStyle = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::STYLE_WARNING;
  4017. break;
  4018. case 0x02:
  4019. $errorStyle = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::STYLE_INFORMATION;
  4020. break;
  4021. }
  4022. // bit: 7; mask: 0x00000080; 1= formula is explicit (only applies to list)
  4023. // I have only seen cases where this is 1
  4024. $explicitFormula = (0x00000080 & $options) >> 7;
  4025. // bit: 8; mask: 0x00000100; 1= empty cells allowed
  4026. $allowBlank = (0x00000100 & $options) >> 8;
  4027. // bit: 9; mask: 0x00000200; 1= suppress drop down arrow in list type validity
  4028. $suppressDropDown = (0x00000200 & $options) >> 9;
  4029. // bit: 18; mask: 0x00040000; 1= show prompt box if cell selected
  4030. $showInputMessage = (0x00040000 & $options) >> 18;
  4031. // bit: 19; mask: 0x00080000; 1= show error box if invalid values entered
  4032. $showErrorMessage = (0x00080000 & $options) >> 19;
  4033. // bit: 20-23; mask: 0x00F00000; condition operator
  4034. $operator = (0x00F00000 & $options) >> 20;
  4035. switch ($operator) {
  4036. case 0x00:
  4037. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_BETWEEN;
  4038. break;
  4039. case 0x01:
  4040. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_NOTBETWEEN;
  4041. break;
  4042. case 0x02:
  4043. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_EQUAL;
  4044. break;
  4045. case 0x03:
  4046. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL;
  4047. break;
  4048. case 0x04:
  4049. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_GREATERTHAN;
  4050. break;
  4051. case 0x05:
  4052. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_LESSTHAN;
  4053. break;
  4054. case 0x06:
  4055. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_GREATERTHANOREQUAL;
  4056. break;
  4057. case 0x07:
  4058. $operator = PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::OPERATOR_LESSTHANOREQUAL;
  4059. break;
  4060. }
  4061. // offset: 4; size: var; title of the prompt box
  4062. $offset = 4;
  4063. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, $offset));
  4064. $promptTitle = $string['value'] !== chr(0) ? $string['value'] : '';
  4065. $offset += $string['size'];
  4066. // offset: var; size: var; title of the error box
  4067. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, $offset));
  4068. $errorTitle = $string['value'] !== chr(0) ? $string['value'] : '';
  4069. $offset += $string['size'];
  4070. // offset: var; size: var; text of the prompt box
  4071. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, $offset));
  4072. $prompt = $string['value'] !== chr(0) ? $string['value'] : '';
  4073. $offset += $string['size'];
  4074. // offset: var; size: var; text of the error box
  4075. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($recordData, $offset));
  4076. $error = $string['value'] !== chr(0) ? $string['value'] : '';
  4077. $offset += $string['size'];
  4078. // offset: var; size: 2; size of the formula data for the first condition
  4079. $sz1 = self::getInt2d($recordData, $offset);
  4080. $offset += 2;
  4081. // offset: var; size: 2; not used
  4082. $offset += 2;
  4083. // offset: var; size: $sz1; formula data for first condition (without size field)
  4084. $formula1 = substr($recordData, $offset, $sz1);
  4085. $formula1 = pack('v', $sz1) . $formula1; // prepend the length
  4086. try {
  4087. $formula1 = $this->getFormulaFromStructure($formula1);
  4088. // in list type validity, null characters are used as item separators
  4089. if ($type == PHPExcel_Cell_DataValidation::TYPE_LIST) {
  4090. $formula1 = str_replace(chr(0), ',', $formula1);
  4091. }
  4092. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  4093. return;
  4094. }
  4095. $offset += $sz1;
  4096. // offset: var; size: 2; size of the formula data for the first condition
  4097. $sz2 = self::getInt2d($recordData, $offset);
  4098. $offset += 2;
  4099. // offset: var; size: 2; not used
  4100. $offset += 2;
  4101. // offset: var; size: $sz2; formula data for second condition (without size field)
  4102. $formula2 = substr($recordData, $offset, $sz2);
  4103. $formula2 = pack('v', $sz2) . $formula2; // prepend the length
  4104. try {
  4105. $formula2 = $this->getFormulaFromStructure($formula2);
  4106. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  4107. return;
  4108. }
  4109. $offset += $sz2;
  4110. // offset: var; size: var; cell range address list with
  4111. $cellRangeAddressList = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressList(substr($recordData, $offset));
  4112. $cellRangeAddresses = $cellRangeAddressList['cellRangeAddresses'];
  4113. foreach ($cellRangeAddresses as $cellRange) {
  4114. $stRange = $this->phpSheet->shrinkRangeToFit($cellRange);
  4115. foreach (PHPExcel_Cell::extractAllCellReferencesInRange($stRange) as $coordinate) {
  4116. $objValidation = $this->phpSheet->getCell($coordinate)->getDataValidation();
  4117. $objValidation->setType($type);
  4118. $objValidation->setErrorStyle($errorStyle);
  4119. $objValidation->setAllowBlank((bool)$allowBlank);
  4120. $objValidation->setShowInputMessage((bool)$showInputMessage);
  4121. $objValidation->setShowErrorMessage((bool)$showErrorMessage);
  4122. $objValidation->setShowDropDown(!$suppressDropDown);
  4123. $objValidation->setOperator($operator);
  4124. $objValidation->setErrorTitle($errorTitle);
  4125. $objValidation->setError($error);
  4126. $objValidation->setPromptTitle($promptTitle);
  4127. $objValidation->setPrompt($prompt);
  4128. $objValidation->setFormula1($formula1);
  4129. $objValidation->setFormula2($formula2);
  4130. }
  4131. }
  4132. }
  4133. /**
  4134. * Read SHEETLAYOUT record. Stores sheet tab color information.
  4135. */
  4136. private function readSheetLayout()
  4137. {
  4138. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  4139. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  4140. // move stream pointer to next record
  4141. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4142. // local pointer in record data
  4143. $offset = 0;
  4144. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  4145. // offset: 0; size: 2; repeated record identifier 0x0862
  4146. // offset: 2; size: 10; not used
  4147. // offset: 12; size: 4; size of record data
  4148. // Excel 2003 uses size of 0x14 (documented), Excel 2007 uses size of 0x28 (not documented?)
  4149. $sz = self::getInt4d($recordData, 12);
  4150. switch ($sz) {
  4151. case 0x14:
  4152. // offset: 16; size: 2; color index for sheet tab
  4153. $colorIndex = self::getInt2d($recordData, 16);
  4154. $color = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_Color::map($colorIndex, $this->palette, $this->version);
  4155. $this->phpSheet->getTabColor()->setRGB($color['rgb']);
  4156. break;
  4157. case 0x28:
  4158. // TODO: Investigate structure for .xls SHEETLAYOUT record as saved by MS Office Excel 2007
  4159. return;
  4160. break;
  4161. }
  4162. }
  4163. }
  4164. /**
  4166. */
  4167. private function readSheetProtection()
  4168. {
  4169. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  4170. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  4171. // move stream pointer to next record
  4172. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4173. if ($this->readDataOnly) {
  4174. return;
  4175. }
  4176. // offset: 0; size: 2; repeated record header
  4177. // offset: 2; size: 2; FRT cell reference flag (=0 currently)
  4178. // offset: 4; size: 8; Currently not used and set to 0
  4179. // offset: 12; size: 2; Shared feature type index (2=Enhanced Protetion, 4=SmartTag)
  4180. $isf = self::getInt2d($recordData, 12);
  4181. if ($isf != 2) {
  4182. return;
  4183. }
  4184. // offset: 14; size: 1; =1 since this is a feat header
  4185. // offset: 15; size: 4; size of rgbHdrSData
  4186. // rgbHdrSData, assume "Enhanced Protection"
  4187. // offset: 19; size: 2; option flags
  4188. $options = self::getInt2d($recordData, 19);
  4189. // bit: 0; mask 0x0001; 1 = user may edit objects, 0 = users must not edit objects
  4190. $bool = (0x0001 & $options) >> 0;
  4191. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setObjects(!$bool);
  4192. // bit: 1; mask 0x0002; edit scenarios
  4193. $bool = (0x0002 & $options) >> 1;
  4194. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setScenarios(!$bool);
  4195. // bit: 2; mask 0x0004; format cells
  4196. $bool = (0x0004 & $options) >> 2;
  4197. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setFormatCells(!$bool);
  4198. // bit: 3; mask 0x0008; format columns
  4199. $bool = (0x0008 & $options) >> 3;
  4200. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setFormatColumns(!$bool);
  4201. // bit: 4; mask 0x0010; format rows
  4202. $bool = (0x0010 & $options) >> 4;
  4203. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setFormatRows(!$bool);
  4204. // bit: 5; mask 0x0020; insert columns
  4205. $bool = (0x0020 & $options) >> 5;
  4206. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setInsertColumns(!$bool);
  4207. // bit: 6; mask 0x0040; insert rows
  4208. $bool = (0x0040 & $options) >> 6;
  4209. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setInsertRows(!$bool);
  4210. // bit: 7; mask 0x0080; insert hyperlinks
  4211. $bool = (0x0080 & $options) >> 7;
  4212. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setInsertHyperlinks(!$bool);
  4213. // bit: 8; mask 0x0100; delete columns
  4214. $bool = (0x0100 & $options) >> 8;
  4215. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setDeleteColumns(!$bool);
  4216. // bit: 9; mask 0x0200; delete rows
  4217. $bool = (0x0200 & $options) >> 9;
  4218. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setDeleteRows(!$bool);
  4219. // bit: 10; mask 0x0400; select locked cells
  4220. $bool = (0x0400 & $options) >> 10;
  4221. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setSelectLockedCells(!$bool);
  4222. // bit: 11; mask 0x0800; sort cell range
  4223. $bool = (0x0800 & $options) >> 11;
  4224. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setSort(!$bool);
  4225. // bit: 12; mask 0x1000; auto filter
  4226. $bool = (0x1000 & $options) >> 12;
  4227. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setAutoFilter(!$bool);
  4228. // bit: 13; mask 0x2000; pivot tables
  4229. $bool = (0x2000 & $options) >> 13;
  4230. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setPivotTables(!$bool);
  4231. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; select unlocked cells
  4232. $bool = (0x4000 & $options) >> 14;
  4233. $this->phpSheet->getProtection()->setSelectUnlockedCells(!$bool);
  4234. // offset: 21; size: 2; not used
  4235. }
  4236. /**
  4237. * Read RANGEPROTECTION record
  4238. * Reading of this record is based on Microsoft Office Excel 97-2000 Binary File Format Specification,
  4239. * where it is referred to as FEAT record
  4240. */
  4241. private function readRangeProtection()
  4242. {
  4243. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  4244. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  4245. // move stream pointer to next record
  4246. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4247. // local pointer in record data
  4248. $offset = 0;
  4249. if (!$this->readDataOnly) {
  4250. $offset += 12;
  4251. // offset: 12; size: 2; shared feature type, 2 = enhanced protection, 4 = smart tag
  4252. $isf = self::getInt2d($recordData, 12);
  4253. if ($isf != 2) {
  4254. // we only read FEAT records of type 2
  4255. return;
  4256. }
  4257. $offset += 2;
  4258. $offset += 5;
  4259. // offset: 19; size: 2; count of ref ranges this feature is on
  4260. $cref = self::getInt2d($recordData, 19);
  4261. $offset += 2;
  4262. $offset += 6;
  4263. // offset: 27; size: 8 * $cref; list of cell ranges (like in hyperlink record)
  4264. $cellRanges = array();
  4265. for ($i = 0; $i < $cref; ++$i) {
  4266. try {
  4267. $cellRange = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed(substr($recordData, 27 + 8 * $i, 8));
  4268. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  4269. return;
  4270. }
  4271. $cellRanges[] = $cellRange;
  4272. $offset += 8;
  4273. }
  4274. // offset: var; size: var; variable length of feature specific data
  4275. $rgbFeat = substr($recordData, $offset);
  4276. $offset += 4;
  4277. // offset: var; size: 4; the encrypted password (only 16-bit although field is 32-bit)
  4278. $wPassword = self::getInt4d($recordData, $offset);
  4279. $offset += 4;
  4280. // Apply range protection to sheet
  4281. if ($cellRanges) {
  4282. $this->phpSheet->protectCells(implode(' ', $cellRanges), strtoupper(dechex($wPassword)), true);
  4283. }
  4284. }
  4285. }
  4286. /**
  4287. * Read IMDATA record
  4288. */
  4289. private function readImData()
  4290. {
  4291. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  4292. // get spliced record data
  4293. $splicedRecordData = $this->getSplicedRecordData();
  4294. $recordData = $splicedRecordData['recordData'];
  4296. // offset: 0; size: 2; image format
  4297. $cf = self::getInt2d($recordData, 0);
  4298. // offset: 2; size: 2; environment from which the file was written
  4299. $env = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  4300. // offset: 4; size: 4; length of the image data
  4301. $lcb = self::getInt4d($recordData, 4);
  4302. // offset: 8; size: var; image data
  4303. $iData = substr($recordData, 8);
  4304. switch ($cf) {
  4305. case 0x09: // Windows bitmap format
  4308. // offset: 0; size: 4; bcSize, Specifies the number of bytes required by the structure
  4309. $bcSize = self::getInt4d($iData, 0);
  4310. // var_dump($bcSize);
  4311. // offset: 4; size: 2; bcWidth, specifies the width of the bitmap, in pixels
  4312. $bcWidth = self::getInt2d($iData, 4);
  4313. // var_dump($bcWidth);
  4314. // offset: 6; size: 2; bcHeight, specifies the height of the bitmap, in pixels.
  4315. $bcHeight = self::getInt2d($iData, 6);
  4316. // var_dump($bcHeight);
  4317. $ih = imagecreatetruecolor($bcWidth, $bcHeight);
  4318. // offset: 8; size: 2; bcPlanes, specifies the number of planes for the target device. This value must be 1
  4319. // offset: 10; size: 2; bcBitCount specifies the number of bits-per-pixel. This value must be 1, 4, 8, or 24
  4320. $bcBitCount = self::getInt2d($iData, 10);
  4321. // var_dump($bcBitCount);
  4322. $rgbString = substr($iData, 12);
  4323. $rgbTriples = array();
  4324. while (strlen($rgbString) > 0) {
  4325. $rgbTriples[] = unpack('Cb/Cg/Cr', $rgbString);
  4326. $rgbString = substr($rgbString, 3);
  4327. }
  4328. $x = 0;
  4329. $y = 0;
  4330. foreach ($rgbTriples as $i => $rgbTriple) {
  4331. $color = imagecolorallocate($ih, $rgbTriple['r'], $rgbTriple['g'], $rgbTriple['b']);
  4332. imagesetpixel($ih, $x, $bcHeight - 1 - $y, $color);
  4333. $x = ($x + 1) % $bcWidth;
  4334. $y = $y + floor(($x + 1) / $bcWidth);
  4335. }
  4336. //imagepng($ih, 'image.png');
  4337. $drawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing();
  4338. $drawing->setPath($filename);
  4339. $drawing->setWorksheet($this->phpSheet);
  4340. break;
  4341. case 0x02: // Windows metafile or Macintosh PICT format
  4342. case 0x0e: // native format
  4343. default:
  4344. break;
  4345. }
  4346. // getSplicedRecordData() takes care of moving current position in data stream
  4347. }
  4348. /**
  4349. * Read a free CONTINUE record. Free CONTINUE record may be a camouflaged MSODRAWING record
  4350. * When MSODRAWING data on a sheet exceeds 8224 bytes, CONTINUE records are used instead. Undocumented.
  4351. * In this case, we must treat the CONTINUE record as a MSODRAWING record
  4352. */
  4353. private function readContinue()
  4354. {
  4355. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  4356. $recordData = $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  4357. // check if we are reading drawing data
  4358. // this is in case a free CONTINUE record occurs in other circumstances we are unaware of
  4359. if ($this->drawingData == '') {
  4360. // move stream pointer to next record
  4361. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4362. return;
  4363. }
  4364. // check if record data is at least 4 bytes long, otherwise there is no chance this is MSODRAWING data
  4365. if ($length < 4) {
  4366. // move stream pointer to next record
  4367. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4368. return;
  4369. }
  4370. // dirty check to see if CONTINUE record could be a camouflaged MSODRAWING record
  4371. // look inside CONTINUE record to see if it looks like a part of an Escher stream
  4372. // we know that Escher stream may be split at least at
  4373. // 0xF003 MsofbtSpgrContainer
  4374. // 0xF004 MsofbtSpContainer
  4375. // 0xF00D MsofbtClientTextbox
  4376. $validSplitPoints = array(0xF003, 0xF004, 0xF00D); // add identifiers if we find more
  4377. $splitPoint = self::getInt2d($recordData, 2);
  4378. if (in_array($splitPoint, $validSplitPoints)) {
  4379. // get spliced record data (and move pointer to next record)
  4380. $splicedRecordData = $this->getSplicedRecordData();
  4381. $this->drawingData .= $splicedRecordData['recordData'];
  4382. return;
  4383. }
  4384. // move stream pointer to next record
  4385. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4386. }
  4387. /**
  4388. * Reads a record from current position in data stream and continues reading data as long as CONTINUE
  4389. * records are found. Splices the record data pieces and returns the combined string as if record data
  4390. * is in one piece.
  4391. * Moves to next current position in data stream to start of next record different from a CONtINUE record
  4392. *
  4393. * @return array
  4394. */
  4395. private function getSplicedRecordData()
  4396. {
  4397. $data = '';
  4398. $spliceOffsets = array();
  4399. $i = 0;
  4400. $spliceOffsets[0] = 0;
  4401. do {
  4402. ++$i;
  4403. // offset: 0; size: 2; identifier
  4404. $identifier = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  4405. // offset: 2; size: 2; length
  4406. $length = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos + 2);
  4407. $data .= $this->readRecordData($this->data, $this->pos + 4, $length);
  4408. $spliceOffsets[$i] = $spliceOffsets[$i - 1] + $length;
  4409. $this->pos += 4 + $length;
  4410. $nextIdentifier = self::getInt2d($this->data, $this->pos);
  4411. } while ($nextIdentifier == self::XLS_TYPE_CONTINUE);
  4412. $splicedData = array(
  4413. 'recordData' => $data,
  4414. 'spliceOffsets' => $spliceOffsets,
  4415. );
  4416. return $splicedData;
  4417. }
  4418. /**
  4419. * Convert formula structure into human readable Excel formula like 'A3+A5*5'
  4420. *
  4421. * @param string $formulaStructure The complete binary data for the formula
  4422. * @param string $baseCell Base cell, only needed when formula contains tRefN tokens, e.g. with shared formulas
  4423. * @return string Human readable formula
  4424. */
  4425. private function getFormulaFromStructure($formulaStructure, $baseCell = 'A1')
  4426. {
  4427. // offset: 0; size: 2; size of the following formula data
  4428. $sz = self::getInt2d($formulaStructure, 0);
  4429. // offset: 2; size: sz
  4430. $formulaData = substr($formulaStructure, 2, $sz);
  4431. // for debug: dump the formula data
  4432. //echo '<xmp>';
  4433. //echo 'size: ' . $sz . "\n";
  4434. //echo 'the entire formula data: ';
  4435. //Debug::dump($formulaData);
  4436. //echo "\n----\n";
  4437. // offset: 2 + sz; size: variable (optional)
  4438. if (strlen($formulaStructure) > 2 + $sz) {
  4439. $additionalData = substr($formulaStructure, 2 + $sz);
  4440. // for debug: dump the additional data
  4441. //echo 'the entire additional data: ';
  4442. //Debug::dump($additionalData);
  4443. //echo "\n----\n";
  4444. } else {
  4445. $additionalData = '';
  4446. }
  4447. return $this->getFormulaFromData($formulaData, $additionalData, $baseCell);
  4448. }
  4449. /**
  4450. * Take formula data and additional data for formula and return human readable formula
  4451. *
  4452. * @param string $formulaData The binary data for the formula itself
  4453. * @param string $additionalData Additional binary data going with the formula
  4454. * @param string $baseCell Base cell, only needed when formula contains tRefN tokens, e.g. with shared formulas
  4455. * @return string Human readable formula
  4456. */
  4457. private function getFormulaFromData($formulaData, $additionalData = '', $baseCell = 'A1')
  4458. {
  4459. // start parsing the formula data
  4460. $tokens = array();
  4461. while (strlen($formulaData) > 0 and $token = $this->getNextToken($formulaData, $baseCell)) {
  4462. $tokens[] = $token;
  4463. $formulaData = substr($formulaData, $token['size']);
  4464. // for debug: dump the token
  4465. //var_dump($token);
  4466. }
  4467. $formulaString = $this->createFormulaFromTokens($tokens, $additionalData);
  4468. return $formulaString;
  4469. }
  4470. /**
  4471. * Take array of tokens together with additional data for formula and return human readable formula
  4472. *
  4473. * @param array $tokens
  4474. * @param array $additionalData Additional binary data going with the formula
  4475. * @param string $baseCell Base cell, only needed when formula contains tRefN tokens, e.g. with shared formulas
  4476. * @return string Human readable formula
  4477. */
  4478. private function createFormulaFromTokens($tokens, $additionalData)
  4479. {
  4480. // empty formula?
  4481. if (empty($tokens)) {
  4482. return '';
  4483. }
  4484. $formulaStrings = array();
  4485. foreach ($tokens as $token) {
  4486. // initialize spaces
  4487. $space0 = isset($space0) ? $space0 : ''; // spaces before next token, not tParen
  4488. $space1 = isset($space1) ? $space1 : ''; // carriage returns before next token, not tParen
  4489. $space2 = isset($space2) ? $space2 : ''; // spaces before opening parenthesis
  4490. $space3 = isset($space3) ? $space3 : ''; // carriage returns before opening parenthesis
  4491. $space4 = isset($space4) ? $space4 : ''; // spaces before closing parenthesis
  4492. $space5 = isset($space5) ? $space5 : ''; // carriage returns before closing parenthesis
  4493. switch ($token['name']) {
  4494. case 'tAdd': // addition
  4495. case 'tConcat': // addition
  4496. case 'tDiv': // division
  4497. case 'tEQ': // equality
  4498. case 'tGE': // greater than or equal
  4499. case 'tGT': // greater than
  4500. case 'tIsect': // intersection
  4501. case 'tLE': // less than or equal
  4502. case 'tList': // less than or equal
  4503. case 'tLT': // less than
  4504. case 'tMul': // multiplication
  4505. case 'tNE': // multiplication
  4506. case 'tPower': // power
  4507. case 'tRange': // range
  4508. case 'tSub': // subtraction
  4509. $op2 = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4510. $op1 = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4511. $formulaStrings[] = "$op1$space1$space0{$token['data']}$op2";
  4512. unset($space0, $space1);
  4513. break;
  4514. case 'tUplus': // unary plus
  4515. case 'tUminus': // unary minus
  4516. $op = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4517. $formulaStrings[] = "$space1$space0{$token['data']}$op";
  4518. unset($space0, $space1);
  4519. break;
  4520. case 'tPercent': // percent sign
  4521. $op = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4522. $formulaStrings[] = "$op$space1$space0{$token['data']}";
  4523. unset($space0, $space1);
  4524. break;
  4525. case 'tAttrVolatile': // indicates volatile function
  4526. case 'tAttrIf':
  4527. case 'tAttrSkip':
  4528. case 'tAttrChoose':
  4529. // token is only important for Excel formula evaluator
  4530. // do nothing
  4531. break;
  4532. case 'tAttrSpace': // space / carriage return
  4533. // space will be used when next token arrives, do not alter formulaString stack
  4534. switch ($token['data']['spacetype']) {
  4535. case 'type0':
  4536. $space0 = str_repeat(' ', $token['data']['spacecount']);
  4537. break;
  4538. case 'type1':
  4539. $space1 = str_repeat("\n", $token['data']['spacecount']);
  4540. break;
  4541. case 'type2':
  4542. $space2 = str_repeat(' ', $token['data']['spacecount']);
  4543. break;
  4544. case 'type3':
  4545. $space3 = str_repeat("\n", $token['data']['spacecount']);
  4546. break;
  4547. case 'type4':
  4548. $space4 = str_repeat(' ', $token['data']['spacecount']);
  4549. break;
  4550. case 'type5':
  4551. $space5 = str_repeat("\n", $token['data']['spacecount']);
  4552. break;
  4553. }
  4554. break;
  4555. case 'tAttrSum': // SUM function with one parameter
  4556. $op = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4557. $formulaStrings[] = "{$space1}{$space0}SUM($op)";
  4558. unset($space0, $space1);
  4559. break;
  4560. case 'tFunc': // function with fixed number of arguments
  4561. case 'tFuncV': // function with variable number of arguments
  4562. if ($token['data']['function'] != '') {
  4563. // normal function
  4564. $ops = array(); // array of operators
  4565. for ($i = 0; $i < $token['data']['args']; ++$i) {
  4566. $ops[] = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4567. }
  4568. $ops = array_reverse($ops);
  4569. $formulaStrings[] = "$space1$space0{$token['data']['function']}(" . implode(',', $ops) . ")";
  4570. unset($space0, $space1);
  4571. } else {
  4572. // add-in function
  4573. $ops = array(); // array of operators
  4574. for ($i = 0; $i < $token['data']['args'] - 1; ++$i) {
  4575. $ops[] = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4576. }
  4577. $ops = array_reverse($ops);
  4578. $function = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4579. $formulaStrings[] = "$space1$space0$function(" . implode(',', $ops) . ")";
  4580. unset($space0, $space1);
  4581. }
  4582. break;
  4583. case 'tParen': // parenthesis
  4584. $expression = array_pop($formulaStrings);
  4585. $formulaStrings[] = "$space3$space2($expression$space5$space4)";
  4586. unset($space2, $space3, $space4, $space5);
  4587. break;
  4588. case 'tArray': // array constant
  4589. $constantArray = self::readBIFF8ConstantArray($additionalData);
  4590. $formulaStrings[] = $space1 . $space0 . $constantArray['value'];
  4591. $additionalData = substr($additionalData, $constantArray['size']); // bite of chunk of additional data
  4592. unset($space0, $space1);
  4593. break;
  4594. case 'tMemArea':
  4595. // bite off chunk of additional data
  4596. $cellRangeAddressList = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressList($additionalData);
  4597. $additionalData = substr($additionalData, $cellRangeAddressList['size']);
  4598. $formulaStrings[] = "$space1$space0{$token['data']}";
  4599. unset($space0, $space1);
  4600. break;
  4601. case 'tArea': // cell range address
  4602. case 'tBool': // boolean
  4603. case 'tErr': // error code
  4604. case 'tInt': // integer
  4605. case 'tMemErr':
  4606. case 'tMemFunc':
  4607. case 'tMissArg':
  4608. case 'tName':
  4609. case 'tNameX':
  4610. case 'tNum': // number
  4611. case 'tRef': // single cell reference
  4612. case 'tRef3d': // 3d cell reference
  4613. case 'tArea3d': // 3d cell range reference
  4614. case 'tRefN':
  4615. case 'tAreaN':
  4616. case 'tStr': // string
  4617. $formulaStrings[] = "$space1$space0{$token['data']}";
  4618. unset($space0, $space1);
  4619. break;
  4620. }
  4621. }
  4622. $formulaString = $formulaStrings[0];
  4623. // for debug: dump the human readable formula
  4624. //echo '----' . "\n";
  4625. //echo 'Formula: ' . $formulaString;
  4626. return $formulaString;
  4627. }
  4628. /**
  4629. * Fetch next token from binary formula data
  4630. *
  4631. * @param string Formula data
  4632. * @param string $baseCell Base cell, only needed when formula contains tRefN tokens, e.g. with shared formulas
  4633. * @return array
  4634. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  4635. */
  4636. private function getNextToken($formulaData, $baseCell = 'A1')
  4637. {
  4638. // offset: 0; size: 1; token id
  4639. $id = ord($formulaData[0]); // token id
  4640. $name = false; // initialize token name
  4641. switch ($id) {
  4642. case 0x03:
  4643. $name = 'tAdd';
  4644. $size = 1;
  4645. $data = '+';
  4646. break;
  4647. case 0x04:
  4648. $name = 'tSub';
  4649. $size = 1;
  4650. $data = '-';
  4651. break;
  4652. case 0x05:
  4653. $name = 'tMul';
  4654. $size = 1;
  4655. $data = '*';
  4656. break;
  4657. case 0x06:
  4658. $name = 'tDiv';
  4659. $size = 1;
  4660. $data = '/';
  4661. break;
  4662. case 0x07:
  4663. $name = 'tPower';
  4664. $size = 1;
  4665. $data = '^';
  4666. break;
  4667. case 0x08:
  4668. $name = 'tConcat';
  4669. $size = 1;
  4670. $data = '&';
  4671. break;
  4672. case 0x09:
  4673. $name = 'tLT';
  4674. $size = 1;
  4675. $data = '<';
  4676. break;
  4677. case 0x0A:
  4678. $name = 'tLE';
  4679. $size = 1;
  4680. $data = '<=';
  4681. break;
  4682. case 0x0B:
  4683. $name = 'tEQ';
  4684. $size = 1;
  4685. $data = '=';
  4686. break;
  4687. case 0x0C:
  4688. $name = 'tGE';
  4689. $size = 1;
  4690. $data = '>=';
  4691. break;
  4692. case 0x0D:
  4693. $name = 'tGT';
  4694. $size = 1;
  4695. $data = '>';
  4696. break;
  4697. case 0x0E:
  4698. $name = 'tNE';
  4699. $size = 1;
  4700. $data = '<>';
  4701. break;
  4702. case 0x0F:
  4703. $name = 'tIsect';
  4704. $size = 1;
  4705. $data = ' ';
  4706. break;
  4707. case 0x10:
  4708. $name = 'tList';
  4709. $size = 1;
  4710. $data = ',';
  4711. break;
  4712. case 0x11:
  4713. $name = 'tRange';
  4714. $size = 1;
  4715. $data = ':';
  4716. break;
  4717. case 0x12:
  4718. $name = 'tUplus';
  4719. $size = 1;
  4720. $data = '+';
  4721. break;
  4722. case 0x13:
  4723. $name = 'tUminus';
  4724. $size = 1;
  4725. $data = '-';
  4726. break;
  4727. case 0x14:
  4728. $name = 'tPercent';
  4729. $size = 1;
  4730. $data = '%';
  4731. break;
  4732. case 0x15: // parenthesis
  4733. $name = 'tParen';
  4734. $size = 1;
  4735. $data = null;
  4736. break;
  4737. case 0x16: // missing argument
  4738. $name = 'tMissArg';
  4739. $size = 1;
  4740. $data = '';
  4741. break;
  4742. case 0x17: // string
  4743. $name = 'tStr';
  4744. // offset: 1; size: var; Unicode string, 8-bit string length
  4745. $string = self::readUnicodeStringShort(substr($formulaData, 1));
  4746. $size = 1 + $string['size'];
  4747. $data = self::UTF8toExcelDoubleQuoted($string['value']);
  4748. break;
  4749. case 0x19: // Special attribute
  4750. // offset: 1; size: 1; attribute type flags:
  4751. switch (ord($formulaData[1])) {
  4752. case 0x01:
  4753. $name = 'tAttrVolatile';
  4754. $size = 4;
  4755. $data = null;
  4756. break;
  4757. case 0x02:
  4758. $name = 'tAttrIf';
  4759. $size = 4;
  4760. $data = null;
  4761. break;
  4762. case 0x04:
  4763. $name = 'tAttrChoose';
  4764. // offset: 2; size: 2; number of choices in the CHOOSE function ($nc, number of parameters decreased by 1)
  4765. $nc = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 2);
  4766. // offset: 4; size: 2 * $nc
  4767. // offset: 4 + 2 * $nc; size: 2
  4768. $size = 2 * $nc + 6;
  4769. $data = null;
  4770. break;
  4771. case 0x08:
  4772. $name = 'tAttrSkip';
  4773. $size = 4;
  4774. $data = null;
  4775. break;
  4776. case 0x10:
  4777. $name = 'tAttrSum';
  4778. $size = 4;
  4779. $data = null;
  4780. break;
  4781. case 0x40:
  4782. case 0x41:
  4783. $name = 'tAttrSpace';
  4784. $size = 4;
  4785. // offset: 2; size: 2; space type and position
  4786. switch (ord($formulaData[2])) {
  4787. case 0x00:
  4788. $spacetype = 'type0';
  4789. break;
  4790. case 0x01:
  4791. $spacetype = 'type1';
  4792. break;
  4793. case 0x02:
  4794. $spacetype = 'type2';
  4795. break;
  4796. case 0x03:
  4797. $spacetype = 'type3';
  4798. break;
  4799. case 0x04:
  4800. $spacetype = 'type4';
  4801. break;
  4802. case 0x05:
  4803. $spacetype = 'type5';
  4804. break;
  4805. default:
  4806. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Unrecognized space type in tAttrSpace token');
  4807. break;
  4808. }
  4809. // offset: 3; size: 1; number of inserted spaces/carriage returns
  4810. $spacecount = ord($formulaData[3]);
  4811. $data = array('spacetype' => $spacetype, 'spacecount' => $spacecount);
  4812. break;
  4813. default:
  4814. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Unrecognized attribute flag in tAttr token');
  4815. break;
  4816. }
  4817. break;
  4818. case 0x1C: // error code
  4819. // offset: 1; size: 1; error code
  4820. $name = 'tErr';
  4821. $size = 2;
  4822. $data = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_ErrorCode::lookup(ord($formulaData[1]));
  4823. break;
  4824. case 0x1D: // boolean
  4825. // offset: 1; size: 1; 0 = false, 1 = true;
  4826. $name = 'tBool';
  4827. $size = 2;
  4828. $data = ord($formulaData[1]) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
  4829. break;
  4830. case 0x1E: // integer
  4831. // offset: 1; size: 2; unsigned 16-bit integer
  4832. $name = 'tInt';
  4833. $size = 3;
  4834. $data = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 1);
  4835. break;
  4836. case 0x1F: // number
  4837. // offset: 1; size: 8;
  4838. $name = 'tNum';
  4839. $size = 9;
  4840. $data = self::extractNumber(substr($formulaData, 1));
  4841. $data = str_replace(',', '.', (string)$data); // in case non-English locale
  4842. break;
  4843. case 0x20: // array constant
  4844. case 0x40:
  4845. case 0x60:
  4846. // offset: 1; size: 7; not used
  4847. $name = 'tArray';
  4848. $size = 8;
  4849. $data = null;
  4850. break;
  4851. case 0x21: // function with fixed number of arguments
  4852. case 0x41:
  4853. case 0x61:
  4854. $name = 'tFunc';
  4855. $size = 3;
  4856. // offset: 1; size: 2; index to built-in sheet function
  4857. switch (self::getInt2d($formulaData, 1)) {
  4858. case 2:
  4859. $function = 'ISNA';
  4860. $args = 1;
  4861. break;
  4862. case 3:
  4863. $function = 'ISERROR';
  4864. $args = 1;
  4865. break;
  4866. case 10:
  4867. $function = 'NA';
  4868. $args = 0;
  4869. break;
  4870. case 15:
  4871. $function = 'SIN';
  4872. $args = 1;
  4873. break;
  4874. case 16:
  4875. $function = 'COS';
  4876. $args = 1;
  4877. break;
  4878. case 17:
  4879. $function = 'TAN';
  4880. $args = 1;
  4881. break;
  4882. case 18:
  4883. $function = 'ATAN';
  4884. $args = 1;
  4885. break;
  4886. case 19:
  4887. $function = 'PI';
  4888. $args = 0;
  4889. break;
  4890. case 20:
  4891. $function = 'SQRT';
  4892. $args = 1;
  4893. break;
  4894. case 21:
  4895. $function = 'EXP';
  4896. $args = 1;
  4897. break;
  4898. case 22:
  4899. $function = 'LN';
  4900. $args = 1;
  4901. break;
  4902. case 23:
  4903. $function = 'LOG10';
  4904. $args = 1;
  4905. break;
  4906. case 24:
  4907. $function = 'ABS';
  4908. $args = 1;
  4909. break;
  4910. case 25:
  4911. $function = 'INT';
  4912. $args = 1;
  4913. break;
  4914. case 26:
  4915. $function = 'SIGN';
  4916. $args = 1;
  4917. break;
  4918. case 27:
  4919. $function = 'ROUND';
  4920. $args = 2;
  4921. break;
  4922. case 30:
  4923. $function = 'REPT';
  4924. $args = 2;
  4925. break;
  4926. case 31:
  4927. $function = 'MID';
  4928. $args = 3;
  4929. break;
  4930. case 32:
  4931. $function = 'LEN';
  4932. $args = 1;
  4933. break;
  4934. case 33:
  4935. $function = 'VALUE';
  4936. $args = 1;
  4937. break;
  4938. case 34:
  4939. $function = 'TRUE';
  4940. $args = 0;
  4941. break;
  4942. case 35:
  4943. $function = 'FALSE';
  4944. $args = 0;
  4945. break;
  4946. case 38:
  4947. $function = 'NOT';
  4948. $args = 1;
  4949. break;
  4950. case 39:
  4951. $function = 'MOD';
  4952. $args = 2;
  4953. break;
  4954. case 40:
  4955. $function = 'DCOUNT';
  4956. $args = 3;
  4957. break;
  4958. case 41:
  4959. $function = 'DSUM';
  4960. $args = 3;
  4961. break;
  4962. case 42:
  4963. $function = 'DAVERAGE';
  4964. $args = 3;
  4965. break;
  4966. case 43:
  4967. $function = 'DMIN';
  4968. $args = 3;
  4969. break;
  4970. case 44:
  4971. $function = 'DMAX';
  4972. $args = 3;
  4973. break;
  4974. case 45:
  4975. $function = 'DSTDEV';
  4976. $args = 3;
  4977. break;
  4978. case 48:
  4979. $function = 'TEXT';
  4980. $args = 2;
  4981. break;
  4982. case 61:
  4983. $function = 'MIRR';
  4984. $args = 3;
  4985. break;
  4986. case 63:
  4987. $function = 'RAND';
  4988. $args = 0;
  4989. break;
  4990. case 65:
  4991. $function = 'DATE';
  4992. $args = 3;
  4993. break;
  4994. case 66:
  4995. $function = 'TIME';
  4996. $args = 3;
  4997. break;
  4998. case 67:
  4999. $function = 'DAY';
  5000. $args = 1;
  5001. break;
  5002. case 68:
  5003. $function = 'MONTH';
  5004. $args = 1;
  5005. break;
  5006. case 69:
  5007. $function = 'YEAR';
  5008. $args = 1;
  5009. break;
  5010. case 71:
  5011. $function = 'HOUR';
  5012. $args = 1;
  5013. break;
  5014. case 72:
  5015. $function = 'MINUTE';
  5016. $args = 1;
  5017. break;
  5018. case 73:
  5019. $function = 'SECOND';
  5020. $args = 1;
  5021. break;
  5022. case 74:
  5023. $function = 'NOW';
  5024. $args = 0;
  5025. break;
  5026. case 75:
  5027. $function = 'AREAS';
  5028. $args = 1;
  5029. break;
  5030. case 76:
  5031. $function = 'ROWS';
  5032. $args = 1;
  5033. break;
  5034. case 77:
  5035. $function = 'COLUMNS';
  5036. $args = 1;
  5037. break;
  5038. case 83:
  5039. $function = 'TRANSPOSE';
  5040. $args = 1;
  5041. break;
  5042. case 86:
  5043. $function = 'TYPE';
  5044. $args = 1;
  5045. break;
  5046. case 97:
  5047. $function = 'ATAN2';
  5048. $args = 2;
  5049. break;
  5050. case 98:
  5051. $function = 'ASIN';
  5052. $args = 1;
  5053. break;
  5054. case 99:
  5055. $function = 'ACOS';
  5056. $args = 1;
  5057. break;
  5058. case 105:
  5059. $function = 'ISREF';
  5060. $args = 1;
  5061. break;
  5062. case 111:
  5063. $function = 'CHAR';
  5064. $args = 1;
  5065. break;
  5066. case 112:
  5067. $function = 'LOWER';
  5068. $args = 1;
  5069. break;
  5070. case 113:
  5071. $function = 'UPPER';
  5072. $args = 1;
  5073. break;
  5074. case 114:
  5075. $function = 'PROPER';
  5076. $args = 1;
  5077. break;
  5078. case 117:
  5079. $function = 'EXACT';
  5080. $args = 2;
  5081. break;
  5082. case 118:
  5083. $function = 'TRIM';
  5084. $args = 1;
  5085. break;
  5086. case 119:
  5087. $function = 'REPLACE';
  5088. $args = 4;
  5089. break;
  5090. case 121:
  5091. $function = 'CODE';
  5092. $args = 1;
  5093. break;
  5094. case 126:
  5095. $function = 'ISERR';
  5096. $args = 1;
  5097. break;
  5098. case 127:
  5099. $function = 'ISTEXT';
  5100. $args = 1;
  5101. break;
  5102. case 128:
  5103. $function = 'ISNUMBER';
  5104. $args = 1;
  5105. break;
  5106. case 129:
  5107. $function = 'ISBLANK';
  5108. $args = 1;
  5109. break;
  5110. case 130:
  5111. $function = 'T';
  5112. $args = 1;
  5113. break;
  5114. case 131:
  5115. $function = 'N';
  5116. $args = 1;
  5117. break;
  5118. case 140:
  5119. $function = 'DATEVALUE';
  5120. $args = 1;
  5121. break;
  5122. case 141:
  5123. $function = 'TIMEVALUE';
  5124. $args = 1;
  5125. break;
  5126. case 142:
  5127. $function = 'SLN';
  5128. $args = 3;
  5129. break;
  5130. case 143:
  5131. $function = 'SYD';
  5132. $args = 4;
  5133. break;
  5134. case 162:
  5135. $function = 'CLEAN';
  5136. $args = 1;
  5137. break;
  5138. case 163:
  5139. $function = 'MDETERM';
  5140. $args = 1;
  5141. break;
  5142. case 164:
  5143. $function = 'MINVERSE';
  5144. $args = 1;
  5145. break;
  5146. case 165:
  5147. $function = 'MMULT';
  5148. $args = 2;
  5149. break;
  5150. case 184:
  5151. $function = 'FACT';
  5152. $args = 1;
  5153. break;
  5154. case 189:
  5155. $function = 'DPRODUCT';
  5156. $args = 3;
  5157. break;
  5158. case 190:
  5159. $function = 'ISNONTEXT';
  5160. $args = 1;
  5161. break;
  5162. case 195:
  5163. $function = 'DSTDEVP';
  5164. $args = 3;
  5165. break;
  5166. case 196:
  5167. $function = 'DVARP';
  5168. $args = 3;
  5169. break;
  5170. case 198:
  5171. $function = 'ISLOGICAL';
  5172. $args = 1;
  5173. break;
  5174. case 199:
  5175. $function = 'DCOUNTA';
  5176. $args = 3;
  5177. break;
  5178. case 207:
  5179. $function = 'REPLACEB';
  5180. $args = 4;
  5181. break;
  5182. case 210:
  5183. $function = 'MIDB';
  5184. $args = 3;
  5185. break;
  5186. case 211:
  5187. $function = 'LENB';
  5188. $args = 1;
  5189. break;
  5190. case 212:
  5191. $function = 'ROUNDUP';
  5192. $args = 2;
  5193. break;
  5194. case 213:
  5195. $function = 'ROUNDDOWN';
  5196. $args = 2;
  5197. break;
  5198. case 214:
  5199. $function = 'ASC';
  5200. $args = 1;
  5201. break;
  5202. case 215:
  5203. $function = 'DBCS';
  5204. $args = 1;
  5205. break;
  5206. case 221:
  5207. $function = 'TODAY';
  5208. $args = 0;
  5209. break;
  5210. case 229:
  5211. $function = 'SINH';
  5212. $args = 1;
  5213. break;
  5214. case 230:
  5215. $function = 'COSH';
  5216. $args = 1;
  5217. break;
  5218. case 231:
  5219. $function = 'TANH';
  5220. $args = 1;
  5221. break;
  5222. case 232:
  5223. $function = 'ASINH';
  5224. $args = 1;
  5225. break;
  5226. case 233:
  5227. $function = 'ACOSH';
  5228. $args = 1;
  5229. break;
  5230. case 234:
  5231. $function = 'ATANH';
  5232. $args = 1;
  5233. break;
  5234. case 235:
  5235. $function = 'DGET';
  5236. $args = 3;
  5237. break;
  5238. case 244:
  5239. $function = 'INFO';
  5240. $args = 1;
  5241. break;
  5242. case 252:
  5243. $function = 'FREQUENCY';
  5244. $args = 2;
  5245. break;
  5246. case 261:
  5247. $function = 'ERROR.TYPE';
  5248. $args = 1;
  5249. break;
  5250. case 271:
  5251. $function = 'GAMMALN';
  5252. $args = 1;
  5253. break;
  5254. case 273:
  5255. $function = 'BINOMDIST';
  5256. $args = 4;
  5257. break;
  5258. case 274:
  5259. $function = 'CHIDIST';
  5260. $args = 2;
  5261. break;
  5262. case 275:
  5263. $function = 'CHIINV';
  5264. $args = 2;
  5265. break;
  5266. case 276:
  5267. $function = 'COMBIN';
  5268. $args = 2;
  5269. break;
  5270. case 277:
  5271. $function = 'CONFIDENCE';
  5272. $args = 3;
  5273. break;
  5274. case 278:
  5275. $function = 'CRITBINOM';
  5276. $args = 3;
  5277. break;
  5278. case 279:
  5279. $function = 'EVEN';
  5280. $args = 1;
  5281. break;
  5282. case 280:
  5283. $function = 'EXPONDIST';
  5284. $args = 3;
  5285. break;
  5286. case 281:
  5287. $function = 'FDIST';
  5288. $args = 3;
  5289. break;
  5290. case 282:
  5291. $function = 'FINV';
  5292. $args = 3;
  5293. break;
  5294. case 283:
  5295. $function = 'FISHER';
  5296. $args = 1;
  5297. break;
  5298. case 284:
  5299. $function = 'FISHERINV';
  5300. $args = 1;
  5301. break;
  5302. case 285:
  5303. $function = 'FLOOR';
  5304. $args = 2;
  5305. break;
  5306. case 286:
  5307. $function = 'GAMMADIST';
  5308. $args = 4;
  5309. break;
  5310. case 287:
  5311. $function = 'GAMMAINV';
  5312. $args = 3;
  5313. break;
  5314. case 288:
  5315. $function = 'CEILING';
  5316. $args = 2;
  5317. break;
  5318. case 289:
  5319. $function = 'HYPGEOMDIST';
  5320. $args = 4;
  5321. break;
  5322. case 290:
  5323. $function = 'LOGNORMDIST';
  5324. $args = 3;
  5325. break;
  5326. case 291:
  5327. $function = 'LOGINV';
  5328. $args = 3;
  5329. break;
  5330. case 292:
  5331. $function = 'NEGBINOMDIST';
  5332. $args = 3;
  5333. break;
  5334. case 293:
  5335. $function = 'NORMDIST';
  5336. $args = 4;
  5337. break;
  5338. case 294:
  5339. $function = 'NORMSDIST';
  5340. $args = 1;
  5341. break;
  5342. case 295:
  5343. $function = 'NORMINV';
  5344. $args = 3;
  5345. break;
  5346. case 296:
  5347. $function = 'NORMSINV';
  5348. $args = 1;
  5349. break;
  5350. case 297:
  5351. $function = 'STANDARDIZE';
  5352. $args = 3;
  5353. break;
  5354. case 298:
  5355. $function = 'ODD';
  5356. $args = 1;
  5357. break;
  5358. case 299:
  5359. $function = 'PERMUT';
  5360. $args = 2;
  5361. break;
  5362. case 300:
  5363. $function = 'POISSON';
  5364. $args = 3;
  5365. break;
  5366. case 301:
  5367. $function = 'TDIST';
  5368. $args = 3;
  5369. break;
  5370. case 302:
  5371. $function = 'WEIBULL';
  5372. $args = 4;
  5373. break;
  5374. case 303:
  5375. $function = 'SUMXMY2';
  5376. $args = 2;
  5377. break;
  5378. case 304:
  5379. $function = 'SUMX2MY2';
  5380. $args = 2;
  5381. break;
  5382. case 305:
  5383. $function = 'SUMX2PY2';
  5384. $args = 2;
  5385. break;
  5386. case 306:
  5387. $function = 'CHITEST';
  5388. $args = 2;
  5389. break;
  5390. case 307:
  5391. $function = 'CORREL';
  5392. $args = 2;
  5393. break;
  5394. case 308:
  5395. $function = 'COVAR';
  5396. $args = 2;
  5397. break;
  5398. case 309:
  5399. $function = 'FORECAST';
  5400. $args = 3;
  5401. break;
  5402. case 310:
  5403. $function = 'FTEST';
  5404. $args = 2;
  5405. break;
  5406. case 311:
  5407. $function = 'INTERCEPT';
  5408. $args = 2;
  5409. break;
  5410. case 312:
  5411. $function = 'PEARSON';
  5412. $args = 2;
  5413. break;
  5414. case 313:
  5415. $function = 'RSQ';
  5416. $args = 2;
  5417. break;
  5418. case 314:
  5419. $function = 'STEYX';
  5420. $args = 2;
  5421. break;
  5422. case 315:
  5423. $function = 'SLOPE';
  5424. $args = 2;
  5425. break;
  5426. case 316:
  5427. $function = 'TTEST';
  5428. $args = 4;
  5429. break;
  5430. case 325:
  5431. $function = 'LARGE';
  5432. $args = 2;
  5433. break;
  5434. case 326:
  5435. $function = 'SMALL';
  5436. $args = 2;
  5437. break;
  5438. case 327:
  5439. $function = 'QUARTILE';
  5440. $args = 2;
  5441. break;
  5442. case 328:
  5443. $function = 'PERCENTILE';
  5444. $args = 2;
  5445. break;
  5446. case 331:
  5447. $function = 'TRIMMEAN';
  5448. $args = 2;
  5449. break;
  5450. case 332:
  5451. $function = 'TINV';
  5452. $args = 2;
  5453. break;
  5454. case 337:
  5455. $function = 'POWER';
  5456. $args = 2;
  5457. break;
  5458. case 342:
  5459. $function = 'RADIANS';
  5460. $args = 1;
  5461. break;
  5462. case 343:
  5463. $function = 'DEGREES';
  5464. $args = 1;
  5465. break;
  5466. case 346:
  5467. $function = 'COUNTIF';
  5468. $args = 2;
  5469. break;
  5470. case 347:
  5471. $function = 'COUNTBLANK';
  5472. $args = 1;
  5473. break;
  5474. case 350:
  5475. $function = 'ISPMT';
  5476. $args = 4;
  5477. break;
  5478. case 351:
  5479. $function = 'DATEDIF';
  5480. $args = 3;
  5481. break;
  5482. case 352:
  5483. $function = 'DATESTRING';
  5484. $args = 1;
  5485. break;
  5486. case 353:
  5487. $function = 'NUMBERSTRING';
  5488. $args = 2;
  5489. break;
  5490. case 360:
  5491. $function = 'PHONETIC';
  5492. $args = 1;
  5493. break;
  5494. case 368:
  5495. $function = 'BAHTTEXT';
  5496. $args = 1;
  5497. break;
  5498. default:
  5499. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Unrecognized function in formula');
  5500. break;
  5501. }
  5502. $data = array('function' => $function, 'args' => $args);
  5503. break;
  5504. case 0x22: // function with variable number of arguments
  5505. case 0x42:
  5506. case 0x62:
  5507. $name = 'tFuncV';
  5508. $size = 4;
  5509. // offset: 1; size: 1; number of arguments
  5510. $args = ord($formulaData[1]);
  5511. // offset: 2: size: 2; index to built-in sheet function
  5512. $index = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 2);
  5513. switch ($index) {
  5514. case 0:
  5515. $function = 'COUNT';
  5516. break;
  5517. case 1:
  5518. $function = 'IF';
  5519. break;
  5520. case 4:
  5521. $function = 'SUM';
  5522. break;
  5523. case 5:
  5524. $function = 'AVERAGE';
  5525. break;
  5526. case 6:
  5527. $function = 'MIN';
  5528. break;
  5529. case 7:
  5530. $function = 'MAX';
  5531. break;
  5532. case 8:
  5533. $function = 'ROW';
  5534. break;
  5535. case 9:
  5536. $function = 'COLUMN';
  5537. break;
  5538. case 11:
  5539. $function = 'NPV';
  5540. break;
  5541. case 12:
  5542. $function = 'STDEV';
  5543. break;
  5544. case 13:
  5545. $function = 'DOLLAR';
  5546. break;
  5547. case 14:
  5548. $function = 'FIXED';
  5549. break;
  5550. case 28:
  5551. $function = 'LOOKUP';
  5552. break;
  5553. case 29:
  5554. $function = 'INDEX';
  5555. break;
  5556. case 36:
  5557. $function = 'AND';
  5558. break;
  5559. case 37:
  5560. $function = 'OR';
  5561. break;
  5562. case 46:
  5563. $function = 'VAR';
  5564. break;
  5565. case 49:
  5566. $function = 'LINEST';
  5567. break;
  5568. case 50:
  5569. $function = 'TREND';
  5570. break;
  5571. case 51:
  5572. $function = 'LOGEST';
  5573. break;
  5574. case 52:
  5575. $function = 'GROWTH';
  5576. break;
  5577. case 56:
  5578. $function = 'PV';
  5579. break;
  5580. case 57:
  5581. $function = 'FV';
  5582. break;
  5583. case 58:
  5584. $function = 'NPER';
  5585. break;
  5586. case 59:
  5587. $function = 'PMT';
  5588. break;
  5589. case 60:
  5590. $function = 'RATE';
  5591. break;
  5592. case 62:
  5593. $function = 'IRR';
  5594. break;
  5595. case 64:
  5596. $function = 'MATCH';
  5597. break;
  5598. case 70:
  5599. $function = 'WEEKDAY';
  5600. break;
  5601. case 78:
  5602. $function = 'OFFSET';
  5603. break;
  5604. case 82:
  5605. $function = 'SEARCH';
  5606. break;
  5607. case 100:
  5608. $function = 'CHOOSE';
  5609. break;
  5610. case 101:
  5611. $function = 'HLOOKUP';
  5612. break;
  5613. case 102:
  5614. $function = 'VLOOKUP';
  5615. break;
  5616. case 109:
  5617. $function = 'LOG';
  5618. break;
  5619. case 115:
  5620. $function = 'LEFT';
  5621. break;
  5622. case 116:
  5623. $function = 'RIGHT';
  5624. break;
  5625. case 120:
  5626. $function = 'SUBSTITUTE';
  5627. break;
  5628. case 124:
  5629. $function = 'FIND';
  5630. break;
  5631. case 125:
  5632. $function = 'CELL';
  5633. break;
  5634. case 144:
  5635. $function = 'DDB';
  5636. break;
  5637. case 148:
  5638. $function = 'INDIRECT';
  5639. break;
  5640. case 167:
  5641. $function = 'IPMT';
  5642. break;
  5643. case 168:
  5644. $function = 'PPMT';
  5645. break;
  5646. case 169:
  5647. $function = 'COUNTA';
  5648. break;
  5649. case 183:
  5650. $function = 'PRODUCT';
  5651. break;
  5652. case 193:
  5653. $function = 'STDEVP';
  5654. break;
  5655. case 194:
  5656. $function = 'VARP';
  5657. break;
  5658. case 197:
  5659. $function = 'TRUNC';
  5660. break;
  5661. case 204:
  5662. $function = 'USDOLLAR';
  5663. break;
  5664. case 205:
  5665. $function = 'FINDB';
  5666. break;
  5667. case 206:
  5668. $function = 'SEARCHB';
  5669. break;
  5670. case 208:
  5671. $function = 'LEFTB';
  5672. break;
  5673. case 209:
  5674. $function = 'RIGHTB';
  5675. break;
  5676. case 216:
  5677. $function = 'RANK';
  5678. break;
  5679. case 219:
  5680. $function = 'ADDRESS';
  5681. break;
  5682. case 220:
  5683. $function = 'DAYS360';
  5684. break;
  5685. case 222:
  5686. $function = 'VDB';
  5687. break;
  5688. case 227:
  5689. $function = 'MEDIAN';
  5690. break;
  5691. case 228:
  5692. $function = 'SUMPRODUCT';
  5693. break;
  5694. case 247:
  5695. $function = 'DB';
  5696. break;
  5697. case 255:
  5698. $function = '';
  5699. break;
  5700. case 269:
  5701. $function = 'AVEDEV';
  5702. break;
  5703. case 270:
  5704. $function = 'BETADIST';
  5705. break;
  5706. case 272:
  5707. $function = 'BETAINV';
  5708. break;
  5709. case 317:
  5710. $function = 'PROB';
  5711. break;
  5712. case 318:
  5713. $function = 'DEVSQ';
  5714. break;
  5715. case 319:
  5716. $function = 'GEOMEAN';
  5717. break;
  5718. case 320:
  5719. $function = 'HARMEAN';
  5720. break;
  5721. case 321:
  5722. $function = 'SUMSQ';
  5723. break;
  5724. case 322:
  5725. $function = 'KURT';
  5726. break;
  5727. case 323:
  5728. $function = 'SKEW';
  5729. break;
  5730. case 324:
  5731. $function = 'ZTEST';
  5732. break;
  5733. case 329:
  5734. $function = 'PERCENTRANK';
  5735. break;
  5736. case 330:
  5737. $function = 'MODE';
  5738. break;
  5739. case 336:
  5740. $function = 'CONCATENATE';
  5741. break;
  5742. case 344:
  5743. $function = 'SUBTOTAL';
  5744. break;
  5745. case 345:
  5746. $function = 'SUMIF';
  5747. break;
  5748. case 354:
  5749. $function = 'ROMAN';
  5750. break;
  5751. case 358:
  5752. $function = 'GETPIVOTDATA';
  5753. break;
  5754. case 359:
  5755. $function = 'HYPERLINK';
  5756. break;
  5757. case 361:
  5758. $function = 'AVERAGEA';
  5759. break;
  5760. case 362:
  5761. $function = 'MAXA';
  5762. break;
  5763. case 363:
  5764. $function = 'MINA';
  5765. break;
  5766. case 364:
  5767. $function = 'STDEVPA';
  5768. break;
  5769. case 365:
  5770. $function = 'VARPA';
  5771. break;
  5772. case 366:
  5773. $function = 'STDEVA';
  5774. break;
  5775. case 367:
  5776. $function = 'VARA';
  5777. break;
  5778. default:
  5779. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Unrecognized function in formula');
  5780. break;
  5781. }
  5782. $data = array('function' => $function, 'args' => $args);
  5783. break;
  5784. case 0x23: // index to defined name
  5785. case 0x43:
  5786. case 0x63:
  5787. $name = 'tName';
  5788. $size = 5;
  5789. // offset: 1; size: 2; one-based index to definedname record
  5790. $definedNameIndex = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 1) - 1;
  5791. // offset: 2; size: 2; not used
  5792. $data = $this->definedname[$definedNameIndex]['name'];
  5793. break;
  5794. case 0x24: // single cell reference e.g. A5
  5795. case 0x44:
  5796. case 0x64:
  5797. $name = 'tRef';
  5798. $size = 5;
  5799. $data = $this->readBIFF8CellAddress(substr($formulaData, 1, 4));
  5800. break;
  5801. case 0x25: // cell range reference to cells in the same sheet (2d)
  5802. case 0x45:
  5803. case 0x65:
  5804. $name = 'tArea';
  5805. $size = 9;
  5806. $data = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddress(substr($formulaData, 1, 8));
  5807. break;
  5808. case 0x26: // Constant reference sub-expression
  5809. case 0x46:
  5810. case 0x66:
  5811. $name = 'tMemArea';
  5812. // offset: 1; size: 4; not used
  5813. // offset: 5; size: 2; size of the following subexpression
  5814. $subSize = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 5);
  5815. $size = 7 + $subSize;
  5816. $data = $this->getFormulaFromData(substr($formulaData, 7, $subSize));
  5817. break;
  5818. case 0x27: // Deleted constant reference sub-expression
  5819. case 0x47:
  5820. case 0x67:
  5821. $name = 'tMemErr';
  5822. // offset: 1; size: 4; not used
  5823. // offset: 5; size: 2; size of the following subexpression
  5824. $subSize = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 5);
  5825. $size = 7 + $subSize;
  5826. $data = $this->getFormulaFromData(substr($formulaData, 7, $subSize));
  5827. break;
  5828. case 0x29: // Variable reference sub-expression
  5829. case 0x49:
  5830. case 0x69:
  5831. $name = 'tMemFunc';
  5832. // offset: 1; size: 2; size of the following sub-expression
  5833. $subSize = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 1);
  5834. $size = 3 + $subSize;
  5835. $data = $this->getFormulaFromData(substr($formulaData, 3, $subSize));
  5836. break;
  5837. case 0x2C: // Relative 2d cell reference reference, used in shared formulas and some other places
  5838. case 0x4C:
  5839. case 0x6C:
  5840. $name = 'tRefN';
  5841. $size = 5;
  5842. $data = $this->readBIFF8CellAddressB(substr($formulaData, 1, 4), $baseCell);
  5843. break;
  5844. case 0x2D: // Relative 2d range reference
  5845. case 0x4D:
  5846. case 0x6D:
  5847. $name = 'tAreaN';
  5848. $size = 9;
  5849. $data = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressB(substr($formulaData, 1, 8), $baseCell);
  5850. break;
  5851. case 0x39: // External name
  5852. case 0x59:
  5853. case 0x79:
  5854. $name = 'tNameX';
  5855. $size = 7;
  5856. // offset: 1; size: 2; index to REF entry in EXTERNSHEET record
  5857. // offset: 3; size: 2; one-based index to DEFINEDNAME or EXTERNNAME record
  5858. $index = self::getInt2d($formulaData, 3);
  5859. // assume index is to EXTERNNAME record
  5860. $data = $this->externalNames[$index - 1]['name'];
  5861. // offset: 5; size: 2; not used
  5862. break;
  5863. case 0x3A: // 3d reference to cell
  5864. case 0x5A:
  5865. case 0x7A:
  5866. $name = 'tRef3d';
  5867. $size = 7;
  5868. try {
  5869. // offset: 1; size: 2; index to REF entry
  5870. $sheetRange = $this->readSheetRangeByRefIndex(self::getInt2d($formulaData, 1));
  5871. // offset: 3; size: 4; cell address
  5872. $cellAddress = $this->readBIFF8CellAddress(substr($formulaData, 3, 4));
  5873. $data = "$sheetRange!$cellAddress";
  5874. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  5875. // deleted sheet reference
  5876. $data = '#REF!';
  5877. }
  5878. break;
  5879. case 0x3B: // 3d reference to cell range
  5880. case 0x5B:
  5881. case 0x7B:
  5882. $name = 'tArea3d';
  5883. $size = 11;
  5884. try {
  5885. // offset: 1; size: 2; index to REF entry
  5886. $sheetRange = $this->readSheetRangeByRefIndex(self::getInt2d($formulaData, 1));
  5887. // offset: 3; size: 8; cell address
  5888. $cellRangeAddress = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddress(substr($formulaData, 3, 8));
  5889. $data = "$sheetRange!$cellRangeAddress";
  5890. } catch (PHPExcel_Exception $e) {
  5891. // deleted sheet reference
  5892. $data = '#REF!';
  5893. }
  5894. break;
  5895. // Unknown cases // don't know how to deal with
  5896. default:
  5897. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Unrecognized token ' . sprintf('%02X', $id) . ' in formula');
  5898. break;
  5899. }
  5900. return array(
  5901. 'id' => $id,
  5902. 'name' => $name,
  5903. 'size' => $size,
  5904. 'data' => $data,
  5905. );
  5906. }
  5907. /**
  5908. * Reads a cell address in BIFF8 e.g. 'A2' or '$A$2'
  5909. * section 3.3.4
  5910. *
  5911. * @param string $cellAddressStructure
  5912. * @return string
  5913. */
  5914. private function readBIFF8CellAddress($cellAddressStructure)
  5915. {
  5916. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row (0... 65535) (or offset (-32768... 32767))
  5917. $row = self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 0) + 1;
  5918. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column or column offset + relative flags
  5919. // bit: 7-0; mask 0x00FF; column index
  5920. $column = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(0x00FF & self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 2));
  5921. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; (1 = relative column index, 0 = absolute column index)
  5922. if (!(0x4000 & self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 2))) {
  5923. $column = '$' . $column;
  5924. }
  5925. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; (1 = relative row index, 0 = absolute row index)
  5926. if (!(0x8000 & self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 2))) {
  5927. $row = '$' . $row;
  5928. }
  5929. return $column . $row;
  5930. }
  5931. /**
  5932. * Reads a cell address in BIFF8 for shared formulas. Uses positive and negative values for row and column
  5933. * to indicate offsets from a base cell
  5934. * section 3.3.4
  5935. *
  5936. * @param string $cellAddressStructure
  5937. * @param string $baseCell Base cell, only needed when formula contains tRefN tokens, e.g. with shared formulas
  5938. * @return string
  5939. */
  5940. private function readBIFF8CellAddressB($cellAddressStructure, $baseCell = 'A1')
  5941. {
  5942. list($baseCol, $baseRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($baseCell);
  5943. $baseCol = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($baseCol) - 1;
  5944. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to row (0... 65535) (or offset (-32768... 32767))
  5945. $rowIndex = self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 0);
  5946. $row = self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 0) + 1;
  5947. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to column or column offset + relative flags
  5948. // bit: 7-0; mask 0x00FF; column index
  5949. $colIndex = 0x00FF & self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 2);
  5950. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; (1 = relative column index, 0 = absolute column index)
  5951. if (!(0x4000 & self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 2))) {
  5952. $column = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($colIndex);
  5953. $column = '$' . $column;
  5954. } else {
  5955. $colIndex = ($colIndex <= 127) ? $colIndex : $colIndex - 256;
  5956. $column = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($baseCol + $colIndex);
  5957. }
  5958. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; (1 = relative row index, 0 = absolute row index)
  5959. if (!(0x8000 & self::getInt2d($cellAddressStructure, 2))) {
  5960. $row = '$' . $row;
  5961. } else {
  5962. $rowIndex = ($rowIndex <= 32767) ? $rowIndex : $rowIndex - 65536;
  5963. $row = $baseRow + $rowIndex;
  5964. }
  5965. return $column . $row;
  5966. }
  5967. /**
  5968. * Reads a cell range address in BIFF5 e.g. 'A2:B6' or 'A1'
  5969. * always fixed range
  5970. * section 2.5.14
  5971. *
  5972. * @param string $subData
  5973. * @return string
  5974. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  5975. */
  5976. private function readBIFF5CellRangeAddressFixed($subData)
  5977. {
  5978. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to first row
  5979. $fr = self::getInt2d($subData, 0) + 1;
  5980. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to last row
  5981. $lr = self::getInt2d($subData, 2) + 1;
  5982. // offset: 4; size: 1; index to first column
  5983. $fc = ord($subData{4});
  5984. // offset: 5; size: 1; index to last column
  5985. $lc = ord($subData{5});
  5986. // check values
  5987. if ($fr > $lr || $fc > $lc) {
  5988. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Not a cell range address');
  5989. }
  5990. // column index to letter
  5991. $fc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($fc);
  5992. $lc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($lc);
  5993. if ($fr == $lr and $fc == $lc) {
  5994. return "$fc$fr";
  5995. }
  5996. return "$fc$fr:$lc$lr";
  5997. }
  5998. /**
  5999. * Reads a cell range address in BIFF8 e.g. 'A2:B6' or 'A1'
  6000. * always fixed range
  6001. * section 2.5.14
  6002. *
  6003. * @param string $subData
  6004. * @return string
  6005. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  6006. */
  6007. private function readBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed($subData)
  6008. {
  6009. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to first row
  6010. $fr = self::getInt2d($subData, 0) + 1;
  6011. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to last row
  6012. $lr = self::getInt2d($subData, 2) + 1;
  6013. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to first column
  6014. $fc = self::getInt2d($subData, 4);
  6015. // offset: 6; size: 2; index to last column
  6016. $lc = self::getInt2d($subData, 6);
  6017. // check values
  6018. if ($fr > $lr || $fc > $lc) {
  6019. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Not a cell range address');
  6020. }
  6021. // column index to letter
  6022. $fc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($fc);
  6023. $lc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($lc);
  6024. if ($fr == $lr and $fc == $lc) {
  6025. return "$fc$fr";
  6026. }
  6027. return "$fc$fr:$lc$lr";
  6028. }
  6029. /**
  6030. * Reads a cell range address in BIFF8 e.g. 'A2:B6' or '$A$2:$B$6'
  6031. * there are flags indicating whether column/row index is relative
  6032. * section 3.3.4
  6033. *
  6034. * @param string $subData
  6035. * @return string
  6036. */
  6037. private function readBIFF8CellRangeAddress($subData)
  6038. {
  6039. // todo: if cell range is just a single cell, should this funciton
  6040. // not just return e.g. 'A1' and not 'A1:A1' ?
  6041. // offset: 0; size: 2; index to first row (0... 65535) (or offset (-32768... 32767))
  6042. $fr = self::getInt2d($subData, 0) + 1;
  6043. // offset: 2; size: 2; index to last row (0... 65535) (or offset (-32768... 32767))
  6044. $lr = self::getInt2d($subData, 2) + 1;
  6045. // offset: 4; size: 2; index to first column or column offset + relative flags
  6046. // bit: 7-0; mask 0x00FF; column index
  6047. $fc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(0x00FF & self::getInt2d($subData, 4));
  6048. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; (1 = relative column index, 0 = absolute column index)
  6049. if (!(0x4000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 4))) {
  6050. $fc = '$' . $fc;
  6051. }
  6052. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; (1 = relative row index, 0 = absolute row index)
  6053. if (!(0x8000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 4))) {
  6054. $fr = '$' . $fr;
  6055. }
  6056. // offset: 6; size: 2; index to last column or column offset + relative flags
  6057. // bit: 7-0; mask 0x00FF; column index
  6058. $lc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex(0x00FF & self::getInt2d($subData, 6));
  6059. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; (1 = relative column index, 0 = absolute column index)
  6060. if (!(0x4000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 6))) {
  6061. $lc = '$' . $lc;
  6062. }
  6063. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; (1 = relative row index, 0 = absolute row index)
  6064. if (!(0x8000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 6))) {
  6065. $lr = '$' . $lr;
  6066. }
  6067. return "$fc$fr:$lc$lr";
  6068. }
  6069. /**
  6070. * Reads a cell range address in BIFF8 for shared formulas. Uses positive and negative values for row and column
  6071. * to indicate offsets from a base cell
  6072. * section 3.3.4
  6073. *
  6074. * @param string $subData
  6075. * @param string $baseCell Base cell
  6076. * @return string Cell range address
  6077. */
  6078. private function readBIFF8CellRangeAddressB($subData, $baseCell = 'A1')
  6079. {
  6080. list($baseCol, $baseRow) = PHPExcel_Cell::coordinateFromString($baseCell);
  6081. $baseCol = PHPExcel_Cell::columnIndexFromString($baseCol) - 1;
  6082. // TODO: if cell range is just a single cell, should this funciton
  6083. // not just return e.g. 'A1' and not 'A1:A1' ?
  6084. // offset: 0; size: 2; first row
  6085. $frIndex = self::getInt2d($subData, 0); // adjust below
  6086. // offset: 2; size: 2; relative index to first row (0... 65535) should be treated as offset (-32768... 32767)
  6087. $lrIndex = self::getInt2d($subData, 2); // adjust below
  6088. // offset: 4; size: 2; first column with relative/absolute flags
  6089. // bit: 7-0; mask 0x00FF; column index
  6090. $fcIndex = 0x00FF & self::getInt2d($subData, 4);
  6091. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; (1 = relative column index, 0 = absolute column index)
  6092. if (!(0x4000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 4))) {
  6093. // absolute column index
  6094. $fc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($fcIndex);
  6095. $fc = '$' . $fc;
  6096. } else {
  6097. // column offset
  6098. $fcIndex = ($fcIndex <= 127) ? $fcIndex : $fcIndex - 256;
  6099. $fc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($baseCol + $fcIndex);
  6100. }
  6101. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; (1 = relative row index, 0 = absolute row index)
  6102. if (!(0x8000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 4))) {
  6103. // absolute row index
  6104. $fr = $frIndex + 1;
  6105. $fr = '$' . $fr;
  6106. } else {
  6107. // row offset
  6108. $frIndex = ($frIndex <= 32767) ? $frIndex : $frIndex - 65536;
  6109. $fr = $baseRow + $frIndex;
  6110. }
  6111. // offset: 6; size: 2; last column with relative/absolute flags
  6112. // bit: 7-0; mask 0x00FF; column index
  6113. $lcIndex = 0x00FF & self::getInt2d($subData, 6);
  6114. $lcIndex = ($lcIndex <= 127) ? $lcIndex : $lcIndex - 256;
  6115. $lc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($baseCol + $lcIndex);
  6116. // bit: 14; mask 0x4000; (1 = relative column index, 0 = absolute column index)
  6117. if (!(0x4000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 6))) {
  6118. // absolute column index
  6119. $lc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($lcIndex);
  6120. $lc = '$' . $lc;
  6121. } else {
  6122. // column offset
  6123. $lcIndex = ($lcIndex <= 127) ? $lcIndex : $lcIndex - 256;
  6124. $lc = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($baseCol + $lcIndex);
  6125. }
  6126. // bit: 15; mask 0x8000; (1 = relative row index, 0 = absolute row index)
  6127. if (!(0x8000 & self::getInt2d($subData, 6))) {
  6128. // absolute row index
  6129. $lr = $lrIndex + 1;
  6130. $lr = '$' . $lr;
  6131. } else {
  6132. // row offset
  6133. $lrIndex = ($lrIndex <= 32767) ? $lrIndex : $lrIndex - 65536;
  6134. $lr = $baseRow + $lrIndex;
  6135. }
  6136. return "$fc$fr:$lc$lr";
  6137. }
  6138. /**
  6139. * Read BIFF8 cell range address list
  6140. * section 2.5.15
  6141. *
  6142. * @param string $subData
  6143. * @return array
  6144. */
  6145. private function readBIFF8CellRangeAddressList($subData)
  6146. {
  6147. $cellRangeAddresses = array();
  6148. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of the following cell range addresses
  6149. $nm = self::getInt2d($subData, 0);
  6150. $offset = 2;
  6151. // offset: 2; size: 8 * $nm; list of $nm (fixed) cell range addresses
  6152. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  6153. $cellRangeAddresses[] = $this->readBIFF8CellRangeAddressFixed(substr($subData, $offset, 8));
  6154. $offset += 8;
  6155. }
  6156. return array(
  6157. 'size' => 2 + 8 * $nm,
  6158. 'cellRangeAddresses' => $cellRangeAddresses,
  6159. );
  6160. }
  6161. /**
  6162. * Read BIFF5 cell range address list
  6163. * section 2.5.15
  6164. *
  6165. * @param string $subData
  6166. * @return array
  6167. */
  6168. private function readBIFF5CellRangeAddressList($subData)
  6169. {
  6170. $cellRangeAddresses = array();
  6171. // offset: 0; size: 2; number of the following cell range addresses
  6172. $nm = self::getInt2d($subData, 0);
  6173. $offset = 2;
  6174. // offset: 2; size: 6 * $nm; list of $nm (fixed) cell range addresses
  6175. for ($i = 0; $i < $nm; ++$i) {
  6176. $cellRangeAddresses[] = $this->readBIFF5CellRangeAddressFixed(substr($subData, $offset, 6));
  6177. $offset += 6;
  6178. }
  6179. return array(
  6180. 'size' => 2 + 6 * $nm,
  6181. 'cellRangeAddresses' => $cellRangeAddresses,
  6182. );
  6183. }
  6184. /**
  6185. * Get a sheet range like Sheet1:Sheet3 from REF index
  6186. * Note: If there is only one sheet in the range, one gets e.g Sheet1
  6187. * It can also happen that the REF structure uses the -1 (FFFF) code to indicate deleted sheets,
  6188. * in which case an PHPExcel_Reader_Exception is thrown
  6189. *
  6190. * @param int $index
  6191. * @return string|false
  6192. * @throws PHPExcel_Reader_Exception
  6193. */
  6194. private function readSheetRangeByRefIndex($index)
  6195. {
  6196. if (isset($this->ref[$index])) {
  6197. $type = $this->externalBooks[$this->ref[$index]['externalBookIndex']]['type'];
  6198. switch ($type) {
  6199. case 'internal':
  6200. // check if we have a deleted 3d reference
  6201. if ($this->ref[$index]['firstSheetIndex'] == 0xFFFF or $this->ref[$index]['lastSheetIndex'] == 0xFFFF) {
  6202. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Deleted sheet reference');
  6203. }
  6204. // we have normal sheet range (collapsed or uncollapsed)
  6205. $firstSheetName = $this->sheets[$this->ref[$index]['firstSheetIndex']]['name'];
  6206. $lastSheetName = $this->sheets[$this->ref[$index]['lastSheetIndex']]['name'];
  6207. if ($firstSheetName == $lastSheetName) {
  6208. // collapsed sheet range
  6209. $sheetRange = $firstSheetName;
  6210. } else {
  6211. $sheetRange = "$firstSheetName:$lastSheetName";
  6212. }
  6213. // escape the single-quotes
  6214. $sheetRange = str_replace("'", "''", $sheetRange);
  6215. // if there are special characters, we need to enclose the range in single-quotes
  6216. // todo: check if we have identified the whole set of special characters
  6217. // it seems that the following characters are not accepted for sheet names
  6218. // and we may assume that they are not present: []*/:\?
  6219. if (preg_match("/[ !\"@#£$%&{()}<>=+'|^,;-]/", $sheetRange)) {
  6220. $sheetRange = "'$sheetRange'";
  6221. }
  6222. return $sheetRange;
  6223. break;
  6224. default:
  6225. // TODO: external sheet support
  6226. throw new PHPExcel_Reader_Exception('Excel5 reader only supports internal sheets in fomulas');
  6227. break;
  6228. }
  6229. }
  6230. return false;
  6231. }
  6232. /**
  6233. * read BIFF8 constant value array from array data
  6234. * returns e.g. array('value' => '{1,2;3,4}', 'size' => 40}
  6235. * section 2.5.8
  6236. *
  6237. * @param string $arrayData
  6238. * @return array
  6239. */
  6240. private static function readBIFF8ConstantArray($arrayData)
  6241. {
  6242. // offset: 0; size: 1; number of columns decreased by 1
  6243. $nc = ord($arrayData[0]);
  6244. // offset: 1; size: 2; number of rows decreased by 1
  6245. $nr = self::getInt2d($arrayData, 1);
  6246. $size = 3; // initialize
  6247. $arrayData = substr($arrayData, 3);
  6248. // offset: 3; size: var; list of ($nc + 1) * ($nr + 1) constant values
  6249. $matrixChunks = array();
  6250. for ($r = 1; $r <= $nr + 1; ++$r) {
  6251. $items = array();
  6252. for ($c = 1; $c <= $nc + 1; ++$c) {
  6253. $constant = self::readBIFF8Constant($arrayData);
  6254. $items[] = $constant['value'];
  6255. $arrayData = substr($arrayData, $constant['size']);
  6256. $size += $constant['size'];
  6257. }
  6258. $matrixChunks[] = implode(',', $items); // looks like e.g. '1,"hello"'
  6259. }
  6260. $matrix = '{' . implode(';', $matrixChunks) . '}';
  6261. return array(
  6262. 'value' => $matrix,
  6263. 'size' => $size,
  6264. );
  6265. }
  6266. /**
  6267. * read BIFF8 constant value which may be 'Empty Value', 'Number', 'String Value', 'Boolean Value', 'Error Value'
  6268. * section 2.5.7
  6269. * returns e.g. array('value' => '5', 'size' => 9)
  6270. *
  6271. * @param string $valueData
  6272. * @return array
  6273. */
  6274. private static function readBIFF8Constant($valueData)
  6275. {
  6276. // offset: 0; size: 1; identifier for type of constant
  6277. $identifier = ord($valueData[0]);
  6278. switch ($identifier) {
  6279. case 0x00: // empty constant (what is this?)
  6280. $value = '';
  6281. $size = 9;
  6282. break;
  6283. case 0x01: // number
  6284. // offset: 1; size: 8; IEEE 754 floating-point value
  6285. $value = self::extractNumber(substr($valueData, 1, 8));
  6286. $size = 9;
  6287. break;
  6288. case 0x02: // string value
  6289. // offset: 1; size: var; Unicode string, 16-bit string length
  6290. $string = self::readUnicodeStringLong(substr($valueData, 1));
  6291. $value = '"' . $string['value'] . '"';
  6292. $size = 1 + $string['size'];
  6293. break;
  6294. case 0x04: // boolean
  6295. // offset: 1; size: 1; 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
  6296. if (ord($valueData[1])) {
  6297. $value = 'TRUE';
  6298. } else {
  6299. $value = 'FALSE';
  6300. }
  6301. $size = 9;
  6302. break;
  6303. case 0x10: // error code
  6304. // offset: 1; size: 1; error code
  6305. $value = PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5_ErrorCode::lookup(ord($valueData[1]));
  6306. $size = 9;
  6307. break;
  6308. }
  6309. return array(
  6310. 'value' => $value,
  6311. 'size' => $size,
  6312. );
  6313. }
  6314. /**
  6315. * Extract RGB color
  6316. *'s Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format, section 2.5.4
  6317. *
  6318. * @param string $rgb Encoded RGB value (4 bytes)
  6319. * @return array
  6320. */
  6321. private static function readRGB($rgb)
  6322. {
  6323. // offset: 0; size 1; Red component
  6324. $r = ord($rgb{0});
  6325. // offset: 1; size: 1; Green component
  6326. $g = ord($rgb{1});
  6327. // offset: 2; size: 1; Blue component
  6328. $b = ord($rgb{2});
  6329. // HEX notation, e.g. 'FF00FC'
  6330. $rgb = sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $r, $g, $b);
  6331. return array('rgb' => $rgb);
  6332. }
  6333. /**
  6334. * Read byte string (8-bit string length)
  6335. * OpenOffice documentation: 2.5.2
  6336. *
  6337. * @param string $subData
  6338. * @return array
  6339. */
  6340. private function readByteStringShort($subData)
  6341. {
  6342. // offset: 0; size: 1; length of the string (character count)
  6343. $ln = ord($subData[0]);
  6344. // offset: 1: size: var; character array (8-bit characters)
  6345. $value = $this->decodeCodepage(substr($subData, 1, $ln));
  6346. return array(
  6347. 'value' => $value,
  6348. 'size' => 1 + $ln, // size in bytes of data structure
  6349. );
  6350. }
  6351. /**
  6352. * Read byte string (16-bit string length)
  6353. * OpenOffice documentation: 2.5.2
  6354. *
  6355. * @param string $subData
  6356. * @return array
  6357. */
  6358. private function readByteStringLong($subData)
  6359. {
  6360. // offset: 0; size: 2; length of the string (character count)
  6361. $ln = self::getInt2d($subData, 0);
  6362. // offset: 2: size: var; character array (8-bit characters)
  6363. $value = $this->decodeCodepage(substr($subData, 2));
  6364. //return $string;
  6365. return array(
  6366. 'value' => $value,
  6367. 'size' => 2 + $ln, // size in bytes of data structure
  6368. );
  6369. }
  6370. /**
  6371. * Extracts an Excel Unicode short string (8-bit string length)
  6372. * OpenOffice documentation: 2.5.3
  6373. * function will automatically find out where the Unicode string ends.
  6374. *
  6375. * @param string $subData
  6376. * @return array
  6377. */
  6378. private static function readUnicodeStringShort($subData)
  6379. {
  6380. $value = '';
  6381. // offset: 0: size: 1; length of the string (character count)
  6382. $characterCount = ord($subData[0]);
  6383. $string = self::readUnicodeString(substr($subData, 1), $characterCount);
  6384. // add 1 for the string length
  6385. $string['size'] += 1;
  6386. return $string;
  6387. }
  6388. /**
  6389. * Extracts an Excel Unicode long string (16-bit string length)
  6390. * OpenOffice documentation: 2.5.3
  6391. * this function is under construction, needs to support rich text, and Asian phonetic settings
  6392. *
  6393. * @param string $subData
  6394. * @return array
  6395. */
  6396. private static function readUnicodeStringLong($subData)
  6397. {
  6398. $value = '';
  6399. // offset: 0: size: 2; length of the string (character count)
  6400. $characterCount = self::getInt2d($subData, 0);
  6401. $string = self::readUnicodeString(substr($subData, 2), $characterCount);
  6402. // add 2 for the string length
  6403. $string['size'] += 2;
  6404. return $string;
  6405. }
  6406. /**
  6407. * Read Unicode string with no string length field, but with known character count
  6408. * this function is under construction, needs to support rich text, and Asian phonetic settings
  6409. *'s Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format, section 2.5.3
  6410. *
  6411. * @param string $subData
  6412. * @param int $characterCount
  6413. * @return array
  6414. */
  6415. private static function readUnicodeString($subData, $characterCount)
  6416. {
  6417. $value = '';
  6418. // offset: 0: size: 1; option flags
  6419. // bit: 0; mask: 0x01; character compression (0 = compressed 8-bit, 1 = uncompressed 16-bit)
  6420. $isCompressed = !((0x01 & ord($subData[0])) >> 0);
  6421. // bit: 2; mask: 0x04; Asian phonetic settings
  6422. $hasAsian = (0x04) & ord($subData[0]) >> 2;
  6423. // bit: 3; mask: 0x08; Rich-Text settings
  6424. $hasRichText = (0x08) & ord($subData[0]) >> 3;
  6425. // offset: 1: size: var; character array
  6426. // this offset assumes richtext and Asian phonetic settings are off which is generally wrong
  6427. // needs to be fixed
  6428. $value = self::encodeUTF16(substr($subData, 1, $isCompressed ? $characterCount : 2 * $characterCount), $isCompressed);
  6429. return array(
  6430. 'value' => $value,
  6431. 'size' => $isCompressed ? 1 + $characterCount : 1 + 2 * $characterCount, // the size in bytes including the option flags
  6432. );
  6433. }
  6434. /**
  6435. * Convert UTF-8 string to string surounded by double quotes. Used for explicit string tokens in formulas.
  6436. * Example: hello"world --> "hello""world"
  6437. *
  6438. * @param string $value UTF-8 encoded string
  6439. * @return string
  6440. */
  6441. private static function UTF8toExcelDoubleQuoted($value)
  6442. {
  6443. return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $value) . '"';
  6444. }
  6445. /**
  6446. * Reads first 8 bytes of a string and return IEEE 754 float
  6447. *
  6448. * @param string $data Binary string that is at least 8 bytes long
  6449. * @return float
  6450. */
  6451. private static function extractNumber($data)
  6452. {
  6453. $rknumhigh = self::getInt4d($data, 4);
  6454. $rknumlow = self::getInt4d($data, 0);
  6455. $sign = ($rknumhigh & 0x80000000) >> 31;
  6456. $exp = (($rknumhigh & 0x7ff00000) >> 20) - 1023;
  6457. $mantissa = (0x100000 | ($rknumhigh & 0x000fffff));
  6458. $mantissalow1 = ($rknumlow & 0x80000000) >> 31;
  6459. $mantissalow2 = ($rknumlow & 0x7fffffff);
  6460. $value = $mantissa / pow(2, (20 - $exp));
  6461. if ($mantissalow1 != 0) {
  6462. $value += 1 / pow(2, (21 - $exp));
  6463. }
  6464. $value += $mantissalow2 / pow(2, (52 - $exp));
  6465. if ($sign) {
  6466. $value *= -1;
  6467. }
  6468. return $value;
  6469. }
  6470. private static function getIEEE754($rknum)
  6471. {
  6472. if (($rknum & 0x02) != 0) {
  6473. $value = $rknum >> 2;
  6474. } else {
  6475. // changes by mmp, info on IEEE754 encoding from
  6476. //
  6477. // The RK format calls for using only the most significant 30 bits
  6478. // of the 64 bit floating point value. The other 34 bits are assumed
  6479. // to be 0 so we use the upper 30 bits of $rknum as follows...
  6480. $sign = ($rknum & 0x80000000) >> 31;
  6481. $exp = ($rknum & 0x7ff00000) >> 20;
  6482. $mantissa = (0x100000 | ($rknum & 0x000ffffc));
  6483. $value = $mantissa / pow(2, (20- ($exp - 1023)));
  6484. if ($sign) {
  6485. $value = -1 * $value;
  6486. }
  6487. //end of changes by mmp
  6488. }
  6489. if (($rknum & 0x01) != 0) {
  6490. $value /= 100;
  6491. }
  6492. return $value;
  6493. }
  6494. /**
  6495. * Get UTF-8 string from (compressed or uncompressed) UTF-16 string
  6496. *
  6497. * @param string $string
  6498. * @param bool $compressed
  6499. * @return string
  6500. */
  6501. private static function encodeUTF16($string, $compressed = '')
  6502. {
  6503. if ($compressed) {
  6504. $string = self::uncompressByteString($string);
  6505. }
  6506. return PHPExcel_Shared_String::ConvertEncoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE');
  6507. }
  6508. /**
  6509. * Convert UTF-16 string in compressed notation to uncompressed form. Only used for BIFF8.
  6510. *
  6511. * @param string $string
  6512. * @return string
  6513. */
  6514. private static function uncompressByteString($string)
  6515. {
  6516. $uncompressedString = '';
  6517. $strLen = strlen($string);
  6518. for ($i = 0; $i < $strLen; ++$i) {
  6519. $uncompressedString .= $string[$i] . "\0";
  6520. }
  6521. return $uncompressedString;
  6522. }
  6523. /**
  6524. * Convert string to UTF-8. Only used for BIFF5.
  6525. *
  6526. * @param string $string
  6527. * @return string
  6528. */
  6529. private function decodeCodepage($string)
  6530. {
  6531. return PHPExcel_Shared_String::ConvertEncoding($string, 'UTF-8', $this->codepage);
  6532. }
  6533. /**
  6534. * Read 16-bit unsigned integer
  6535. *
  6536. * @param string $data
  6537. * @param int $pos
  6538. * @return int
  6539. */
  6540. public static function getInt2d($data, $pos)
  6541. {
  6542. return ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos+1]) << 8);
  6543. }
  6544. /**
  6545. * Read 32-bit signed integer
  6546. *
  6547. * @param string $data
  6548. * @param int $pos
  6549. * @return int
  6550. */
  6551. public static function getInt4d($data, $pos)
  6552. {
  6553. // FIX: represent numbers correctly on 64-bit system
  6554. //
  6555. // Hacked by Andreas Rehm 2006 to ensure correct result of the <<24 block on 32 and 64bit systems
  6556. $_or_24 = ord($data[$pos + 3]);
  6557. if ($_or_24 >= 128) {
  6558. // negative number
  6559. $_ord_24 = -abs((256 - $_or_24) << 24);
  6560. } else {
  6561. $_ord_24 = ($_or_24 & 127) << 24;
  6562. }
  6563. return ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos+1]) << 8) | (ord($data[$pos+2]) << 16) | $_ord_24;
  6564. }
  6565. private function parseRichText($is = '')
  6566. {
  6567. $value = new PHPExcel_RichText();
  6568. $value->createText($is);
  6569. return $value;
  6570. }
  6571. }